Sentences with phrase «little ceremony»

I figure I can hold my own little ceremonies and make all of their deceased elders gay.
Through the portal I met Suresh and we got married with little ceremony.
I just unbaptized all the heretofore baptized dead Jewish folks in a nice little ceremony out behind my wood shed.
In a sappy little ceremony, the honoree is led to the dais, placed on a throne and given a crown, a robe and a scepter.
Hula shows are staged nightly and departing guests are given a kukui - nut lei, presented in a graceful little ceremony.
Zach Barth's TIS - 100 dumps you into an interface for assembly - language programming, with very little ceremony.
As to it being a policy of insurance; short shrift from their lordships with little ceremony, this type of arrangement is not a policy of insurance.
They can't start the dead persons paperwork till you do your little ceremony of robes and curved daggers?
Their little ceremony won't change anything about her life.
The pastor who tells people that baptism is «a little ceremony for the parents» or «merely a symbol that the person has made a decision for Christ» is probably the same pastor who attempts to protect his or her people with talk of death as «natural and beautiful» or of sex as «merely recreation.»
Your little ceremony won't help, it's already been said and done.
If the mormons were making little dolls of each Jewish person they were baptizing after death and instead of «baptizing» them they held a little ceremony where they stuff thousands of the dolls into the gas oven beneath their temple to «figuratively» commit genocide would you be okay with it?
So long as the law requires I go through your silly little ceremony to take care of my wife when she is in the hospital the silly little ceremony needs to be controlled by the government, not the church.
In 1930 they asked him, by letter, whether he would christen their first - born, with these unexceptionable words: «In the love of God I name this child Lawrence, and require of his parents that they bring him up in the ways of beauty and truth,» There was to be a little ceremony, a «dedication» to God.
If he's in Detroit, there will be a little ceremony.
Although he eventually found out where I hid his bottles, our little ceremony helped him realize he didn't need them anymore.
Hillary's hoping — she even made up a funny little line for the Washington Post about her new Republican supporters:» «I've stopped asking them why and you know I have a little ceremony where they can go through absolution,» she laughed.»
So, Sandy and I plan to have a little ceremony and party in New York City, to celebrate 25 years together.
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