Sentences with phrase «literal reading»

A literal reading means understanding something exactly as it is written or said without adding or interpreting any hidden or figurative meanings. Full definition
This may not be easy to explain to the sister, especially if her own convictions are tied in with a very literal reading of Scripture.
Even if one were to set aside an overly literal reading of the creation story and reject the assumption that intelligent design and evolution are always mutually exclusive, other questions would remain.
The author explores aspects and effects of the clash between the developing scientific study of Earth and beliefs based on literal readings of the Bible in England from the 1650s through to 1860.
Appel rejected most literal readings of his work — in 1956, he described his approach: «I never try to make a painting; it is a howl, it is naked, it is like a child, it is a caged tiger....
What you, as self - appointed arbiter, are saying is that no «true» Christian would embrace ID and that anything less than a strict literal reading of the Genesis narrative is not «truly» biblical.
References to physical human death are in the minority — suggesting that Paul's understanding of what is going on in Genesis has a lot more nuance than a simple literal reading would imply.
If I were a cynical person I might suspect that this is one of the more pointed and cynical opinions that the SCC has delivered, there being, such a person might argue, a sharp irony in the hoisting of Mr. Harper the judicial conservative by a very literal reading of the statute.
This implies that what we say or write about the Ultimate Mystery is bound to be tentative, which makes me hesitant about bold affirmations of faith or too literal a reading of scripture.
The purely literal reading deprives the paradigmatic events of our faith of their enduring redemptive significance today and reduces an historical religion, such as ours is, to a mere memory.
In building his case for why we can still believe the Bible, Blomberg effectively positions himself between liberal scholars who refuse to acknowledge the firm textual base on which the scriptures stand and ultraconservatives who insist on a rigidly literal reading of the Bible (often in the King James only) in the face of legitimate developments in our understanding of ancient manuscripts and genres.
Already, though, I may be imposing an overly literal reading on Reygadas» intensely private and personal film — a movie, if ever there was, that begs to be felt rather than read.
Though they may accuse me of not reading the Bible literally, I firmly believe that my explanation is quite close to the way the original author and audience would have understood the text and is therefore, the best and most literal reading of the text.
However, the court can not ignore the common - sense appeal of the plaintiff's argument; a literal reading of the statute undoubtedly accords more closely with their position.
Without a literal reading of Genesis their is no original sin, and that pretty much means no need for Jesus, and so the whole religion pretty much falls apart.
What you apparently fail to grasp is that one's acceptance of Christ as savior is not contingent on whether they accept a literal reading of the Genesis creation narrative.
While that opinion may be supported by a literal reading of certain portions of the ancient writings which are revered as scripture, I find that attitude to be both deplorable and shortsighted.
I take the Bible seriously, but a literal reading of the Bible undermines pretty much everything we do in church...
I came from a strong Lutheran background and perhaps that is what makes me cringe when some people try to cram their particular take on God, Jesus and a literal reading of the Bible down other people's throats.
The second option that he dispels is «creationism,» or, more precisely, «young - earth creationism,» that is, a literal reading of Genesis which sees all of the material universe coming into being, complete, in six days of twenty - four hours» duration.
Protestantism recovered an emphasis on the literal reading, but not in the sense of contemporary Fundamentalism.
Obviously, this was in sharp conflict with a literal reading of the Bible, and this was in itself disturbing.
To deal with numbers in a religious context as an actual numbering of days, or eons, is an instance of the way in which a literal reading loses the symbolic richness of the text.
From ancient times, the literal reading was often subordinated to others.
The problem raised by any literal reading of the Category of the Ultimate may be put this way: how can an actual occasion be at once the creative synthesis of and a novel addition to the many occasions of its correlative universe?
All of Christianity hinges on a literal reading of Genesis in my opinion.
When a text provides a realistic narrative, as much of the Bible does, any interpretation that bypasses this literal reading distorts the text.
Obama's faith showed many of the elements of a liberal Protestant church: an emphasis on the separation of church and state, religious tolerance and the refusal to embrace a literal reading of the Bible.
If it is the person who acts rather than a part of the person, an occasion, then he or she is an actual entity, according to traditional metaphysics; however, this is inconsistent with a literal reading of Whitehead on the nature of actual occasions, for he identifies that which is subjectively real as the individual occasion, and thereby seems to commit himself, however unwittingly, to the position that people are not res vera.
Both groups adopted a literal reading of the Bible to justify withholding basic rights from a particular group.
He is saying that a literal reading of the creation story in Genesis is a hurdle to rational, scientific discovery and thought.
The author insists on a literal reading of the biblical accounts that would seem to support his quasi-Unitarian Christology while skipping over passages that contradict his views.
You do know that Evolution and the Big Bang (contradicting a literal reading of Genesis) are not the same thing, right?
A literal reading of the New Testament points to God and Jesus Christ, His Son, being separate, divine beings, united in purpose..
I'm sorry Qularkono are you advocating an LITERAL reading of Genesis and Noah's ark?
I know (all too well) the vigorous (sometimes vicious) arguments that weave a complex scaffold of doctrine and interpretation in which anything other than a literal reading brings the whole thing crashing down, like a teetering Jenga tower when one slim block is moved.
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