Sentences with phrase «little about my health history»

Not exact matches

«This is a serious health issue but very little is known about their evolutionary history and why plants have evolved these allergens.»
Winstock adds that from the little that is known about the substance's toxicology, groups he would advise to steer clear of mephedrone include those aged 21 or under, anyone with mental health problems, those with neurological, cardiac or blood pressure conditions and anyone with a history of alcohol or drug problems.
Puppy «millers» usually can not answer questions about the dogs they sell, have no idea what proper dog care is about and do not have any med certificates (to them it's cost) or health guarantees and have no or very little history of breeding a particular breed.
The first provides pictures of the sires and dams, a little about their history (we would ask for more), mentions of health guarantees, and health certifications.
ANSWER: So the adjuster can go fishing into your past medical history and find anything about your prior health which will help the company either deny your claim or pay out as little as possible.
It can be important for a counselor to know a little bit about each person's personal history in regards to any history of prior mental health problems or treatment.
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