Sentences with phrase «little bit of one's time»

We're going back to Athens to take a good little bit of time for the holidays in December and January to be at home and just work on music.
She's done a couple sleepovers with a volunteer and did well crated for the car ride and for little bits of time when the volunteer left her.
You have to give a little little bit of time to a freshly elected federal government,» he advised the Sunday paper.
Very helpful, I love my Instrutor Lenny he helped me a lot... made me feel comfortable driving and taught me a lot in little bit of time till my road test that I actually passed today!
Since we've finished The Americans and we're soaking up the last little bit of time I'm home, we've been returning to game nights, and it's great.
It is worth the little bit of time invested to reap a whole new crowd of loyal customers
It's an investment of money and a little bit of time, but it's a completely necessary step in the growth of your business.
With this in mind, you may need to take some time to find a freelancer who can deliver on the kind of content you're looking for; most writers will also require a little bit of time to learn about you and your business.
«We're going to need a critical mass of funds and a little bit of time to see how, over the course of time [and] through different market cycles, these funds perform.»
Because search experience optimization is a much more common sense endeavor and anyone can figure it out with a little bit of time and effort.
Science shows practicing gratitude by taking a little bit of time out of your schedule to consciously count your blessings is a great way to boost happiness and your chances of success in life.
It just takes caring, a little bit of time and a lot of patience.
If you can, she adds, «carve out a little bit of time in your life to enhance the lives of others.»
Then, at a predetermined time, everyone in the business commits a little bit of time to address every issue on the «DRIVES ME CRAZY» board.
«You need to decide — do I want to get to the end of this and feel rubbish, or can you really give yourself a little bit of time to keep a little bit there?»
That's all great, because you still haven't spent any money and you've only spent a little bit of time.
I practiced law for three years, then worked in Boston managing a technology company for a few years, then did a little bit of time in investment banking, then joined a venture fund.
«Pausing to take a little bit of time to reflect on those contributions that we make every day even once a week is enough to strengthen our ability to focus and to invest effort in what otherwise might be a difficult and stressful job.»
2 p.m. — My friend needs to return a romper and I want to window shop to gather ideas for Coachella outfits, so we spend a little bit of time at the mall.
I think we are slowly heading into an era where things are getting cleaned up it will just take a little bit of time.
So instead of it being a pie chart where I have to give a little bit of my time and energy to everything, every day, I'm learning to better communicate my current focus to people around me.
Stocks only stay at their high for a little bit of time.
It is 55 minutes of my very own every day and helps me to devote a little bit of time to myself.
This takes a little bit of time and is more imprecise, but if there are a lot of pings over the course of a year from the same IP address in the city that matches your competitor's corporate office address, then there's a good chance it's from someone from their office checking out your website.
As a business owner, you've likely already started taking action on Gary Vaynerchuk's warning by investing a little bit of time and money into content marketing.
European leaders probably bought «a little bit of time» in staving off a euro - area breakup after last week's summit even as the region remains a long way from stabilization, Harvard University Professor Kenneth Rogoff said.
But first, I will spend a little bit of time describing the system for open market operations in Australia.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has softened his hard - line attitude in the direction of Greece, declaring its new Still left - wing Syriza govt wants «a little bit of time» but appears to be ready to function in the direction of resolving its credit card debt disaster.
Before blowing it all on entertainment (which can also be fun, and even necessarily, from time to time), take just a little bit of time to consider the best ways for you to spend it based on your current needs.
«I worked full time, went to classes full time, partied full time and so that left a little bit of time for studies.
Speed Volunteering makes it easier for people to give a little bit of time while still making a positive impact — in just a couple of hours, on a one - off basis, and at short notice.
And unless someone's making arrangements for you, it's worth spending at least a little bit of time with the person before you decide if they are worth marrying.
The only thing separating us is a little bit of time and some shades of grey..
If you guys took a little bit of time to actually «learn» the history of your religion you wouldn't be so quick to blindly follow the words of madmen and fanatics.
It takes a little bit of time to bake in the oven, but it just like spaghetti noodles.
Buying roasted almonds saves a little bit of time, but you can always roast them at home.
This may take a little bit of time, but those brie croutons alone make it worthwhile!
If I have a little bit of time in the morning (while I'm eating breakfast and unloading the dishwasher) or the night before (while we're watching a show or cleaning up dinner), I set some on the stovetop to cook.
These cinnamon rolls are sooooo simple to make, but it does require a little bit of time.
Risotto just takes a little bit of time to make, about 30 minutes, and constant attention.
They do take a little bit of time; but they are so worth it!
The ice cream does take a little bit of time (not work time - sitting time) so plan ahead, but make sure you let the cream sit overnight for the flavors to blend and allow time for the corn to sit.
Sorry, but I was away camping... Sometimes you just need a little a bit of time to recharge!
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