Sentences with phrase «literature suggests»

Though there are not as many studies about trees and productivity, some of the literature suggests that when workers can see trees, they have less sick days.
Nevertheless, the limited extant literature suggests conflicting findings for the main and moderating effects of social support on psychological outcomes in parents of children with ASD and other disabilities.
Although a developing body of literature suggests that depressive symptoms in fathers are related to child psychopathology, little evidence suggests that paternal depression plays a unique role in children's symptoms.
A substantive literature suggests that anxious people have an attentional bias toward threatening stimuli.
A significant literature suggests that youth diagnosed with Attention - Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for later depression relative to youth without ADHD.
By extending this into adulthood, literature suggests that females transmit a greater risk to their offspring than affected males [16, 31].
The literature suggests that relationship skills are also important.
The literature suggests that self - esteem is relevant to psychological well - being and that low self - esteem is one of the precursors of depressed moods [16, 17, 18].
Recently, literature suggests that people involved in romantic relationships experience lower suicide rates than single, never - married people and that divorced, separated, and widowed persons have the highest rates.
Other literature suggests that peers who perpetrate abusive behaviors serve as role models for when and how to use aggression for personal gain (Cottrell and Monk 2004).
This is particularly interesting as the literature suggests that high depression and anxiety are closely linked with neuroticism.
It has been reported that maternal PPD is a predictor of paternal one since the first is higher during the three months postpartum.8 Based on the existing knowledge of maternal PPD, literature suggests that also paternal PPD could be related with hormonal changes regarding alteration of testosterone, estrogen, vasopressin, prolactin and cortisol levels.10 In addition to mood disturbances, high parenting distress levels could also be considered a important factor compromising the parenting competence and the daily child care.17 Parenting stress is a construct related to the parent role and influenced by expectations and perceptions of child characteristics, parent characteristics and parental - infant interaction quality.
A review of recent literature suggests relationships between communication, cognition, behavior, parental emotional functioning, and functional outcome in deaf children.
Current literature suggests that high socio - economic status and being Caucasian are factors associated with complementary and alternative medicine use among the general population (Tindle et al. 2005), this may have also influenced the compilation of our sample.
This literature suggests that father absence encourages women in particular to gravitate towards earlier sexual maturity, greater sexual risk taking and earlier first birth [21,53,70,80,84].
Consistent with these observations, the transition to parenting literature suggests that parent personality is an important influence on parenting behavior (Heinicke, 2002), and the attachment literature suggests that parental internal working models of relationships predict parenting behaviors (Madigan et al., 2006).
This literature suggests that those parents who have spent a longer period living with the child tend to have higher levels of involvement when they are no longer co-resident.
Literature suggests advantages for co-locating behavioral health care in primary care.
A review of the literature suggests at least three pathways by which strengths - based practices benefit children and families (Green, McAllister, & Tarte, 2004):
The clinical literature suggests that low self - esteem is related to depressed moods (Patterson and Capaldi, 1992), depressive disorders (Rice et al., 1998; Dori and Overholser, 1999), hopelessness, suicidal tendencies and attempted suicide (Overholser et al., 1995).
Fortunately however, attachment is malleable, and a growing small body of literature suggests that music provides a promising means to positively influence attachment patterns.
Because the literature suggests that peer and familial influences interact to help children develop healthy cognitive problem - solving skills, the importance of substitute caregivers can not be understated.
Indeed, a rich literature suggests widespread effects of the prenatal and postnatal environment on the developing brain (for reviews see [44], [45]-RRB-.
The research literature suggests that peer group programs have produced orderly, productive, and positive academic and rehabilitative environments.
Literature suggests that perturbations in both «bottom up» attention mechanisms and «top down» executive control processes may play a central role in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety.22 These perturbations extend to both emotionally charged and affectively neutral stimuli, reflecting both preferential treatment of specific categories of stimuli (i.e., bias to threat cues) and heightened vigilance of one's own performance and behaviour (i.e., cognitive monitoring).
Regarding to the age of the parent and their child, the literature suggests that parenting stress is associated with maternal age and child age.
Our results indicate that prediction patterns are actually more developmentally and diagnostically nuanced than the previous literature suggests.
An increasing body of literature suggests that parenting also has a role to play in the development of a wide range of health problems both in childhood and adulthood (see boxes 1 and 2).
A review of the literature suggests at least three pathways by which strengths - based practices benefit clients: 1) by influencing the extent of clients» engagement in program services; 2) by increasing family efficacy and empowerment; and 3) by enhancing families» relationship - building capacity and social support networks (Green, McAllister, & Tarte, 2004).
The family support literature suggests that such services are more effective for families and children (Kagan & Weissbourd, 1997).
Existing literature suggests that 3 specific early childhood predictors might play a role in the development of subsequent bullying: cognitive stimulation, emotional support, and television exposure.
The literature suggests that, because of fears of jury bias, foreign patent holders are less likely to sue in the United States than are domestic patent holders; when they do, they put forward only their strongest patents.4 While jury bias is a serious problem, it is made worse by venue rules that limit actions to the jurisdiction in which the infringer is either incorporated or «has committed acts of infringement and has a regular and established place of business.»
Instead of a 95th percentile value of 7.14 °C, as used by the IWG2010, a survey of the recent scientific literature suggests a value of 3.5 °C — more than 50 % lower.
The new literature suggests several ways in which it might do that.
Monaghan et al. further note «recent literature suggests there has been little overall change in Antarctic near - surface temperature during the past 5 decades» and «the absence of widespread Antarctic temperature increases is consistent with studies showing little overall change in other Antarctic climate indicators during the past 50 years such as sea ice area and snowfall.»
While the literature suggests that marrying R&D subsidies with carbon pricing might reduce total mitigation costs by 10 - 30 %, few economists believe that the former, as Gillespie would have us believe, is a good substitute for the latter.
Interestingly, some recent literature suggests that pre-1750 human activities have also exerted more of a climate impact than previously assumed.
The literature suggests that there are tradeoffs between «inclusive» approaches to negotiation and agreement (i.e., approaches with broad participation, as in the UNFCCC) and «exclusive» approaches (i.e., limiting participation according to chosen criteria for example, including only the largest emitters, or groups focused on specific issues).
And thanks to jstults link, the peer review literature suggests the climate models are in fact «skillful».
So the published literature suggests that the trend increased 8X over the course of a little more than a decade.
Just as Dan [Sarewitz] points out that a singular focus on greenhouse gas reduction is dangerous, an increasing body of evidence / literature suggests that it is also quite dangerous to not take greenhouse gas reduction seriously.
I would assume those oscillations are not readily modeled, but the literature suggests several modelers believe the positive phases are controlled by CO2 and become more persistently positive with increasing CO2.
For these writers, literature suggests meaning rather than defines it.
Dogs are gifted at attending to, and interpreting, subtle human social cues (Lakatos et al., 2012; Merola et al., 2012; Müller et al., 2015), and a behavioral literature suggests that dogs act as if socially attached to humans (Topál et al., 1998; Palmer and Custance, 2008; although see: Prato - Previde et al., 2003; Rehn et al., 2013).
While literature suggests good activity of cefovecin against coagulasenegative staphylococci, in this study S. epidermidis isolate was resistant to cefovecin [4,8].
The veterinary literature suggests that at least half of all dogs in this country are overweight, and this is not just «couch potato» pets — it includes dogs in the show ring and coursing hounds, too.
Aspiration cytology is minimally invasive, but may miss a diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in a concerning number of patients — early literature suggests metastatic disease may be missed by lymph node aspiration in up to 40 % of patients!
The academic literature suggests that a portfolio needs to contain at least 30 names or so before company - specific risk is minimized.
The literature suggests that a principal plays a critical role in any successful school.
«Good» high schools, this literature suggests, typically offer a signifi cant range of extracurricular activities.
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