Sentences with phrase «listeners little bit more»

With that being said, do you wan na give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and your current focus?
So anybody who is interested in finding out about that should come to that, but do you want to tell the listeners little bit more about what the «Taste of TECHSHOW Dinners» are all about?
Stephanie, with that being said, do you wan na give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and your focus?
Before we dive into a discussion about going full time as a writer, just tell the listeners a little bit more about you and the books in your series.
So why don't you tell the listeners a little bit more about where they can find you and some of your marine phytoplankton and other supplements as well.
Wendy Myers: So Michael, why don't you tell the listeners a little bit more about where they can find you and what you're up to these days.

Not exact matches

Things that have made your breastfeeding and your pumping experiences much better, and we think our listeners should know a little bit more about this.
Imagine how much it might mean to a friend if you took a few moments to try to learn a little bit about what she or he is going through so that you can be a more supportive listener?
This is a great segway into kind of let the listeners know a little bit more about you.
So in general just kinda going back and letting the listeners know a little bit more about your history in case they're coming into a this a little bit late.
When I put on pants I get a little bit more professional so usually, I think a podcast listener could probably tell you know, and you tell me, folks listening in, you know, whether or not I'm wearing pants just based off of how professional versus unprofessional I actually am.
In the introduction, I talk about my current fiction rebranding for Ancient Mystery, Modern Thrill and tell you a bit about my protagonist Morgan Sierra as I have been challenged by a listener to reveal a little more.
Sam: Fair warning for the listeners, we are going to geek out a little bit about Mac stuff, potentially more than just a little, but one of the reasons I'm having Katie on is because she just went out on her own and is starting her own practice and so that's really interesting to talk about too, but Katie, maybe first, tell us a little bit more about Mac Power Users.
Sam Glover: And fair warning for listeners, we are going to geek out a little bit about Mac stuff, potentially more than just a little.
All right so before we finish up here just one last question for you Linda, for our listeners out there who want to follow up with you and learn a little bit more, how can they reach out to you?
I am the Medical Sales Recruiter, and I have asked Chris Norris, who's a sales manager, sales trainer, vice-president of sales and marketing — he'll tell you a little bit more about that — to come back and speak to you, my listeners, about the behavioral event interview.
So would you like to introduce yourself to our listeners and tell us a little bit more about what is it that you do?
James: So, I've given our listeners a brief introduction but before we start, would you like to introduce yourself properly and tell us a little bit more about what it is you do as a Student Recruitment Manager at EY?
My husband isn't the best listener in the world and it does try me crazy, but instead of getting all angry I will simply remind him that I am talking and that it would speak to my love languages in a little bit of a better way if he would get rid of his distractions for a while and pay a little more attention to me.
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