Sentences with phrase «literary purposes in»

I wouldn't even consider that now, of course, (as it would be an unintended mockery) but I still think Biblical literacy is good for literary purposes in general and critical for anyone who claims to base their lives on the book.

Not exact matches

The concept of «orthoselection» stresses organic - environment interaction of sufficient duration to reveal trends which follow environmental shifts — a neo-Darwinian blending of the Darwinian and Lamarcking approaches which obviates the need for the historical anachronism of «orthogenesis,» which is still of interest only to «literary intellectuals and religious philosophers» intent on discerning the working of higher purposes in the evolutionary process.
The editors and their collaborators know better; but only in selected instances have some of them managed to transcend such limited conceptions in behalf of the central purpose of the volume as a whole: to demonstrate how the literary dimensions of these texts do, indeed, make credible the power and authority they have exhibited for more than two millennia in shaping decisively the lives and minds of thoughtful people the world over.
Last week the Rockland County Times reported that Barack Obama's own literary agents at Acton & Dystel were the original «birthers» who promoted that he was born in Kenya, presumably for the purpose of gaining attention for his books.
In a word that fragmentary hoodlum is me, or is an image I stole for literary purposes but which corresponds to my own insomnia.5
Upon dissolution or winding up of said corporation's affairs, whether voluntary or involuntary, all of its assets then remaining in the hands of the board of directors shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all of said corporation's liabilities, be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over only to educational, scientific, literary, or charitable organizations that are exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and which are not private foundations within the meaning of section 509 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on whatever terms and conditions and in whatever amounts the board of directors may determine, for use exclusively for educational, scientific, literary, or charitable purposes, except that no distribution shall be made to organizations testing for public safety.
The methodological tradition (in the aspect of literary education) can be defined as a function of objective inheritance to educational regularities, being realized in ideas, purposes, tasks, subjects, contents, tools and institutes of literary education.
Look for...» They can be reading closely in search of: humor, author's purpose, use of literary devices (such as foreshadowing, imagery), facts, confusion, and context clues for new words.
Specifically, the charitable deduction allows individual taxpayers and corporations to deduct from their taxable income in a given year the present value of contributions they make to nonprofit groups that are religious, charitable, educational, scientific, or literary in purpose, or that work to prevent cruelty to children or animals.
Skills Assessed: finding the point of view, assessing author's purpose, identifying literary devices, understanding vocabulary in context, and fact - finding.
In other words, the sole purpose of a query letter is to «sell» or «promote» your finished book (or book idea) to literary agents.
In artisanal publishing, the words, the purpose, focus, structure, core meaning, originality, literary craft and artistic style of a book is actually a lot more significant than whether words are spelled correctly or a comma is out of place (although that's very important too!)
The Toby Press was founded in 1999, with the purpose of publishing fine literary and commercial fiction.
«My purpose in selecting - The Harvard Classics was to provide the literary materials from which a careful and persistent reader might gain a fair view of the progress of man observing, recording, inventing, and imagining from the earliest historical times to the close of the nineteenth century.
You are expected to determine the writer's purpose in composing the literary piece and offer your opinions on how well he accomplished that purpose.
And yet, as entrepreneurial authors today make ever more assured strides in the marketplace, the position, purpose, and problems of literary agents need open examination.
She points out all my flaws and we go over each one with one purpose in mind: make whatever is wrong right, from the standpoint and perspective of the literary project.
An epigraph can serve different purposes such as it can be used as a summary, introduction, an example, or an association with some famous literary works, so as to draw comparison or to generate a specific context to be presented in the piece.
Filed in: Content • Get More Done • Productivity • self publishing Tagged with: be inspired • creation • find your passion • get inspired • inspiration • literary agent • Nina Amir • passion • purpose • writing prodjects
Her own «asides», in her eloquent, frank and sometimes moving catalogue essay, come as quixotic vignettes, her literary style complementing the uncertain, sometimes hesitant journey she has taken - a journey of whose purpose she was never quite sure.
In a new visual and aesthetical form, Zagdanski explored the same purpose as he had explored in a literary and theoretical form with his books: engaging a His new series, Jouissance du temps (Enjoyment of Time), goes one step further in displaying the paradoxical dialogue between word / image and literature / art through the disappearance of the meaning of text into its own graphic representatioIn a new visual and aesthetical form, Zagdanski explored the same purpose as he had explored in a literary and theoretical form with his books: engaging a His new series, Jouissance du temps (Enjoyment of Time), goes one step further in displaying the paradoxical dialogue between word / image and literature / art through the disappearance of the meaning of text into its own graphic representatioin a literary and theoretical form with his books: engaging a His new series, Jouissance du temps (Enjoyment of Time), goes one step further in displaying the paradoxical dialogue between word / image and literature / art through the disappearance of the meaning of text into its own graphic representatioin displaying the paradoxical dialogue between word / image and literature / art through the disappearance of the meaning of text into its own graphic representation.
Fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices used in a passage and to determine its tone and mood, and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent, and point of view, and draw inferences about the writer.
It is that general damages for distress are awarded in only two situations (i) where the claimant has suffered damage, presumably financial loss, and (ii) where the personal data have been processed for artistic purposes, literary purposes or the purposes of journalism.
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