Sentences with word «listlessly»

Do you get a nagging feeling that the few who do attend are sitting there listlessly, as if they are waiting for the torture to end?
Having priorities in the work you do will allow you to complete it, instead of listlessly half - finishing projects because you know there's a whole month to go.
While standing gazing down at a floor installation of a configuration of stuffed animals and objects listlessly propped up, the sounds of several video works clashing into one another waft through the air and act like strings tying one work to another despite the discrepancies in their form, content and, the time period in which they were made.
Dressed in a lab coat, White ripped through six classics, as he swayed listlessly into the delirious crowd.»
One lies listlessly, then treks from headset to headset as dutifully as a march up the Guggenheim's assembly - line ramp.
Literally, you either hit triggers and buttons to dodge and attack either way in a canned quick - time event, or you dodge and return fire after the beasts listlessly charge at you.
Parched from lying listlessly in the sun for two hours, I inched off my towel and headed towards a water fountain I had passed on the way in.
You tell him he is a good boy and his tail wags listlessly as his hind leg comes up again to scratch.
But every time I considered it, memories of Mookie convulsing, his clouded eyes staring listlessly at nothing, jerked me back to my senses.
The CR - V listlessly wallows around corners, making the vehicle tiresome to drive.
Even when children listlessly spend hours each day watching television, this is not evidence that those particular children don't have the «feel successful» job to do.
Hulk: [Listlessly biting into giant gourd.]
Winner of the Special Jury Prize at Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland last year, it's a rare look into a playground where everyone seems to be listlessly on their mobile phones, nothing is unaffordable, and falcon auctions are live, big - screen TV events.
They all stand around listlessly waiting to be cut down, and almost all the bosses can be beaten in one hit if you save up the game's other special move for the encounter.
Lurking behind this lack of telling detail seems to be an incuriosity about how the world actually works: Would a State Department employee theoretically stationed in Vienna (a character played listlessly by the usually excellent Peter Sarsgaard) really be able to spend all his time at his bayside mansion in Marin County — and would he genuinely imagine that serving as a European diplomat would be the ideal building block for a congressional run?
Listlessly directed by Ron Underwood, Pluto Nash is set in a lunar Vegas that suggests a number of promising comic possibilities, all of them studiously avoided in favor of mild gags delivered at a leisurely pace.
Listless survivors travel listlessly towards hopeful safety.
Most of its characters that aren't from a pre-existing TV series are actors (or non-actors) listlessly playing themselves.
It's incumbent on prequels to have enough vitality to keep us from noticing that we're heading to a pre-determined destination, but this listlessly written ordeal — loaded with terrible effects and horrible misuse of future franchise savior Deadpool — ranks as the hottest mess of the mutant adventures.
Listlessly paced, «Touchy Feely» is a muted and a low - energy film.
I'd have mustered up the weakest, croakiest laugh my poor, disappointment - withered frame could muster and gestured limply toward the last few years» Q4 release schedules with all the zesty fervour of a broken seaside claw crane swinging listlessly in its case.
The Violators is set around the Birkenhead docks in Liverpool and concerns the coming - of - age of 15 - year - old Shelly (Lauren McQueen), a school drop - out who fills her days listlessly walking across this urban wasteland.
This middle section of the film concludes with a kind of slow - motion dance, as the six brothers sing about loneliness on the farm while listlessly doing their chores (the axe chops and wood saws of which provide rhythmic punctuation to the song, «Lonesome Polecat»).
(They're all under contract to Hughes's projects, but spend their days listlessly taking «classes» and hoping Mr. Hughes calls.)
Her movies, at once restlessly peripatetic and listlessly static, seem to belong to the slacker culture of the «90s more than the fast - paced confusion of the 21st century.
As the film jumps from location to location, chyron to chyron, picking up storylines listlessly while letting others lay fallow for a while, out of sight but without any sort of urgency at their displacement, the best moments emerge as those featuring Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk, conveying an ocean of regret in the delivery of the word «Nat» to his lost love, Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson)-- or those between Paul Bettany's «Vision» and Elizabeth Olsen's «Scarlet Witch,» who share a stolen moment together in Scotland before what they believe will be their deaths.
And so this good - looking but dull film floats listlessly from one thing to another, with only a few blessed consistencies to keep us involved.
A film that chugs along as listlessly as the ship itself, discovering moments of value in a sea of ennui.
In the bedroom, before sex, Esti had listlessly removed not just her clothes but her wig: the badge of female piety.
Synopsis: Despite having a great career and a loving family, lawyer John Clark (Richard Gere) is missing something in his life as he meanders listlessly from day to day.
Synopsis: Despite having a great career and a loving family, lawyer John Clark (Richard Gere) is missing something in his life as he meanders listlessly from... [MORE]
Now that you've added your must - haves back to your wardrobe, it's time to carefully consider the pieces that didn't pass muster and identify why they're laying listlessly in the «meh» pile.
This is much more preferred than listlessly adding sets upon sets to your particular routine.
His bees, many tens of thousands of them, crawled and hovered listlessly around their hives.
Liam had lost 20 % of his birth weight and just lay there on the examining bed, not crying now, just laying listlessly.
Last season, with top - flight survival all but assured by earlier results, Palace drifted listlessly towards a 14th - placed finish - and then Sam Allardyce resigned.
The Yanks needed a lot more than a walkie - talkie in the stands on a day in which they played listlessly.
I'll never know, but I might have been able to get through it a little less listlessly at the end if it was a juicier, less - cooked slab.
It is bad manners to play perfunctorily, absentmindedly, or listlessly.
She had been watching TV and listlessly answering my questions.
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