Sentences with phrase «little bumps all»

Do not press down too heavy when you are rolling or you will create air bubbles that can make add little bumps to the finish.
It has little bumps and scrapes on it, and looks so much like real wood!
I say «popcorn-esque» because it was actually swirls of stuff... not little bumps, like popcorn ceilings have.
As in West Antarctic δ18O, there was a bit of an increase in melt in the 1830s and the 1940s at James Ross Island, perhaps also ENSO - related, but these little bumps pale in comparison with the amount of melting occurring since the 1950s.
There's a good chance that many Nintendo Switch players will be keeping their systems around the house, where lack of storage is a non-issue when compared to the likelihood of incurring little bumps and scrapes.
Granted, it means those «above character» tiles can't have any little bumps or stones in the part that's the floor, because anything not the background color will appear above the character sprite, ruining the effect.
Even in a fast corner you continuously feel your wheel reacting to the little bumps on the track.
Montgomery glands, named for Dr William Fetherstone Montgomery (God rest his soul), are those tiny little bumps on the areola.
These little bumps can suddenly send you and your ride spinning across the landscape while your enemies laugh, point and blow you to pieces.
Be warned, the slides at the top of the complex caused more little bumps and bruises than the rest of the trip combined.
«In examining her, [vets] felt a couple little bumps on her body,» Szczudlo said.
Be sure to massage the fur back and forth feeling for little bumps.
You may also notice multiple little bumps or scabs on your cat?s skin.
Dog Flakey Skin Not rated yet Dog Flakey Skin Reader Question: My ten - year - old miniature schnauzer has little bumps on her lower back with pepper - like things that I can remove...
About a week, maybe 2, ago, we started noticing her ears were red and had little bumps in them.
First appearing as small little bumps or just small crusty patches, these comedones can grow quite a bit larger becoming more pronounced.
Unfortunately for the Miniature Schnauzer, these little bumps or comedones are thought to be an inherited condition and may be present throughout the dog's life.
I have cockerspainel with skin problem he very itchy with little bumps that get dry and scaly and some time vet gave me keratolux which removes the scales and i saw ketochlor and wondering what is the differences?
If you see any little bumps or dips between the two major highs / lows, do what you do when your significant other shouts at you — ignore it.
November saw every dividend increase from its previous value (due to reinvestment) and some little bumps due to some automatic purchases with monthly contributions (OHI).
Life is full of little bumps... like how our furnace went out at the onset of last season's most severe cold snap.
This level of rigidity doesn't work so well on public roads, where little bumps and imperfections can bounce the car off - course.
No longer do little bumps in the road have to mean uncomfortable, extended wait periods and unfathomable prices; choose a special from above and come see the Toyota of Dallas difference.
It more readily absorbs the kind of little bumps that most crossovers transmit straight to the driver.
So I tried sanding it with a paper bag, but whenever I'd go over the little bumps, they'd burst and I'd get white powdery streaks everywhere.
These 4 pics highlight some of my skin's greatest annoyances: little bumps that aren't full - blown acne / whiteheads, but don't go away easily, either.
My forehead has recently become an issue of mine with little bumps and I have been trying numerous products.
I don't usually break out too much, but every once in a while, I get a really horrible allergic reaction, and I get these little bumps / white heads: (I wonder if Curology will work for that too?
I had been off Accutane for two years when I noticed little bumps surfacing around the back of my ears and neck.
I have those little bumps on my skin too!
The only thing I wasn't a fan of was I noticed that if I overlined my lips, I developed little bumps that eventually went away on their own.
RESULT: When I used this Mediheal Tea Tree Care Solution Essential Mask Ex for the first time, my skin feels rough, a little reddish, and there were little bumps all over my skin.
Even though those little bumps have cleared up, I still use this to prevent them, keep my skin moisturised and looking glowy.
So, conclusion: perfect summer «kimono», easy to wear, beautiful with little bumps (or no bumps of course), because of the waist band, and elegant exaggerated shoulders to bring some power.
They were little bumps that NEVER went away no matter what I did.
I have sensitive skin and get little bumps when I use most moisturizers but I've been using Differin for a few weeks and I love how it feels on my face and I have not any breakouts at all.
Pick up an apple and rub your thumb along its skin, feeling all of the little bumps and bruises that the fruit has endured before reaching you.
Some little bumps along the way... but generally I'm very happy with the progress.
So after I did this mask, obviously it pulled everything out and now I have the small little bumps allover my face, what can I do to help with that?
Have you ever had issues with your face breaking out with little bumps?
I have tried to get back on the wagon since then and have been taking my vitamins and almost totally sustaining from grains and trying to cut back on sugar but I am still seeing a lot of little bumps on my forehead.
My arms had little bumps, my legs itched and the stress made it worse.
My skin had tiny little bumps all over, my skin dried out, and my skin was breaking out more.
It's covered with a moist tissue called the mucosa, which contains hundreds of little bumps, or papillae — they hold the taste buds that allow us to differentiate between sweet, bitter, salty and sour tastes (there is a fifth taste, called umami, associated with tasting glutamate).
«People get little bumps all the time from inflammation or bug bites, but they go away in a few weeks,» she says.
The machine came back to life in 2010, and the more than 6,000 Higgs hunters on the project began seeing little bumps in their data that suggested the existence of the particle.
Sometimes, the skin can develop little bumps that may ooze fluid.
From the first strange dreams through every other «first» — the first ultrasound, the first time hearing his heartbeat, those first little bumps and nudges — to the arrival of my first born it has been the most breathtaking experience.
Aside from appearing somewhat more translucent than the skin we've become accustomed to, the skin on the faces of newborns and older babies can have a few or a whole bunch of little bumps on its surface.
You may have noticed a darkening of the areola and the appearance of little bumps.
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