Sentences with phrase «litter with»

Seven months after health officials inspected the place, the courtyard remained littered with empty coolers bearing Southern Nevada's initials.
Most places I visit in the U.S., even far from cities, are littered with trash, as if invisible greenhouse gases and mercury - laden fish weren't enough.
There remain those loyal to gold, of course, and the history of investing is littered with failed ideas rooted in the premise that this time it's different.
History is littered with examples of government financial institutions ignoring and modifying rules whenever they directly conflict with the judgment of current leaders.
The road is littered with startups that shined bright before burning out.
The halls of business history are littered with companies that failed to adapt when the market dictated it.
The startup landscape is littered with companies who failed to properly estimate their long - term cost structure and were never able to turn a profit.
As a result Japan was littered with «zombie companies,» operations that are near insolvency, yet continue to survive.
I've mentioned previously that the Internet is littered with my past attempts to create a successful startup.
The playing field is littered with undercapitalized startups that were doomed from the outset.
«If you look at this business, it's littered with failures.
The industry is littered with so - called endpoint solutions, designed to protect the network and every device that touches it, because when it comes to securing a company's perimeter, the old firewalls are insufficient.
Elsewhere, the road is littered with companies that tried, and failed, to pull off a coup in space.
«Something that was memorable when it came across a desk, which was perhaps littered with résumés that all looked the same.
Live Nation's senior ranks are littered with Cohl's former partners and proteges, among them Rapino, a one - time marketing executive with CPI partner Labatt's, and Arthur Fogel, a former CPI president who now heads Live Nation's global touring division.
Of course, the self - help section of every bookstore is littered with claims of procrastination cures.
The road to Latin America has also been littered with cautionary tales of crippled projects.
The tail section was sitting on Highway 21 and the ground in front of it was black and littered with debris, he said.
The cubicles are punctuated with workbenches and shelving that are littered with all sorts of random - seeming odds and ends, such as cereal boxes and automotive parts.
And so the world of startups is littered with stories of founders kicked out by their investors.
The road to their acceptance can be littered with obstacles, failures and rejections.
The road to a spotlessly pristine, uncluttered office is often littered with passive - aggressive memos, some formal («Note to all staff: cleaning crews will be coming through your workspace this evening; please remove all items from the floor), some less so («To whoever keeps leaving their disgusting wet teabags in the sink: your mother doesn't work here!
Elon Musk If you look closely, Musk's career is actually littered with rejections and missteps.
Lang's life is littered with potential conflicts of interest.
What was once a fun fuss - free platform, Facebook is now littered with ads — a virtual gold mine for the $ 200 billion company.
The world is littered with these companies.
The road to social video success is littered with the remains of previous efforts that ultimately sputtered, like Seesmic and 12Seconds.
Although the use of crypto - currencies puts a new spin on it, the history of micropayments for content is littered with failures, including a litany of strange - sounding digital would - be payment systems such as Beenz and Flooz.
Miles of underground track shrouded in darkness, littered with abandoned stations and secret passageways — it's a common object of desire for the urban explorers among us.
The markets are littered with once great companies that have gone bad.
Your office isn't littered with Red Bull cans.
The floor of Hitler's bunker where he spent his last days was also said to be littered with medications when researchers entered it years later.
This view shows Jupiter's south pole littered with monster storms, a view no one had glimpsed until Juno came along, during the spacecraft's eighth flyby.
The landscape is littered with financially healthy entrepreneurs who crashed and burned in another area of life.
The history of business is littered with examples of companies that fail to recognize or jump on opportunities to capitalize on their capabilities.
It's typically littered with potholes, accidents and roadblocks.
Being the Change To streamline the often intimidating and expensive task — typically littered with «an endless maze of forms, acronyms and government agencies to navigate» — Wang launched an innovative Seattle - based startup called Boundless earlier this year.
The startup graveyard is littered with amazing ideas and products that have failed.
Today's media landscape is littered with landmines: open hostility by US President Donald Trump, mounting censorship in countries such as Hungary, Turkey, a... read more
They were littered with poor grammar, obviously written by someone who doesn't speak English as a first language, stuffed with unnecessary over-use of keywords, and provided no useful or insightful information.
Twitter is littered with complaints from UberEats users who were upset or taken aback upon learning that they could only tip in cash.
Food lore is littered with these stores, and this one is no exception.
Oh, how true this is, in the streets are littered with traders and investors who thought otherwise.
If the results are littered with people telling horror stories of losing their life savings or finishing the programs less knowledgeable than when they started... BEWARE!
However, the healthcare business is littered with promising companies that flamed out so the risks are there.
The landscape of sector ETFs and mutual funds is littered with Dangerous funds.
Some are littered with scams or too - good - to - be-true promises, and it can take far too long to weed through them all — often leaving the job seeker feeling hopeless.
The internet has become littered with these scammers — the pattern is similar — you visit a website and you get a pop - up with a video pushing automated trading software; promising you untold riches to be made if only you register and start using the software.
The landscape of sector ETFs and mutual funds is littered with Unattractive funds.
The loyal customer is increasingly the holy grail of retail — everyone wants to create them, but in an environment littered with...
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