Sentences with phrase «literacy skills of»

Despite the low literacy skills of the parents, for most of them no advantage was found in adding the audiotape to the illustrations.
program is to improve the literacy skills of children through the assistance of registered therapy teams as literacy mentors.
Paws4reading works to improve the literacy skills of children through the assistance of registered animal teams as literacy mentors.
The mission of the R.E.A.D. ® program is to improve the literacy skills of children through the assistance of registered therapy teams as literacy mentors — simply put, the student reads to the dog.
Attend this web seminar to learn some best practices for fostering the literacy skills of your struggling readers, as well as what to look for to ensure that a reading intervention program will take your struggling readers to new levels of literacy success.
The Rising Readers program — conducted in partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools — is the only summer learning program aimed specifically at improving the literacy skills of elementary age English - Language Learners.
The school hired a reading specialist this year to bolster the literacy skills of students, many of whom read below grade level.
This paper focuses on enhancement of literacy skills of young children with learning disabilities, through intentional learning, reciprocal teaching, and redefining the contexts of early literacy learning.
The Utah State Board of Education is pleased to honor Dr. Nancy Livingston for her years of dedicated service in building literacy skills of Utah's students.
is a national initiative to build the early literacy skills of preschool - age children.
Students should practice the literacy skills of the standards both individually and collaboratively
Studies of effective secondary school reading programs demonstrate one thing clearly: We can not significantly improve the literacy skills of adolescents without comprehensive staff development (Sturtevant et al., 2006).
Using the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) developed by the University of Virginia, we compared the literacy skills of kindergarten students whose families participated in our workshops to those whose families did not participate.
to providing multi-sensory instruction of the highest quality, through direct and personal training, dramatically increasing the literacy skills of our children.
Preparing for the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program - The Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program (SRCLP) is federally funded competitive grant program intended to improve the literacy skills of children birth through 12th grade, with a priority on serving children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities.
This webinar provided participants an opportunity to identify the opportunities of SRCLP program to increase language and literacy skills of young children and improve practice of educators; share evidence - based research to improve reading comprehension of children preschool to third grade; and discuss considerations for state leaders in designing policy and professional learning to increase effectiveness of early language and literacy instruction, particularly for dual language learners, and children with special needs.
This can enhance the literacy skills of all students and help them to better understand the subjects they are being taught, she said.
She leads a research program that focuses on promoting the language and literacy skills of today's children and youth from diverse linguistic, cultural and economic backgrounds.
In a nutshell, the low level of literacy skills of Jamaican workers is a big barrier to their productivity and the development of the country.
Educators working across the school age range can now access a new teaching resource to help them develop the financial literacy skills of Indigenous students.
JAMAL is a limited - liability company which aims at eradicating illiteracy in the country, improving the literacy skills of people and helping them following the most suitable course for them: either higher educational programs and institutions or programs of vocational training.
Also, mothers who pointed a lot during the play sessions, as well as those with better developed language and literacy skills of their own, had children whose vocabulary use grew faster as they got older.
Build up the literacy skills of adults to a level from which they can proceed to a higher - education program or employment.
According to figures published by the Scottish government, the literacy skills of Scottish pupils has declined over the past four years.
The Juliana W. and William Foss Thompson Professor of Education and Society at HGSE, Lesaux conducts research focusing on promoting the language and literacy skills of today's children and youth from diverse linguistic, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
Found they enjoyed the variety of activities and it includes the literacy skill of interpreting information and summarising it.
The ultimate goal is deep thinking — the most difficult and important literacy skill of all.

Not exact matches

WLES underpins other, more complex skills, so if you organize formal or informal higher levels of training — such as quality - assurance systems or computer use — you could be missing out on the full value of those programs if your employees don't have foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
In Canada, the opportunity to improve is immense — the number of people with inadequate literacy skills has increased to almost one in two the past decade.
To put those scores in perspective, a student with baseline financial literacy skills — including the ability to apply the concept of value for money and identify relevant financial information on items such as invoices — would score somewhere in the range of 400 to 475.
«Practice the financial literacy skills set of banking, checking, and use of a credit or debit card.
Panelists for the Economic Club of Canada's October 13, 2016 event on investing in workplace skills, from left: ABC Life Literacy president Gillian Mason; Canadian Labour Congress president Hassan Yussuff; The Rt..
As you read about, practice, and get a handle on these SEM skills, you'll eventually be able to add SEM literacy to your resume, and — regardless of whether you're looking to work as a web designer or a web developer — boost your value to potential clients and employers.
The notion promoted by the Canadian technology council that an arts education leads to better results in a wide range of other areas was repeatedly deflated: «There is no evidence for a link between theatre training and overall academic skill... We found no evidence that dance education improves overall academic skills or reading... There is no evidence that training in visual arts improves overall academic skills or literacy
Last month the Canadian high - tech lobby group Information and Communication Technology Council along with Music Canada jointly made the case for increased government support of arts education, especially music, on the basis that music students «performed better in general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, mathematics and IQ,» are more creative and have better social skills.
Our Digital Inclusion Program teaches foster youth basic digital literacy skills and provides them with a laptop and mobile Internet access for five years, two things that most of us take for granted but can be life changing for students who are accustomed to writing essays on their cellphones.
Poor literacy and numeracy skills have been identified as a major reason why young people are increasingly opting out of trade apprenticeships in WA.
We will be smarter about how we provide investor information so that it will motivate individuals to learn and utilize their new money management skills, and we will collaborate and coordinate our efforts with other organizations that share our mission of raising the level of financial literacy and investor protection.»
In line with that mission, Voya Foundation accepts grant proposals year - round from organizations whose work aligns with our strategy of financial resilience: ensuring that youth are equipped with the STEM expertise necessary to compete in the 21st century workforce and the financial literacy skills necessary to make smart financial decisions that lead to a secure retirement.
Not only is there a different skill set between search for a business model (or in my case collaborative literacy program model) and executing that model, there's a different skillset in documenting, training, and codifying the culture and practices of that model.
Programming literacy could be one of the most important skills of the future and I want to make sure no eager mind is be held back.
We tend to have an exaggerated picture of our financial literacy and money management skills.
Our distinguished panel of experts will weigh in on how literacy and essential skills training is a viable solution to increase business bottom lines and improve the Canadian economy.
The Jews» wanderings allowed them to establish trade - route networks among far - flung kinsmen; being forced into moneylending and merchandising established a tradition of economic literacy and experience that gave Jews portable skill sets.
Hirsch replied to my criticisms by admitting that in his later writings Dewey may indeed have considered the importance of teaching the content as well as the skills of literacy and was therefore not as Rousseauian as Hirsch had made him out to be.
Just as the advent of literacy undermined the mnemonic skills needed for oral culture, digitization will undermine the skills needed to work «unplugged».
The article limits itself to discouraging hyperspecialization at too early an age for the purpose of increasing general athletic literacy, promoting a more balanced development of motor skills, and avoiding injury.
«We also continue to develop natural language processing for Swahili and a handful of other localized languages, plus voice recognition capabilities to help the 40 percent of farmers who currently struggle with their literacy skills,» Barthrope adds.
The document stresses both mothers» and fathers» importance as educators, making clear that when fathers and mothers talk, play, read, paint, investigate numbers and shapes or sing with their children it has a positive effect on children's later development — and that mums» and dads» involvement in reading is the most important determinant of their child's early language and literacy skills.
I love combining play dough with story telling — working on literacy skills at the same time as developing fine motor skills through the manipulation of the material is great working to two early years development skills.
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