Sentences with phrase «litter box usage»

Be alert that if your cat exhibits any change in litter box usage, constipation may be at fault.
You may use multiple litter boxes if you want to encourage litter box usage in the beginning.
Their cycle of visits may not match your cat's litter box usage pattern.
If you have any problems or questions concerning your cats litter box usage, don't hesitate to call.
A huge benefit to adopting an older cat is that they're probably well - trained when it comes to things like litter box usage and proper play behavior.
health counter monitors frequency of litter box usage so you can be alert to changes in your cat's habits
It is a complex process focused on both ruling out or treating underlying medical causes and modifying the home environment to re-establish regular litter box usage — and it all starts with a visit to your veterinarian!
This article from the CFA stresses how urinary problems can impact litter box usage.
Your cat may associate litter box usage with pain, and stop using it, even after the constipation subsides.
Sudden changes in eating and drinking or litter box usage patterns could also be an indication that there is a problem.
* Changes in appetite — eating less or more * Loss or gain of weight * Excessive vocalizing * Changes in litter box usage — going outside of the box * Box sitting — a cat sitting in their litter box * Excessive grooming * Restlessness * Noticeable health issues * Excessive salivation or panting * Frequent vomiting * Destructive behaviors — such as scratching the carpet or furniture * Aggression * Trembling * Lethargy * Depression
Even knowing that one cat is off - kilter on his or her litter box usage can be a great advantage.
This will occasionally happen and it's part of the litter box usage of indoor cats.
You can check your cat's litter box usage and determine if things are getting better or worse.
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