Sentences with phrase «little considerations like»

Actually, little considerations like not indenting the first paragraph, having line breaks between paragraphs and no indents, or starting paragraphs with a bigger letter are all possible, but not actually a big deal (they won't make a big impression on readers, who see past those things and just read the book).
A little consideration like this will go a good way to making certain that the whole thing runs easily and there are no needless arguments.
A little consideration like this goes a ways to making sure that the whole thing runs well and there are no needless disagreements.

Not exact matches

These beliefs, likes and dislikes will certainly affect the quality, consideration, and influence the choices we now make in how to choose a brand of baby formula for our little bundles of love.
already received compliments, very practical car seat / stroller combo, little heavier than a regular car seat as expected, probably requiring just a bit more opening of the door if you are in a tight garage because of the wheels, would love to have an easier way to move the handle between the three positions if there isn't something like a safety consideration behind it.
Very much a genre stylist in the mold of golden - age Hollywood directors like Anthony Mann or Raoul Walsh, Uchida showed little discernible personal style to mark him as an auteur in the French critical mold, but the uniformly high quality of his works and his ability to succeed in a variety of genres mark him as a filmmaker very ripe for (re) consideration by critics.
Although these traits do correspond with her character (Diane says her apathetic daughter dresses like a «Polish refugee»), her whiny disposition does little to develop Lane as a character deserving much consideration.
Others, like the ship's Irish builder Thomas Andrews (Victor Garber) and unrefined nouveau riche socialite Molly Brown (Kathy Bates), get a little more consideration.
It looks like every little detail has been taken into consideration by the mappers.
Public schools are asked to be competitive and act more like private entities, but there is little comparison to the flexibility of the private sector in forcing public schools to furlough teachers based on seniority rather than performance or other important educational considerations.
It does take a little more consideration when looking at long bonds, but it's still not like brain surgery.
Age / Gender / Size: 2 1/2 years old; Female; Medium Breed: Mixed breed (Labrador / Terrier / American Pit Bull) Likes: Jogging, treats, and cuddling Dislikes: Overwhelming situations (she's a little shy) Special Considerations:... Read More
But picture taking can be tricky; sure, for some it may be as simple as point and click but true photography takes a little consideration — things like lighting, orientation, composition, and even intention are all thought about before the shutter clicks.
This does not even take into consideration a logarithmic approach which would make the first 41 % more like 60 % of the total warming for a doubling which would mean we could expect as little as.4 C more warming for the next 166ppm of CO2.
I would like to throw out just a little different spin, a consideration that parents probably never get to because their first reaction when the subject is brought up is to stick their fingers in their ears and go, la la la la la...
Taking all of these golden rules into consideration, the perfect example of an answer to «Tell me about yourself» might sound a little something like the below:
Like love and marriage, quite a few real estate investors jump into contract and partnership arrangements with an exceptionally bright view of the future, with little consideration of what might happen if everything goes south.
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