Sentences with phrase «little buggers know»

Not exact matches

My understanding — 2nd hand, but from reliable «sciency» food writers, is that when you salt the bean soaking liquid, the salt gets in the bean and then causes the bean to repel water — which has explained a period of time when EVERY SINGLE time I tried to make black bean - something - or - other the little buggers came out hard, no matter how long they soaked or cooked.
Now I know that there is not, so I'll cut that little bugger right away.
These tough little buggers, also known as tardigrades, could keep calm and carry on until the sun boils Earth's oceans away billions of years from now, according to a new study that examined water bears» resistance to various astronomical disasters.
How the heck do you wear ankle boots?!? They're cute, no doubt, but these little buggers can be a bit tricky to style.
The decision on the grant has already been made — I just don't get to know the outcome yet (little buggers).
One of these little buggers in your front yard will let your neighbors know you are socially awkward on multiple levels!
Anyone who has heard about the dual - film next sequel (and anyone who stays into the credits of this film), will know that these little buggers will all weigh heavily in the future against a purple guy who likes floating space furniture and sounds a lot like James Brolin.
The tricky little buggers always show pictures of how the Kindle Fire looks great in the cover and at multiple angles, but they only use the same old picture (you know the one with the book cover of MadMen, as seen above).
Indoor cats are, of course, less likely to be bitten by a mosquito, but anyone who's ever been around them knows that the little buggers can be quite persistent, so it isn't impossible.
He knows where to find the little subterranean buggers.
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