Sentences with phrase «listen to their children when»

Listen to your child when he or she is feeling rejected.
The authors advise readers to focus on and listen to their children when they have a problem.
Similarly, a parent who does all 7 but then stops listening to the child when he or she starts speaking (versus crying) or provides only conditional love is no longer fostering secure attachment.
Listen to your child when they share something with you.
The authors advise readers to focus on and listen to their children when they have a problem.

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Stress the importance of customer service, and encourage your child to listen to and accommodate special requests when needed.
When I was 7 years old, my dad used to listen to a CD with me called For Our Children, which was a compilation of kids music performed by Bob...
You do not need a god to understand love... just look in a young child's eyes when listen to their mother or father.or consider the intense feelings of closeness and harmony between two people in love... young or old.
And this is not the first of their children to die for the same reason: Read about it here: When will theists give up and admit that no one is listening when you pWhen will theists give up and admit that no one is listening when you pwhen you pray.
When the Pro-Life side takes financial responsibility for the pre-natal care, childcare, medical care and education of my child then I'll consider listening to them.
In praise of quietly reading Scripture at the kitchen table with crumbs under my feet and of listening to my children sing their songs to Jesus when they think I'm not listening.
The wife who can sympathize and soothe when her husband comes home from work shattered and angry, and the husband who can listen without being threatened or critical when his wife has had a bad day with the children, are satisfying their own need to be needed as well as the other's need to be temporarily dependent.
But either way, when you hear what I am talking about in this episode, you might be encouraged to gather your children around anyway and have them listen to this episode as well.
Please explain why a mother might not get confused when listening to your religious poison and decide to guarantee her childrens future even though she might understand she's throwing away her own, as you say, she's not God so it would be wrong for her to take her childrens lives.
The Archbishop added: «Apologies given years later are unlikely to be satisfactory, but I want you to know that for my part I am deeply ashamed for those times when the church has failed to either listen or to act where children were at serious.»
Sabi God is not surprised by our actions disappointed maybe just like in a family when the fathers children do the wrong thing.The amazing thing with God is that is sovereign and all the mistakes we make he uses them to build up our faith or if we refuse to listen he will discipline us for our good.
As I sat and listened, her story came out about her parents dying when she was a young child and being sent to boarding school where she was sexually abused by girls there.
So when he listens to Cliff Richard albums he recalls playing with his grandparents» dog by their living room fire as a child.
Children basically want to please their parents when they feel loved and listened to.
And yet, when the children are asleep, breathing evenly beside me, and I just sit quietly and take a moment and listen to the distant sounds of urban life - the hum of traffic, the tumbling dryer, the buzz of a million lives outside my door - I feel a part of the flow and the struggle and the healing, I know that my life has meaning, and just for a heartbeat I get to understand it.
When we take the time to take a breath and notice our surroundings, whether it be the changing colours of leaves or listening to the different sounds of birds, we slowly begin to introduce a sense of awe and wonder to our children.
Toddlers and small children may not listen to you when you say to avoid animals and may also not report a bite.
When we stepped away from that and enter into a deepest state of presence, then we entered into the present moment, then we can understand who is our child in the present moment, listen to them with different years, with a different understanding, different insight and attuned to them in a completely different way.
We have a natural instinct to teach our children to succeed, but when we show up to do the intense listening, ask the hard questions, and make the choices, instead of expecting our kids to do these things for themselves, it teaches them precisely nothing — except that we'll always be there to live their lives for them.
When a child is left to cry alone, however, that infant does not suddenly realize, «oh, I'm being silly... mommy and daddy are downstairs listening to me on the monitor and will come up later».
Try to spend as much quality time with them as possible and really listen when your children tell you about their days; or when your husband's football team wins the playoffs.
One survey taker explained, «It's not my preferred method, but in a dangerous situation, when the child isn't listening, it gets their attention and is a physical reminder to make a better choice next time.»
If your child doesn't listen well when you ask them to stop doing something, chances are that they react the same way when other people make the same request.
Similarly, if your child falls asleep every night listening to a particular CD, he'll wonder what happened when he wakes at night and doesn't hear the music, and he may not be able to drop off again easily.
They are much more available to listen to their child, really hear what the child is saying, when they themselves feel okay.
Although you should at least listen to the concerns of your pediatrician and weigh them against your own information, when it comes down to it, you know what's best for your child.
Some parents may even decide to create a warning sign to notify the child when they're about to stop listening because of their whiningsuch as pulling on the ears or covering the ears and mocking being in pain.
For instance, a child who doesn't listen when told not to throw a ball around in the house and breaks a lamp may have to give up allowance money or do extra chores to help pay for a replacement; a child who is told not to ride her bicycle in the street but does so anyway may have the bike taken away for the rest of the day.
For a parent to respond to their child with sensitivity and attentiveness — even when, at times, it presents many challenges — there needs to be a recognition on the parent's part that the child needs to feel safe and secure, be nurtured, listened to, and have close physical contact.
If your main concern is that your child isn't listening to you or paying attention when you're doing an activity together, you may want to take a look at whether or not you could be contributing to the issue.
When they suddenly become the one that has to change diapers, mend broken hearts, and listen as their children recount the actions of the playground bully, they have to learn to be gentle.
I will NEVER listen to another man again when it comes to MY children!
In the end, your efforts to look for a quiet environment and listen to the heartbeat will pay off when you hear that strong insistent beat of your child alive and kicking.
If you are standing on the sidelines with or near your ex, remember the advice you give your child to «be nice» by trying to avoid nasty verbal exchanges or vocalizing the negative thoughts you may be thinking about your ex when your child is listening (and they are always listening).
It's important for our children to know we are there to listen to them when they need to get something off their mind — big or small.
When you can listen to your child cry, whine, stomp, kick, groan and argue over something he wants and yet not give in, you have grown as a parent.
Encourage the caregiver to stay with your child when she's upset, and to listen to and support your child's feelings.
Positive discipline teaches good behavior by correcting child's actions, by showing respect when listening to child's opinion, setting boundaries, consistency and cooperation.
My husband fought with me to force the children into their own beds even when I felt naturally inclined to listen to my childrens» fears.
When your children get into a fight, keep your sense of humor, listen to both kids without taking sides, empathize, and help them work out a win / win solution.
When our children feel connected and included, they are more willing to cooperate and listen.
Once you're a mom, you're that child's advocate and um, especially of course early on and in those early years when they can't verbalize or always verbalize what they need that listen to your child, get in tune with them so you can be their advocate and also realize that um, your child may have a different temperament than you do and it doesn't make them wrong and it doesn't make you wrong but get to know them and enjoy that child and the blessing of who they were created to be.
This book emphasizes the importance of allowing our children to have a voice, and discusses some of the consequences that often show up later on when we don't listen to or respect our children as people during the early years.
When you read, pause and ask questions or make comments about the pictures and the things that happen in the book, and just as importantly, listen to your child's answers.
What to do when you've repeated yourself 50 times and your child is still not listening and is instead ramping up for an epic meltdown?
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