Sentences with phrase «little bit of a geek»

If you are a little bit of a geek, you can use Calibre to add Opendyslexic to your favorite epub books.

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It's kind of interesting if you're a little bit of a science geek like me and you have done some studies on this or been in some studies.
Big time geek (otaku), who can hold a conversation about politics, religion, economics and a little bit of everything else.
32 year old divorced Microsoft geek, looking for a little bit of online and offline fun.
It wasn't funny (though I actually loved «Sarah Marshall» and «Greek», movies that didn't try to be something they weren't), it wasn't dramatic, the bits that were supposed to be funny just felt kind of depressing, and although I've been a fan of Jason Segal since Freaks and Geeks, his Eeyore shtick is starting to get a little old.
Over the years David has interviewed many people, we got to talk about some of his favourite moments from throughout his career and geeked a little bit too hard over STAR WARS as we had just seen the 40th anniversary of the original theatrical release.
We try and add a nerdy little fact every time as well, because everyone needs a bit of geek in them.
Compared to the more traditional geek they have a very surface level knowledge of comic - book characters or anime, and behaved a little different, generally being a bit rowdier in comparison.
Sam: Fair warning for the listeners, we are going to geek out a little bit about Mac stuff, potentially more than just a little, but one of the reasons I'm having Katie on is because she just went out on her own and is starting her own practice and so that's really interesting to talk about too, but Katie, maybe first, tell us a little bit more about Mac Power Users.
If you can combine a grease monkey with a computer geek, throw in a touch of information nut and organization freak, combined with a little bit of storyteller, you've got a good idea of who I am.
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