Sentences with phrase «little caramel»

I find that just one little caramel keeps me satisfied for the whole day and prevents sugar cravings, so it's much easier to avoid unhealthy snacks at work.
I love chia pudding, but peanut butter chia pudding might be my new favorite chia pudding, and when it's topped with cinnamony apple chunks, it's something like eating a scruptious little caramel apple parfait.
These pretty little caramels make a cute prezzie for a fellow Paleo.
Wow, these look too good, especially with that little caramel button on top.
I think I am going to drizzle a little caramel in each one next time.
Maybe it's because the filling is semi-cooked first giving it a little caramel kick?
We love this one served warm and topped with ice cream (and sometimes we sneak a little caramel sauce on top too!)
Heinz uses a little caramel coloring in its product to give it that distinctive tint.
Or serve warm (about thirty minutes after removing from oven) and top with vanilla ice cream and a little caramel sauce.
This cake is simple to make, but looks impressive turned out and drizzled with a little caramel sauce.
I think I'll try the date variation for a little caramel flavour.
Don't worry to much though — save a little caramel for the end, to go on top.
I like to drink straight shots of coffee over ice with a little caramel to take off the bitterness and a splash of cream.
Whisk a little caramel cream into the tofu mixture to temper it, then pour the tofu mixture into the remaining caramel cream and mix.
Heck no, it's my all time favorite treat too and who doesn't like a little caramel sauce drizzled in their morning coffee, it's better then Starbucks.
These little caramel apple pie sundaes have me yearning for fall and wishing I had one right now to have for dessert.
Ice the cakes, then drizzle with a little caramel sauce and a sprinkle of toasted pumpkin seeds.
I'll take it one step further and use a little caramel drizzle, too, «coz this is a very special cheesecake for Uru.
A little caramel - colored Chihuahua, she was picked up by Animal Control and tossed into a kennel.
Place a little caramel sauce in the bottom of large, buttered muffin tin.
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