Sentences with phrase «list items using»

Many people have yard sales or list items using online classifieds sites.
I can list the items I used in another post so you can find everything!
ordered list - used to create a numbered list -
    (list items use the same tag but are numbered in an ordered list)

Not exact matches

She recommends figuring out where and when you are most engaged and excited to work and use those times to tackle the most important items on your list.
Every day, people list and sell their new or used items on eBay for nearly immediate cash, and so can you.
Even more so, Obama's leadership style in using the moment as a springboard for his message forwards his longer term agenda - meaning as he leaves office at the end of his term, he's accomplished a lot of the items in his leadership bucket list.
You can use this like a checklist each time you write a blog post (or add some of these items to the list you already keep).
To come to their findings the research team asked 78 kids aged nine to eleven to list as many uses as they could think of for common household items like a tin can or newspaper (a standard test of creativity in psychological research).
For its internal budgeting process, and as discussed further below, Cree's management uses financial statements that do not include the items listed below and the income tax effects associated with the foregoing.
While their minds wandered, they were flipping through the list of everyday items, coming up with uses that may have initially escaped them.
Rather than blindly checking off items as they come up, I use my thinking day to review the list and evaluate which ones are truly a priority.
(Though there is a high correlation with this basket of goods and the study's cost - of - living rankings, the items and prices listed are not the same as those used in the index.)
If you have a new laptop, scientific calculator, or other expensive tech item on your wish list, use time to your advantage and set up price alerts now so you buy only when the price is at its lowest point.
I think I used Amazon instead of eBay as I found it easier to list items if others were selling it.
To use your reasoning I guess somewhere in your mind that all Atheist, naturally would be «for» the items you list.
In the list of spiritual armor, we read about the sword, but as we will see when we study that item, it was a short sword used primarily for defense, not offense.
The statues join a seemingly random list of other banned items, like Barbie dolls and anything that uses characters from The Simpsons.
There is a God, and if it is capable of understanding its creations in the way the we understand ourselves (though i doubt it, b / c i imagine that God thinks of us the same way we think of parts in a machine, or items in a ingredients list, that is to say inconsequential and unintelligent) that it would be ashamed of human behaviour of groups and organizations that use belief and religion to justify actions against their fellow man
Use your Gluten Ingredients list to eliminate or mark items in the same way you did in your kitchen.
-LSB-...](follow directions on package) Quinoa (substitute items from the grocery list into this recipe): Main dish: Spinach burgers (use TVP, total vegetable protein for the breadcrumbs, and your fresh -LSB-...]
I know from a distance this concept may appear somewhat outside the box and the ingredient list perhaps is too long, but all of these items are staples and in essence each can be made in large quantities to be use in a myriad of recipes.
I usually use index cards or note on a list what menu item goes into which dish but I wanted to show you above how easily it can be laid out ahead of time.
I like your recipes, they don't have many items listed, fills my curiousity about vegan / vegetarian items (I used to be vegetarian), and I can switch out one or two things since I do eat meat.
You can post standalone items, such as an image (a motivational quote or infographic), lists of stuff (best of), and informational articles — all using the same interface!
A few items I use that I didn't see on your list that I do buy are organic sun - dried tomatoes in olive oil, mirin, and organic tahini which I thought would be ok... I also buy balsamic, rice wine, and red wine vinegar, but I assume you would say these are no - no's, right?
I try to think of them as «list 1 — veg» «list 2 — greens» «list 3 — fruit», and so on, building a salad using one or two items from each list to have a balance in the meal.
I used my homemade taco seasoning for the quinoa stuffed peppers recipe which you can find here but you can also use store - bought taco seasoning -LCB- just check the ingredient list first for any questionable items -RCB-.
So I decided to make a list of my most used items.
I don't use half of the items on the list but need to step it up a bit..
They accept most gently used clothing and toy items for newborns through school aged children, though there are some things they don't take, so be sure to check this list before heading to their main Acushnet drop off location or any of their other locations.
Bookmarking for later A buyer can use the heart on your shop listing as a way of saving an item they like for later.
Now you can add 5 images to your listings here at Folksy there is no excuse not to get in really close and use some of these new image slots to show potential buyers the beautiful details of your handmade items and supplies.
While you may not be traveling as lightly as you used to, and I often joke about my mammoth packing list, the reality is most parents are wise enough to choose a few select items for baby that truthfully don't take up too much room.
Looking at the items listed in your Folksy shop, we're struck by your sensitive use of colours.
Using your non-dominant hand (the hand that you usually do not write with), make a five item to do list.
The above is a list of the things that would come in handy (versus cute novelty items that you'll end up returning or not using), and would provide parents reasonable comfort and convenience.
Alternatively you can use the filter at the bottom of the top content list and just add in the word or even the unique item number if you have lots of similarly named items.
6) I would also love love love love love love to have a statistic for profile views / shop views (as well as individual item listings) and either some internally - provided statistics on where these visits are coming from (even if it's just a simple breakdown like a % that come from «Folksy Search» «Search Engine» «Direct Link») or the ability to use Google Analytics or similar code within our shops
I created a Best Buy Wish List and added items that I would love to have as well as items that I already use and love.
-LSB-...] ones.While you may not be traveling as lightly as you used to, and I often joke about my mammoth packing list, the reality is most parents are wise enough to choose a few select items for baby that truthfully -LSB-...]
Sellers are using the app to very quickly list items for sell on eBay.
We have been using it for the past 2 weeks and it is definitely on the top of my must - have baby items list.
Since many of my friends didn't take the «clear out your basement and give me used stuff» bait, I found many other used items on Craig's List.
While you can get a lot of great use out of all of the items on the list above, we particularly recommend choosing a co sleep pillow, especially if you'll be co sleeping with a newborn baby.
As I use my list and my handy dandy clipboard I find a thrill in marking off my list as each item is found.
You can use this board to organize everyday items such as notes, reminders, or receipts, but I also thought this might be a cool way to plan a project with patterns, fabric swatches, and shopping lists.
Note: When selecting your essentials from the list below and you select any navy or black items, be sure and use the same as your base color you chose above.
Seek help from your partner with some of your normal household responsibilities and use the time when baby sleeps to rest or tackle some of the items on your to - do list.
Unfortunately «tags» are the keywords that are used when listing items and are not the same as the «title».
Use this app to create lists, scan product barcodes, sort items by category, and more to make you the most efficient grocery shopper on the planet.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z