Sentences with phrase «little catnip»

"Little catnip" refers to something that is highly enjoyable or enticing to a specific person or group, just like how catnip can be irresistible to cats. It suggests that this thing or situation brings great pleasure or excitement to individuals. Full definition
Cast your vote by picking up one of these hysterical little catnip cat toys today... and if your cat is non-pawtisan or an independent (and really, what cat doesn't lean that way from time to time?)
«If a toy is stuffed with poor - quality or little catnip, or if it sits on a shelf too long, it will have very little catnip aroma when sniffed,» she says.
A little catnip can go a long way, even if the toy is not a catnip toy.
Attract your cat to the scratching post by attaching a few toys, rubbing a little catnip into the surface, or providing a more elaborate structure with climbing and perching areas.
You can also sprinkle a little catnip at the base of the post.
Likewise spray the areas you want to be attractive to her, like her cozy bedding (sprinkle a little catnip in there too!)
Help your cat discover the joys of scratching the post by playing with a toy stick around it, or by putting a little catnip on it.
Refresh them with a little catnip, and the toys will seem new again.
Catnip is ten times more effective than DEET at repelling mosquitoes Some insects also contain Nepetalactone which may protect them from other insects Large cats such as tigers can also enjoy a little catnip There are 250 species in the mint family Labiatae, only one causes this response in cats Cats can smell very small amounts of catnip in the air, only 1 part per billion
To lure cats to scratch on their scratching post or cat tree instead of furniture, try rubbing catnip onto the posts or spraying a little catnip oil where you want to direct the cat's attention.
If your cat needs a little help finding and using the angle scratchers when you first get them, you can sprinkle a little catnip on them or play with a wand toy near them, draping it over the scratcher during the game to get your cat started.
Place the scratching post next to your dining room chairs, and it wouldn't hurt to rum a little catnip on the post so she's attracted to it.
To make a sock toy that your cat will get really excited about put a little catnip in with the filling, this is almost guaranteed to make the toy one of your cat's favorites.
When it arrived, I threw a little catnip on it that was included in my package and that was it!
After a few days of relative inactivity, I sprinkled a little catnip on it and they like the catnip of course, but pay only marginally more attention to the Scratcher as they did before I added it.
A little catnip helps, too!
Enhance your cat's fun with catnip - for those cats affected by catnip, you can enhance the fun of toys, scratching boards, or just about anything with a little catnip.
Most of these toys are refillable with new catnip unlike those little catnip mice you can buy in the pet section at the grocery store that have already lost their catnip umph before you even open them.
This unique blend contains several ingredients that may calm your cat, including chamomile, nettle, and just a little catnip.
If you're having a little trouble getting your cat to use the scratching post, try rubbing a little catnip on it.
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