Sentences with phrase «listen to their advice when»

We put on a good unbeaten run, have anomalous games like this one on the rare occasion, and then the hapless Wenger reverts to type, starts making irrational decisions, doesn't listen to advice when things start going wrong, and then things get progressively worse, as other teams put their foot on the accelerator, and our wheels come off.

Not exact matches

We visited the top consumer websites, listened to actual product owners, and considered advice from dentists and dental hygienists when making our decisions.
«The best advice I've ever received was from my father when I was 12 years old and willing to listen.
Carter offers advice in this vein, reminding readers that while it's always smart to listen to your gut when you feel real fear, hesitating and waffling is generally a sign that's it time to embrace whatever you're worried about.
The FDA isn't compelled to listen to its advisers» advice, but typically does, especially when the recommendation is so lopsided.
«The federal government listened to Rhys Kesselman before when they created TFSAs, and they should heed the advice of the country's leading authority on TFSAs now.
Back when I was a relative newbie to the marketing industry, I listened to some bad advice — NOT to ask folks who wanted to join my subscribers» list for their first name.
A hand that offers practical support, a listening ear, words of advice when the Spirit guides us to share it, and the revolutionary acts of love that hold people accountable while also letting them know that you are with them through it all are what we should display.
Dorothy Sayers, around the same time, penned the lines, «This is the war we always knew,... / When no allies are left, no help to count upon from alien hands, / No waverers remain to woo, no more advice to listen to, / And only England stands.»
It's advice I'm choosing to, or trying to, listen to because I am happier when I do.
Then, when the muffins emerged, looking sad and unadorned, I was kicking myself for not listening to my own advice.
It also seems that AW is actually listening to the advice of our new fitness expert in terms of allowing players time to work into fitness, as opposed to the way we used to just throw them back into the starting XI as soon as they are no longer injured, then all were surprised when they break down injured again 3 games into their comeback.
Are you really naive enough to believe that Wenger would bring anyone into this current locker room that is going to be given a strong voice... have you not been watching, listening or reading about our club for years... Lehman is a blind Wenger follower, which is the only reason he was even considered... just for a second think of all the strong personalities that have played for this club that have never been seriously considered even though they have expressed legitimate interest in participating in the coaching process... even worse, think of all the former greats who aren't even allowed on the same pitch as Wenger because they have offered their advice and / or criticism to the infallible one... I dare you to find a manager that has distanced himself from his former players as much as this man... it's the very reason why only one player I can think of has ever returned to play for Wenger and that was Flamini, which was hilarious considering we were desperately looking for a top quality defensive midfielder but Wenger could somehow find no one better than Flamini in the whole wide world... let's face it this club was simply trying to appease it's disgruntled fans by declaring that Wenger would no longer be given Ca rte Blanche when it came to the backroom staff so they probably asked him to give them a list of those who he would allow in the locker room... on that list he wrote Lehman, Pires and Bergkamp, likely because the first two are the only former players who haven't publicly questioned his horrible decision - making and the last one because he won't get in an airplane
He or she has stuck by you during your most trying times, makes chicken soup when you are sick, takes you to lots of fun events, listens and offers advice when you're confused, gives you a shoulder to cry on when you were sad, understands you like no one else does.
And my best advice: Actually listen to the nurses and staff when they tell you that this hospital stay will soon become just a blip in your memory.»
If you are standing on the sidelines with or near your ex, remember the advice you give your child to «be nice» by trying to avoid nasty verbal exchanges or vocalizing the negative thoughts you may be thinking about your ex when your child is listening (and they are always listening).
Learn what you should do when someone gives you unwelcome parenting advice, including how to respond and when you should listen.
So, bringing her to a dermatologist would be something that she would be happy about since she've got to listen to skin care advice coming from experts and your daughter loves it when she looks pretty and presentable not only to herself but the public as well.
When my friends who are married to husbands from other countries called to get advice about blending holiday traditions or vent about that cultural difference with the in - laws, I listened gladly, knowing they had no one else that could understand.
The best advice I can give is listen to your child's cues and know when they are ready they will let you know, and take all advice with a grain of salt.
Even still, it's important to know when you should listen to your mom for parenting advice, and when you should politely smile and nod while letting whatever she's telling you fly out of your other ear.
I try to remember that I really didn't appreciate listening to unsolicited advice, especially when I'm talking to pregnant friends and other new moms.
The more advice and knowledge I have will help me listen to my own instincts when the time comes.
When we are trying our best, listening to our doctor's advice and giving our all to our children, any kind of negative feedback can really sting.
When you consider that baby spent 40 weeks growing inside mom's body listening to her heartbeat and the variety of other noises a body makes, this advice actually makes a lot of sense.
«Sleep when the baby sleeps» is wise advice that I should have listened to better when I was a first - time mom.
The best advice I can give is to do your best to pump as long as you can, but listen to your gut to know when it's time to stop.
The friend who is really interested will listen and then go home to do her own research... calling later with questions and for advice when she is ready to buy.
Then they listened attentively when I talked to another new mom offering breastfeeding advice and support over the phone.
Give your son prizes when he is able to learn the process and show inclination to listen to your advices regarding that.
Experienced mothers and medical professionals all have their place, when it comes to listening to well - intentioned advice.
«He constantly helped me to do my job better and when I hear him give advice I stop and I listen.
Instead, Linares listened to the advice of others and thought that he would win primary for US Congress, even when the Dominican leaders and community were not with him.
I think many scientists don't understand fully that when you've delivered your advice to a leader as best you can, and they've integrated your information fairly and listened carefully and they make a decision that you might not agree with, you've done your job.
While your child is still under your care, that is, she / he is still at the age when they'll take your advice and listen to what you think is best, then try to instill in them a sense of the value of real food.
I decided I would visit this Ayurvedic doctor and see what she had to say, I was never considering even taking her advice to be honest, sorry if you are listening but it was just sort of like a thing that you do when you go to a place.
When politicians start recommending a plant based diet, I will start listening to their advice about transportation and maybe stop driving 4 wheel drive
So for anyone who is hesitant on listening to Sara's advice on reverse dieting so that you can eat your maintenance calories every day, please listen to me when I say it was the BEST CHOICE along with starting to lift weights instead of relying on cardio to lose weight.
The best advice that anyone can give you, ever, when it comes to your body is just to listen.
Even if they appear to put up a fight when you offer advice, they are listening and evaluating inside.
Listening to your body and heeding the advice of running experts are the first steps to recognizing when you might be setting yourself up for injury by overdoing it and letting your engine outpace your chassis.
Thank you for listening to me, being a sounding board, giving me advice, and always being willing to pick up the phone when I just need to talk.
For example, if your Costa Rican wife asks you to argue with your parents & if you listen to her advice, maybe you won't receive your parents» money in the future; if your Costa Rican mistress tells you to divorce your wife, you probably wouldn't do it when you realize that half of your money will become your wife's, particularly when your wife is also your business partner.
My advice is to be specific, and to do this, you must listen to the student when they describe the work.
Although the peer counselors are instructed to never give advice, school officials believe that the students, who are taught to listen, paraphrase, offer options, and refer their peers to adult counselors when necessary, can help their classmates overcome small problems before they...
«The Acknowledge Alliance staff person on site improved my overall well - being with her positivity, support, and willingness to listen and provide advice or insight when needed.
The most important piece of advice I received when I started attending writers groups and listening to seasoned writers, was to «show, not tell» your story.
So I think that smart writers would do well to listen when free advice like this is passed along.
I don't know why exactly I listen and allow myself to be talked out of it when none of them have even tried a Kindle and have no experience to base this advice on!
I think it's important when listening to the great investors — even Buffett — to keep in mind this math when you hear ubiquitous investment advice and generally accepted wisdom regarding turnover, investment time frames and holding periods.
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