Sentences with phrase «little bit of confidence»

«The guidelines may give some a little bit of confidence, but I don't think it will give them enough to bank these folks,» Pishue said.
After quite a few years of cooking and developing recipes, we have managed to build up a little bit of confidence and don't panic over kitchen...
The boss said, «We conceded three last week so I changed a bit because Mustafi came back and Holding had lost a little bit of confidence
He said Holding just lost a little bit of confidence, not a lot.
That little bit of confidence can and likely will take them far over the course of the next few weeks.
Arsenal have a tricky game away at Leicester City tomorrow, and it was great that our reserves beat Tottenham on Wednesday to restore the feel - good factor and give us a little bit of confidence that we can actually win an away game now and then!
«There will be times — and I'd be lying if I said there weren't times — when I lost a little bit of confidence.
Well, he could be average but IMo, he lost a little bit of confidence to go into tackles as he is clearly trying to improve on his discipline.
«That gave me a little bit of confidence that I can play with these guys.»
The young Tottenham goalscoring sensation Harry Kane sounds like he is writing off Arsenal ahead of today's clash at White Hart Lane, and after 15 home wins in a row you can understand a little bit of confidence today, but when it comes to the North London Derby there is no room for cockiness.
A little bit of confidence can always help you get that extra ounce of strength to overcome your rivals, and the Arsenal midfielder Francis Coquelin says that his team - mates are sure that this could be their season, and have thought that from before the season even started.
As soon as we can get a little bit of confidence built in them, they're really going to take off.»
«When you don't have this opportunity, and for different reasons we couldn't give him all the time, then you lose a little bit of confidence.
«I think I'm seeing the net a little better these days, but you get a couple of them to go for you and you get a little bit of confidence.
No one is quite sure what they are doing and that little bit of confidence can make you look really, really bad and at times in that second half, they looked bad.
«We came here with a little bit of confidence, in good nick, looking to ideally get a fourth win on the trot.
It gave me a little bit of confidence to at least think about trying the dress in the book.
Mother of two Linda Boissinot recalls that «questions or criticisms always shook the little bit of confidence I was developing.»
Lovely post Purva, As I always say, women don't realise how beautiful they are, a little bit of confidence and will power and tehy can rock any outfit.
It just takes a little bit of confidence and you can rock this all day.
We know it takes a lot of courage to step out in this look, but with a little bit of confidence, you'll be sure to sparkle all day and night.
You know, that outfit that you walk around with a little bit of confidence (not cockiness... confidence... there is a difference) and a whole lot of FUN?
This can help jump - start, and eliminate those first date jitters, along with giving singles that little bit of confidence.
The downfall of most traders usually happens something like this: After a decent period of winning, you get a little bit of a confidence increase, you're definitely improving your trading skills and abilities, and it shows by the increase in your trading account value.
Once you've conquered the Light World, and gained a little bit of confidence in your Super Meat Boy skills, the game crushes what little faith you had amassed when you step into the game's twisted and insanely difficult Dark World.
It's as if a little bit of his confidence rubs off on her and she feels empowered by it.
I am now on my way to try more things with a little bit of confidence under my belt.
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