Sentences with phrase «literary agent listings»

That's because the information changes rapidly, and the people maintaining those websites don't have dedicated staff to keep the literary agent listings up to date.
That's why I created this directory of literary agents, with Christian literary agent listings for Christian authors.
Enter your first name and email address to see all Christian literary agent listings for author representatives who represent Christian writers, including the top Christian literary agents and top Christian literary agencies.
The profile about Margaret Riley King Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
The profile about Rick Pascocello Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
The profile about Barry Zucker Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
The profile about James Fitzgerald Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
Now that you understand the importance of using only the very best literary agent listings, let me introduce you to the most popular literary agent listings online and in print.
The profile about John Silbersack Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
It might not seem like that big of a deal that most literary agent listings are not completely accurate.
The profile about Patricia Van Der Leun Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
The profile about Renee Fountain Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
Some literary agent listings only have a couple hundred book agents while others have over a thousand
The profile about Caitlin Blasdell that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
The profile about Tracy Marchini Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
But using unreliable literary agent listings when researching prospective literary agencies can hurt you in many ways, without you even realizing it.
It's the world's most comprehensive (and accurate) collection of literary agent listings.
The profile about Henry Thayer Literary Agent that you see here contains some of the information you'll find in our free Directory of Literary Agents, with literary agent listings for both established and new book agents.
In addition to having literary agent listings for most literary agencies, the 2016 Guide to Literary Agents includes tips about the craft of writing and the business of writing.
There are more than 1,000 literary agent listings in the directory and you can search by location, book genres, AAR status, and more.
Scroll below to see a sample listing for black literary agent Regina Brooks and then enter the directory to see detailed literary agent listings for all African American literary agents.
Before you start creating your literary agent list, there's one thing you need to know.
Using a free literary agents list is almost always a bad idea, because the quality of the information is almost always bad.
Another popular literary agent list (print) contains profiles for virtually every literary agency in business today, but it doesn't tell you very much about the agents.
Free literary agents list below with tips to help you find representation for your book.
One literary agent list (print) only has profiles for 200 - 300 book agents, but there are over 1,000 active literary agents in the United States alone.
There's only one literary agent list you need to know about.
It happened in 2012 after repeated complaints from our 1 - on - 1 coaching clients, who kept telling us that the information in the other literary agent lists on the market was unreliable.
When I was running my own literary agency, we were included on many free literary agents list websites.
There's no major incentive for the creator of most free literary agents list websites to ensure that the information there is accurate (or stays accurate).
Other literary agent lists and directories are often incomplete, outdated, and filled with mistakes.
Every once in a while we would be reminded of that fact when an author would send us a book that wasn't a good fit for us, and cite information they'd gotten from one of the free literary agents list websites.
The problem is that every literary agent list on the market right now is flawed.
If you're a talented author AND you use a quality literary agent list, your goal should be to get several literary agencies offering you representation.
Now that I've told you the bad news about your typical literary agent list, here's the good news.
The worst thing about using a print (book form) literary agent list is that the information is 6 months old (at least) by the time you get it.
So, if you're doing agent research and looking for new literary agents seeking clients, start with the new literary agents listed under the 2014 header.
Using a free literary agents list to do your agent research is risky.
You'll also find out how you can get free, instant access to the Directory of Literary Agents which has detailed profiles for every active literary agent, including the new literary agents listed below.
That way you won't create your literary agent list (or send out queries) before you're ready.
You should also note that all of the new literary agents listed below are sorted alphabetically, by their last names, and some of them appear as hyperlinks.
Creating your literary agent list (so you can send out query letters for your book) is easy if you follow my simple 3 - step process below.
But which resources should you use to create your literary agent list?
The third and final thing you need to know about the new literary agents listed here is that you can access detailed profiles for all of them in our Literary Agents Directory absolutely free.
This is one of the better literary agent lists because it features some of the most successful literary agencies in publishing.
The 2013 Guide to Literary Agents is # 2 on our ranking of literary agent lists.
They all provide basic literary agency info, but they also have the most mistakes (and there isn't anything special about them, once you know about the literary agent lists at the top of our ranking).
The literary agency entries contain very little information compared to the other literary agent lists above.
Although other literary agent lists have more entries, this guide gives you the most insight into book agent preferences and personalities.
Publishers Marketplace is an online community of more than 40,000 publishing professionals, including book agents, making it # 4 on our literary agent lists.
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