Sentences with phrase «listed by relevance»

In this example, the work experience is listed by relevance to a bartender position instead of chronological format.
Lastly, there's the question of chronological (jobs listed in order by date) or functional (jobs listed by relevance).
Search results are listed by relevance by default but can also be sorted by date.

Not exact matches

You can not only sort all of the results by influence or relevance, but you can also add notes to a link prospect, or add them to your link building task list, where you can keep track of the progress.
Thanks to Sarah Hubbell for pointing out the fact that of the 200 Top Church Blogs listed on Kent Shaffer's Church Relevance site, only six are authored by women (41 include women contributors).
The standard list of contradictions published by the Dawkins loyalists have all been debunked due to intentional twisting of translations or time / cultural relevance.
By the way, Bigelow Organic Green Tea is my favorite green tea to order from Vitacost that you can use in some of the 7 ways listed in my article... just for relevance sake
Co-hosts: Divine Lifestyle • Peachtree Roadies • The Lush List • Jenn's Blah Blah Blog • 1StopMom • The Relevance Report • The Mommyhood Mentor • Posh Classy Mom • Peaches In A Pod • Blog by Donna • Mommy on the Money • Stripes N Vibes • Taffeta & Tulips • Here We Go Again... Ready?
«Long lists of vocabulary words that don't have personal relevance or don't resonate with a topic about which the student has been engaged are likely to be blocked by the brain's affective (or emotional) filters,» writes neurologist and former classroom teacher Judy Willis.
Behind the scenes, the Highlander would send my search term out to Microsoft's Bing search engine, which then sent back a list of matching businesses, organized by distance and relevance.
The list will be prioritized by relevance so that exhibitors can see who the best matches are and will include the tools necessary to reach out and communicate with the buyers at least one month before the SEMA Show takes place.
Having separate lists that group contacts by the type of pet they own or their interests can improve the relevance of the messages you send.
The Fastcase default is to list results by relevance, much as Google would.
Search results are listed in relevance order by default, but you can re-sort the list to fit your research, to prioritize what's important to you in every search.
Find out exactly what your industry values, consult the job description's requirements, list all of your educational experiences on a piece of scratch paper, then filter by importance and relevance.
The next problematic element is her experience: she's missing dates, so it's impossible to know whether she's listing her jobs chronologically, or by relevance.
Priority, determined by relevance to the employer, dictates that design of window and floor displays should be listed before sales.
You may start by making a random list of accomplishments, then rearrange it as you go along depending on weight and relevance to the job you're applying for.
Support your professional aspiration by listing your qualifications, the environment of your previous work assignments, and the relevance of your technical skills and deliverable to the way that the kitchen of the business operates.
Showcase who you are and what you can do for the company you want to work for by listing your skills and strengths with relevance to the company's needs.
An ATS defines the relevance of your document by calculating what words in it match the content in the job listing.
ATS — system, which analyze if candidates resume includes some keywords from the HR's list and sort all the resume, according to the number of matches by the relevance.
See also this full list of Budget information with relevance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health compiled by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet.
In my opinion it is not sufficient compliance as to provide a general list of generic types of evidence which would appear relevant to establishing a connection with the land but do not suggest relevance to the issues raised by s237.
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