Sentences with phrase «little box»

The whole trick was to get out of my own little box of miserable self - talk so that I could focus on my husband.
People seem to place themselves in little boxes with their own set limitations.
People shouldn't have to fit into little boxes with assigned labels, that's what separates humanity today.
You can make it bigger by clicking on the appropriate little box on the right of the conversion box.
Very few people can put their problems into little boxes and put them on the shelf.
I didn't want to put these people, or these movements, or this issue into a nice neat little box.
I see cute little boxes like this all over the place.
So If I buy a birthday present and the cashier wraps it in a nice little box, that I (the cashier) just celebrated your birthday with you?
And finally, what a tiny little box right there in the middle of the universe.
It is a monthly subscription service you sign up for and once a month you get a pretty little box in the mail with amazing goodies!
Each app has its own little box and the icon will be at the top bar next to the close button.
Bottom line, I don't fit into one perfect little box, and I don't expect you to either.
Maybe you could keep little boxes of non-dairy milk on hand to use when making vegan recipes?
While you can make it using one of those cheap little box mixes, the real thing is a million times better!
It is moments like these when I want my tight little box and rule books back.
This clever little box sits between the plug socket and the appliance, connecting to a smartphone or tablet anywhere in the world.
I love that this came in a great little box along with a card signed by the artist, incredible!
I loved that book as a child, and would have been over the moon to have a special little box filled with magical seeds and endless potential for summer adventures.
Can you imagine how happy your friends would be to receive a beautiful little box of these delights under their tree this year?
I did two sessions, large sessions on a white board, moved it to word, and drew little boxes with pictures in it, and then breakout boxes for the text.
I chose five frames from their website, and about a week later a cute little box showed up at my door.
There would be a big box at the top, with lines to little boxes below, but only one level of depth, and no lines between subsidiaries.
You have to be a blind apple follower to spend all that money for a shiny little box.
I have never seen a box, ship with so many little boxes inside.
We made our TVs out of little boxes wrapped in foil.
Looks like convenient little box, especially for jewellery, I think.
Taking out the plastic tray, we see cool little boxes labelled with silver printed icons.
If you're giving wonderful little gifts for the holidays, why not whip up some equally wonderful little boxes?
The replacements came in a lovely little box, tied with a bow!
The darling little box came packed beautifully, everything wrapped in tissue with marketing on point!
I liked this funky little box far more than I expected.
Some cats develop an adversity to little boxes after surgery due to the litter hurting their healing paws.
It's a squat little box dominated by a big screen and speakers.
As much as I hate to say it, whether you should buy this gorgeous little box depends on the type of gamer you are.
On my laptop it just appears as an empty little box.
They came in this cute little box complete with a pouch to keep them in the freezer.
Make these colorful little boxes and string them up on a garland on your mantel.
The human species isn't actually designed to live in little boxes all separated from each other.
Don't try to fit your customers and employees into one nice, neat little box.
Just fill out that little box on the left!
If it's meant to be a notebook, it's far too small, especially being split into little boxes.
I'm always looking for gift tags that I can tie to little boxes of conversation hearts and bags filled with tasty treats.
I'm sure they'd make a great gift, in a pretty little box.
YES I'd love to see your next post when your cute little box gets delivered?
You bought a Birthday gift and the cashier wraps it up in a nice little box.
I'm so sick of blogging needing to fit some perfect little box / niche of what others think it should be.
But when it comes to a cheap little box that you talk to and that answers your questions and that controls your entire home, the comparison is just too perfect.
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