Sentences with phrase «listen to people like»

The problem I have found is that a number of climate communicators, just wish to communicate to others, not to listen to people like me?
Listen to people like Sir David King, Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government.
If you listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck you can not really find any traditionalist conservative ideas in their world view.
When Mckibben mentioined: «We might even have to consider currently far - fetched schemes to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere», I can only hope the next administration won't listen to people like «Wired» magazine that had a recent article on how ancient forests are contributing to global warming.
So why won't the games media listen to people like me?
I appreciate you coming to the blog and commenting but I advocate for pet parents to not listen to people like you who want the poisons injected into dog's bloodstreams and on their skin.
I can listen to you, who makes her living telling writers how they should write, but has no significant commercial success actually writing, or I can listen to people like Robert Heinlein, Dean Wesley Smith, and Kris Rusch, who have had major and sustained commercial success and whose principles have sustained writers for generations.
It makes me sick to listen to people like Morse and Mitt Romney, who attack, attack, attack, whine about getting it back.
«I listen to people like the boss here (Roy Hodgson), Gary Neville, people who talk a lot of sense and can help me with my game.»
You can look to your bronze age holy books for yoour gauidance in life... we non belivers will use our common sense and listen to people like Albert Einstien..
One of the best things about Jim Wallis's book is that it calls us to listen to people like Mary Jackson when reflecting on the woes of the inner cities.
I am actually horrified that I used to listen to people like Limbaugh, much less believe they had anything to offer in the way of political discourse.

Not exact matches

A recent study from the Wake Forest School of Medicine and the University of North Carolina found that listening to music can help people focus their attention, but — and here's the catch — only if it's music they like.
Plus, these people will become your first brand advocates, especially if you listen to their input and they like the product.
Over the past 35 years, he's learned the value of listening to people — even when they don't like what he plans to do.
Act like a great journalist: Great journalists have excellent active listening techniques to get people to talk.
«The vast majority of people still like to be told what to listen to,» says Mark Mulligan, a media and technology analyst and managing director of Midia Research in the U.K. (Indeed, that Nielsen survey revealed 61 % of Americans still find out about new music through traditional and satellite radio.)
If you constantly surround yourself with people who believe just like you do, then you are hearing the same conversations, and you are not growing, and you are not learning to be open to perspectives,» Canaday cautions, so consciously seek out diverse voices and listen deeply to what they have to say.
So if people happened to listen to a lot of John Coltrane over a two - week period, Release Radio would presumably recommend newly released jazz to users and not music that is completely unrelated like the latest from pop star Katy Perry.
But they don't like to receive voicemails (it's a lot quicker to read a text than it is to listen to the person talking to you).
For instance, you might place an ad with Spotify if that's where they listen to music or on Hulu if they're fans of shows like «The Mindy Project» and «Difficult People
When asked about his longer - term strategy for Hitachi, the chief executive said: «Listen to all of the people's opinions, not only internal but also external opinions [and] imagine [how things will be like] five years later.
If you can't directly survey the people you are trying to reach, you can gain insight into their language online: Read the same publications or blogs they do; listen in on conversations on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn; and use keyword research tools (like Google AdWords or Keyword Discovery) to see exactly what terms people are using in searches.
There is no easier way to get people to like and respect you than to listen intently.
«Plus, people don't like to listen to something more than once, it's onerous to license the content... and there's not a whole lot of money in streaming standup.
When people know that they are valued, listened to, and recognized for their accomplishments, they are more at ease and more open to discussing what they'd like to do better and why.
If there's a consistent characteristic about most people who work out, it's that they usually like something to listen to while breaking a sweat.
People who make a great first impression listen closely to everyone, and they make all of us, regardless of our position or social status or «level,» feel like we have something in common with them.
As long as people like hearing ourselves talk, chatbots are going to be an increasingly effective way for businesses to listen.
According to podcast host and Tribe of Mentors author, Tim Ferriss, «ayahuasca is like having a cup of coffee here... I have to avoid people at parties because I don't want to listen to their latest three - hour saga of kaleidoscopic colors.»
As we can see in this chart from Statista, based off data from NPR and Edison Research, 36 % of people don't buy smart speakers because they don't like the idea of a device always listening to them.
Something that really hit home for me in the book is you said something like, «Personal finance writers believe that if people would just listen carefully to our advice, everything would be fine.»
Be yourself and share sparingly about the product, and people who know, like and trust you will begin to lean in and listen.
I still say to myself when I am depressed and find myself forced to listen to pompous and tiresome people: «Well, I have done one thing you could never have done, and that is to have collaborated with Littlewood and Ramanujan on something like equal terms.»
That so many more people will listen to the likes of Glenn Beck is the problem.
When people like you try to insist that they know the TRUTH and that ALL MUST OBEY what they believe or burn, I just don't even bother to listen anymore.
We need more people like you to speak out and give us the facts instead of listening to those that speak from the sidelines but not willing to see the point.
People like you only listen to what your pastor reads to you or tells you to read, anyway.
Offering comfort by listening and allowing the dying to express their understanding of the Divine (God, for me) by talking of family and love is the ultimate expression, in my opinion, of what a real person of God should be like, especially at the end.
Listen, I KNOW your whole thing is about drawing people in with inflammatory pieces then encouraging comments for EVERY article so we'll waste our time on your site (like I'm about to do no more) but TRY, just try to remember that you were credible once.
Why on Earth would a dying person want to listen to the psychotic ramblings of a schizophrenic, talking about something like a god?
But in an open forum like this, with vigorous discussion, people willing listen or at least argue, and possibly people who are on a journey to or from faith, I think it's an appropriate discussion to have — although it sometimes gets a bit heated.
People listen to preachy people like you quite often, yet you prefer not to be questioned or called to heel evPeople listen to preachy people like you quite often, yet you prefer not to be questioned or called to heel evpeople like you quite often, yet you prefer not to be questioned or called to heel ever....
In the time of Christ there was not a Jew or person alive that would listen to a man that was 32 years old and never married, he would have been avoided like the plague.
You can approach it as a scientist, seeking to categorize, systematize, and organize it, or you can approach it like a person who sits in their backyard, listening to the birds and watching the sunset.
Thankfully, Jesus is using people like me (and millions of others in the same boat) to show these people who have stopped attending church that there is wonderful way of following Jesus as part of His Body, the church, which does not involve sitting in a pew on Sunday morning and listening to a sermon.
When, in the history of the church, has someone like me ever had anything remotely resembling a voice that people can listen to?
«Some people really only listen to one genre of music, so it's good for those people to be like, «Oh, I'm looking for more indie - rock to listen to or something.»
Jesus wanted people with humble hearts who weren't afraid to turn from their sin and love of the world to follow him, to listen to his commands and become more like him daily.
For me to know whether or not my words have meaning or «power», I would have to leave the delusional world of «just feeling like zeus is wonderful» to what are the reasons people reject zeus and listen to them without a biased ear.
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