Sentences with phrase «little balls of dough»

Also, as I'm lazy, I don't roll the dough out, I just flatten little balls of dough with a very small container, or even my hand.
For my second try I put six little balls of dough on a parchment - lined cookie sheet.
I'd actually never had monkey bread before, but when I thought about little balls of dough surrounded by cinnamon and butter and sugar, I realized I'd be insane if I didn't make it.
In the first set I put 12 little balls of dough on an unlined, ungreased cookie sheet.
Dropping those little balls of dough «randomly» is harder for this engineer than I was expecting.
A little ball of dough made from a small amount of butter, a tiny bit of sugar, a pinch of salt, one egg and a little flour and baking powder is then rolled out and cut into funky shapes and then deep fried.
Practice rolling the dough, poking holes in it, or making little balls of dough and dropping them in a small cup to dump out.
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