Sentences with phrase «little breaking bubbles»

Not exact matches

I guarantee he'll be cheating on you soon honey, sorry to break your young little bubble.
This will be when the edges look cooked (even a little on top) and bubbles break on top of the pancakes and the bubbles remain open.
If he is in a good mood and you show him a card, he raises his eyebrows, opens his eyes really wide, pants, kicks his feet, blows bubbles, and will usually break out into a cute little smile.
The Little Remedies Gas Drops are perfect, which is simethicone and that's a medicine that helps break down the gas bubbles in your baby's tummy.
They also like massage at this time, and I would go and I would get my Little Remedies Gas Drops, which remember, and try using those to break down the gas bubbles.
Often these kinds of motions break up bubbles and give gas that little extra push it needs to work its way out.
Doing these things can help to break up bubbles and give gas a little push towards an exit.
Breaking the weird little bubble of the first film actually harms the efficacy of many of the more absurdist jabs; they are often funny on the surface, but feel like some of the force has been robbed from them.
They are ostensibly there for each other, yet so self - involved they can barely break out of their own little bubbles.
One liter of methane clathrate solid would therefore contain, on average, 168 liters of methane gas (at STP)» so the formation of clathrates near the wellhead would buoyantly transport the gas to near surface layers above the clathrate stability zone, where it would break down into bubbles and dissolve; I think that turbulence in the rising column would disperse the clathrate and bubbles widely enough that little if any would make it directly to the surface.
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