Sentences with phrase «little barrier to entry»

As with all new beta software, there are sure to be issues that crop up and need ironed out, but as far as hardware requirements go, there's little barrier to entry.
If you do not have a company offered retirement account like a 401k, it allows you to put your money in the stock market with little barrier to entry.
Because the laws in Georgia favor wholesalers and offer little barrier to entry for start - ups, the competition in the marketplace can be «intense,» Best describes.
However, being a position with little barriers to entry, many drivers are readily available to fill the vacant positions, making it a competitive position as well.
However, being a position with little barriers to entry,... Read More»

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In addition to modernizing processes, these advancements are bucking the traditional ways of doing business by solving real - world issues, driving down barriers to entry and empowering the little guy.
Very few companies are able to operate in an industry that requires very little upfront cost and has few barriers to entry.
Any campaign, national or hyperlocal, can get involved with little to no barriers to entry.
All living mammals have the enzyme to break down bugs» tough exoskeletons, making the last barrier to entry the perception that eating the little critters is «gross.»
Top dating sites in ireland Its worth noting that paid - for dating services deter scammers and fakes as the barrier to entry is a little higher.
Nintendo needs to realize that there needs to be little or no cash barrier to entry on mobile.
While the original $ 1.99 or even the 99 cents sale price are minor barriers to entry, there's so many games coming out everyday that those little purchases can start to add up.
Bots do not require an installation of any native app, so there are little or no barriers to the entry of prospects.
Race mode sets all the driving controls to their most aggressive settings and dials back on the stability control a little, which has the effect of allowing you to tip - toe around the car's limits without worrying about a spectacular backwards barrier entry.
The audiences for these kinds of titles are often more familiar with the ecosystems surrounding the purchase of music than they are with audiobooks, it doesn't require them to sign up for a new service, and the barriers to entry are a little lower.
Look for healthy and growing companies (i.e. ones with little or no debt), competitive advantages (such as a strong brand and barriers to entry for would - be competitors, and plenty of room to grow), and focus on the dividend growth rate as much as the dividend.
The only barrier to entry is a ticket to the festival which can be picked up for as little as 10 English pounds.
In many ways, Armored Core V is exactly what series fans (and everyone else for that matter) would have been expecting: a game that once again provides thrills and spills with ten - ton war machines, offers up innumerable customisation options in an all - too - fiddly and unintuitive interface, and provides immediate barriers to entry by doing very little to explain anything to anyone.
If combat was a little smoother and the game had a slightly lower barrier for entry (be prepared to learn some lore, if you didn't check out the first title) it would be getting a well deserved 10, as it stands currently, 9 all the way.
But, and to be a little repetitive, Nintendo will continue to have a hard time attracting indies to bring their energy and inspiration to the eShop until they address the high barrier to entry.
«The art market is a perfect one to tackle first because it has extremely high fees on both sides (approaching 50 % of the artwork if you combine them), very little liquidity, high barriers to entry, and less implementation issues than say tokenizing real estate.»
Because there is no need to install an app, nor a requirement to sign up for the service, there is little to no entry barrier to this platform.
With a low barrier to entry (investment starts from as little as US$ 10), it is seen as a pocket - friendly option for many investors to gain a foothold in the investment world.
«Little supply has been added to the market due to barriers to entry, leading to pent - up demand.»
There is very little concrete information given, and since the barrier to entry is stupidly low, everyone and their younger brother has decided to get into the swimming pool.
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