Sentences with phrase «litter box options»

Well, thanks to cats becoming so popular, now you can create any number of hidden litter box options in your house.
If, as you're contemplating litter box options, you've also yet to decide on a litter, we have a post discussing the best litter brands here.
Or can you provide additional litter box options for your senior cat?
Retailers should also take note of new litter box options that are designed for specific functionality — Walker points out litter box options made of materials other than plastic, such as paper or cardboard litter boxes.
Each cat should have a litter box option where he can eliminate away from where another cat goes, which means a box per cat (and even add an extra in case of mishaps).
To fully ponder all of your litter box options, be sure to read our lists of the best litter box furniture enclosures here and best covered and top entry litter boxes here.
Lots of cats feel that way about their litter box options in our home.
Since we all know cats can be a bit independent — even when it comes to their elimination habits — there are litter box options.
Educating Pet Owners Despite being willing to pay more, a large portion of consumers don't know about the litter box options that can make for easy cleanup.
If cats are not happy with their litter box options, they may poop outside their boxes, making a bigger mess for you to clean up.
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