Sentences with phrase «listen to their ideas so»

To provide strong technical support for my techs and listen to their ideas so as a team we can accomplish the tasks at hand and move forward.

Not exact matches

Though sparking students» curiosity and whetting their appetite for the world of energy is crucial, so is listening to their expectations and paying attention to their creative ideas.
So it's important to listen to everyone that has an idea.
You should listen to this interview for ideas on how to get to product / market fit, how to measure fit, and how to survey your users so you can improve fit.
Maybe the Holy Spirit is at work around the world to bring multiple authors and pastors and theologians to similar ideas about similar things all at once, and so when I read something in someone else's book that sounds a lot like something I have written, but they don't give me credit, it is not that they «borrowed» from me, but because both of us were listening to what the Spirit has been whispering to minds all over the world.
So yes this idea of strong anchors derived from the bible with applied theology being something I think they had difficulty welcoming and listening to, not unlike you talk of with your experience of the Vineyard.
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
We are not powerless and fearful, not us: and so I pray and I work; I make coffee in the morning and hot meals to gather around the table at suppertime; I worship and sing out words of promise and praise; I raise children and read good books; I pray for my enemies and write letters and send money and show up to fold clothes and drop off meals with an extra bag of groceries; I advocate with the marginalized and amplify the oppressed and antagonize the Empire with a grin on my face; I will honour those who get after the work of the Kingdom and celebrate; I learn how to listen to those with whom I disagree; I abandon the idea that we can baptize sinful practices in the name of sacred purposes; I will stand in the middle of the field near my house with my face turned up to the rain and consider it a minor baptism.
Essentially he is paid to prattle on for hours a day so the drones who listen to him can repeat his inane ideas as though they were their own.
The simplest example is when somebody, loaded with perplexities and half - grasped ideas, is talking to someone else, and that someone else, after listening, says something which gathers it all up, focuses it, and so opens a way forward.
As worlds of gods and men are, for the Buddhist, consciousness, ruled by everlasting necessity, so also are the worlds of ideas and of verities: for these, too, there is one, and only one necessary form of knowledge and expression, and the thinker does not make this form but he adopts what is ready to hand... and thus those endless repetitions accumulate which Buddha's disciples were never tired of listening to anew, and always honouring afresh as the necessary garb of holy thought.18
I applaud people who have chosen that path and stick to it, and I must say I find it intensely tedious to listen to those cynical «vegan - bashers» who think they are amusing as they snark away at vegans without having any idea why they are even doing so, other than being threatened by something they don't understand, or by some vague aversion they have to any spiritual - sounding practice or «liberal - hippie - sounding» philosophy.
I tried to think back to the hours I spent as an angsty eighth grader staring at my ceiling until an idea for a drawing came to me, doing nothing but listening to music and painting candle holders, drawing until I was so bored I actually wanted to practice violin.
For so long now, Wenger has totally and arrongantly dismissed any suggestions, ideas, critisisms etc and refused to listen to others.
yet I've had one of the strongest opinions on the matter here, and I have to listen to NBC broadcasters, so I have no idea what the bias is that you are talking about.
He has no idea how to analyse and critique a team so comes out with some headline grabbing shite to sound interesting — I would sooner listen to Christopher Biggins analysis
To become great, ideas need to mingle and swap, so share what you're doing and listen to what they're doinTo become great, ideas need to mingle and swap, so share what you're doing and listen to what they're dointo mingle and swap, so share what you're doing and listen to what they're dointo what they're doing.
So the idea is, listen, let's give them the basic foundation so that they know the health benefits and everything to breastfeedinSo the idea is, listen, let's give them the basic foundation so that they know the health benefits and everything to breastfeedinso that they know the health benefits and everything to breastfeeding.
if you work how do you feel when no one listens to your needs or ideas or you ask your boss for a deserving raise but are ignored... how's that make YOU feel to be ignored... but u are an adult and not totally helpless also so obviously it's worse when you're totally helpless.
And Parenting Idea's own Michael Grose will share his insights into what makes boys tick; what drives boys; boy - friendly confidence - building strategies and how to manage boys so they'll listen to you.
It was so fun listening to my children tell the story and add in their own ideas and characters.
SUNNY GAULT: Yeah, so, if you guys are listening and you want us to do a specific episode just email it to me and I'll totally check it out and lot of our really good episode ideas have come from that.
I've heard some of the stuff about, you know keep the pump parts cold, so that way you know keeps everything more you know, sanitarian stuff like that but I love the idea of saying to the baby sitter listen this is the time I'm planning to be home and within you know, the baby starts to cry or you know, you think the baby is hungry within 30 to 45 minutes me coming home wait, wait because I haven't pumped in a while and there's nothing more frustrating than coming home and your baby is full.
Always a good idea to listen to the body, so I made this tasty strawberry smoothie.
Even listening to a qualified personal trainer could be a bad idea if you want the best muscle building and fat loss results, as the reality is that almost anyone can get qualified as a trainer and get a piece of paper that says you know your stuff, but many so - called professionals aren't taught the first thing about effective, science - based muscle building program design, let alone having got great results themselves.
The Endocrinologist wouldn't listen to me when he had me at 224mcg of name Brand synthroid for 3 years and I told him it wasn't working and still felt like crap so I stopped taking it bad idea... I have been on levothyorix and synthroid over the years.
So I mention in podcast episode one, I was like, «You know, I've been playing around with this idea of starting a podcast, but I wasn't really sure because I was like who's going to listen to it?
(I have no idea where I got the «God» thing but I think it sounds sort of final and fatalistic to say, and people seem to dig it — their eyes widen in fear or they laugh, so I know they are at least listening.)
I wish I could offer you a magical eraser that would quickly clear out all of these ideas so you could more easily focus on listening to your body, but the reality is that it will take time and effort for you to let go of all these ideas.
This is really going to come as no surprise okay, but the idea is that fast foods are not as good for your body as real foods, okay so if that comes as a surprise to you, then I am happy that you are listening to this because you need to understand this information.
I kind of liked the idea of not thinking about where to shoot and what to do, so I'm gonna listen to him more often, I think.
After listening to her and Caroline speak, I came home and wrote down a little about my blog and my brand so I can make sure to never lose sight of my original plans and ideas for my blog.
They don't listen to what the internet say (and anyway, Metroid never sold great, so it only proves that letting the internet tell you what to do is just not a good idea)
So if you'd like a better idea of whatever this filming experience turned out to be, you can listen to some of Wiseau's greatest Room hits below, and then imagine Franco directing the likes of Seth Rogen, Bryan Cranston, and Sharon Stone — yes, they're all in The Disaster Artist — while attempting to create such a distinct, likely distracting impersonation.
In fact, the idea was so off - the - wall that when Kurt Russell proposed a shared universe that would bring together signature characters played by himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis, no one really wanted to listen to him.
In high school, my ideas matured, and I imagined how I would rewire my stereo system so I could listen to it throughout the house, or how I could entice a girl named Barb to go out with me on Friday night.
Instructional Designers are looking for a great experience, so if your company is known for having strong values of respect, listening to employee ideas, having fun, and using modern systems of getting things done — any one of these cultural aspects could influence the candidate to choose you over another company.
We must take measures to ensure intentional opportunities for students to engage in visual interpretation with increased processing time for ELs, deliberate modeling and use of science genres to practice scientific communication skills, and whole class dialogue so students can evaluate their own justifications as they listen and compare their ideas with others.
The idea must be so controversial or compelling that a motorist who listens to the show while driving gets angry enough that he pulls over to the side of the road, whips out... [Read more...]
So I just had my website / blog designed for me by Heather Goff, who did a fantastic job listening to my vague ideas and turning them into something usable.
They frequently are so busy with their thoughts and ideas and what they want to say that they really never listen to and process sufficiently what others are saying.
If you would like to see what book we have already read, or what might be coming up or if you just need some ideas on what classics to read, visit our bookshelf: We don't have our podcast anymore, but if you want to go back and listen to our previous episodes, you can do so via itunes you can do so here: itpc: / / Old Blog
Even if your members are used to being part of group discussions and are good at listening to each other, it can still be a good idea to have somebody lead the meeting, in part to make sure that everyone's voices get heard but also to come prepared with thoughts on what topics would be good to discuss, so if the conversation starts to run dry in one area, the leader can redirect to more fertile areas.
I also found it fascinating and helpful to listen to him talk about coming up with «the great idea,» something that's not so easy to do,» Danforth explained.
Edward Nawotka, Editor in Chief at Publishing Perspectives, my host for Ether for Authors on Tuesdays, in It's Time Publishing Tries Something Radical to Entice Readers, has the kind of idea that needs to be mentioned over and over and over before a business like publishing — so busy celebrating its crises — stops to listen.
It is so encouraging when you listen to someone who has struggled just like you and who has made it to the big - time... or someone who has a quirky approach... or someone whose ideas can help and inspire you to succeed.
Now, you can meet them and listen to their best ideas, learning more and asking questions from the comfort of your home or office... gaining new ideas for marketing your book so you can sell more copies — whether it's self - published or not.
How to listen to, and delete, your Google Now voice history (Techcrunch) Google, we had not idea you were saving so much info on us!
Irving Kahn, like Walter Schloss, is another disciple of Ben Graham (he was an employee at Graham's firm), so it is very useful to listen to his ideas.
So before you finish your holiday shopping, listen to their ideas.
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