Sentences with phrase «literally is no such thing»

It is important to remember that there literally is no such thing as a mass audience; there are only ways of looking at individuals in the mass.

Not exact matches

Anyone with any knowledge of simple math knows that the odds involved in literally thousands of things that must happen for evolution to be true is such great odds that any mathematician would tell you that it is impossible.
Larger non-human or inhuman systems, such as institutions, economies, governments, families, are not «adversarial,» «competitive» or «cruel» except in our manners of speaking which project human characteristics on groups and corporaton which are literally no thing: can't touch.
The problem that Mr. Bottum correctly identifies is that those such as Chomsky who do not believe in nonmaterial beings literally can not make sense of the kinds of things done by those who still speak and act in powerful mythic symbols.
To speak literally, God has no fingers, and there may or may not be such things as evil spirits; what the gospels call casting out devils we might describe, rightly or wrongly, in other terms.
Such a vision leaves all things the same, except that now they are seen to hang, literally depend, on the grace of God.
But the term literally suggests that all things have or are psyches, while he (as well as Wright) stresses that only genuine individuals, not aggregates (such as rocks), have or are psyches.
In particular, a probability of 0 means there's literally no chance of that thing happening, a probability of 1 means that it's certain to happen, and a probability in between these extremes such as 0.5 means there's a 50 % chance of it happening.
A woman's body is quite literally building an entire human being during pregnancy, and as such, she needs a lot of quality sources of all the things needed to support the human body - mainly proteins, fats, vegetables and fruits, and certain supplements she can't adequately get from food.
This reminds me of how we know things intuitively, or perhaps even literally seeing the consequences of things such as this, yet are told there is no «evidence.»
When I became pregnant, I knew that there would be a lot of things needed for both me and the baby, but HOLY MOLY, I had no clue that such a tiny human can require SO MUCH STUFF!!!!! Literally, the baby gear has taken over our place and I can't imagine her truly «needing» everything, but I don't want to be a bad mom and not have what everyone tells me I should have.
It's says tropical vibes all over and then again pink and green together is such a spring thing... quite literally, don't ya think?
Alex believes that there is «no such thing as a bad idea (not literally true),» but that «you don't know where that idea might lead.»
The layers in which he surrounds the body, both metaphorically and literally, such as the fattening - up or thinning - down of people and things, are sculptural metaphors for an existential insecurity about the boundaries of oneself.
Inspired in part by period episodic television programs such as Rod Serling's Night Gallery, as well as incorporating French existentialism and absurdist dialogue, Gaines, Gordon and Segade appear in videos in which, among other things, an unemployed woman romances a supernatural being; a man turns to witch doctors following a health insurance hassle; and art curators trapped in an executive board room curate — literally — nightmares drawn from today's economic anxieties.
The stark reality is that there is literally no such thing as clean coal electricity in the United States today — not one American home today is powered by a coal - burning plant that captures and stores its carbon pollution.
We've all heard the saying «there is no such thing as bad publicity» — but of course we don't take that literally.
There is literally no such thing as The One Best Oregon Car Insurance Company.
We spend a lot of time with ourselves, so in one sense, we know more about ourselves than anyone else could ever know; but there are things about ourselves that we literally can't see, such as our facial expressions and our body language.
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