Sentences with phrase «listen to people clearly»

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«Master communicators have solid listening skills, the ability to tune into a person with focus and the ability to articulate clearly,» says Cheryl Cran, a management coach and author of «The Art of Change Leadership.»
Even if you can't see it as clearly in scripture as I do, I hope you can at least be open to the possibility that people who thought they were saved, may find out on that day that they really weren't because they didn't listen to Jesus» and Paul's warnings.
It is the life in which one learns to speak the truth «no matter whether a whole people is listening, or only a few individuals,» and learns to speak it quietly and clearly through having been in hell and having returned to the light of day again.
Taking sides or listening to one person blaming another for family circumstances is not helpful, but finding ways to communicate clearly and openly about matters which are barely or never referred to is helpful.
I think God speaks clearly in these times because of his silence it means he has had enough of our ways we havent listened we have gone our own way we havent acted on what his prophets have spoken so he distances himself until such time that we will take him seriously.Thats how it was in the old testament he allowed his people to go into captivity or bondage when they refused to obey his word.We see this pattern repeated over and over for example In Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentnz
After listening to a denial that God inflicts tragedies randomly, the journalist intervened with: «I don't understand what you are trying to say... What you seem to be arguing for is a slot machine God... the suffering that has been imposed upon the people of Haiti, many of them clearly innocent, is random.»
And, I think you should listen and read for comprehension — the «sick minds» comment was obviously about people who agree with the christian pastor wanting to round up lesbians and gays, and I clearly do not!
I very clearly remember as a young person listening to a preacher and the truth dawned on me, «Just because they have authority and say they're right, doesn't necessarily mean they are!»
I sometimes wonder after listening to Arsene Wegner if he was at the same game, because for him to believe that before the second goal the game was close is clearly ridiculous, he then went on to say, he doesn't understand why people are acting like we lost to a team at the bottom of the league, someone should have reminded him of the team losing to Nottingham Forest in the FA cup, really sad that the embarrassment under this delusional old man continues without anyone responsible enough to stop him.
What I find most frustrating though is that people have been reporting these issues in reviews as long as three years ago and despite Mountain Buggy responding to one of these reviews claiming «we listen» clearly aren't!
We already know that Huckabee's counting on viral emails to build support beyond the initial primary states, and this list clearly gives him access to a huge number of potential opinion leaders — the kind of people whose friends and family listen to them.
Plenty of folks have talked about the impending «maturity» (in market terms) of the blogosphere — that the major niches are taken, leaving less room for new voices — yet Eric is clearly finding people to listen to what he has to say.
Whether a confident woman is giving a professional presentation or explaining her feelings during a conflict, she's able to clearly communicate in a way that's simple for people to understand, making others want to listen.
Nothing more irritating to me then listening to people talk about films they havent yet seen — based on previous films they clearly did nt understand?
Clearly, enough of those people (or enough people who have listened to what the Weinsteins want) considered her a Supporting Actress nominee.
«It was clearly evident that the students listened intently to our alumni who were incredibly inspirational with some great advice to our young people
A host of updates to the Tesla Roadster addresses almost every concern we had after spending a week with the electric sports car — this Silicon Valley company is clearly listening to what people have to say.
In any case, your music - listening habits probably do say a lot about you, and Spotify is clearly trying to package that for people who want your money.
In fact, many of the features here are reminiscent of the tools people install custom ROM like Cyanogenmod for, so Google's clearly been listening to its more advanced audience.
• Communicate clearly with all team players and are open to spending time in meetings listening to what people want their electronics to do.
While everyone knows that communication is vital to any healthy relationship, RE teaches skills that allow parents and children to connect to each other in meaningful and satisfying ways, by expressing feelings clearly and actively listening to the other person's perspective, and working together to find solutions that work well for everyone.
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