Sentences with phrase «little damage from a storm»

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Last year, schools in Brevard had very little damage from Hurricane Matthew, thanks to the storm's last - minute wobble to the east.
As Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology put it in a email not long ago: «One has to recognize that the human toll from hurricanes results from the most intense wind and rain events; the vast majority of storms do little or no damage.
A few years ago, when I was first launched into becoming the amateur investigator of what's up with whatsupwiththat, and the flood of really well crafted (certainly not done by ignorant people) anonymous emails conveying little known proof of Obama's secret Islamitude, and other lies that would damage Rush Limbaugh's reputation if he were to personally deliver them... Ah Say, Ah Say (Foghorn Leghorn accent) when I was first launched into all that, from reading prodigious comment - storms in many places, including, but also invading more liberal venues, I concluded what we have here is less a movement for anything, than a massively stroked and stoked «Great Liberal Hating and Baiting Cult», with a very big self - organizing component, but definitely nourished in all sorts of ways by the folks you can read about in Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Meyer (best book yet of its class and I've read many).
Furthermore, having a little extra protection from Edgewood renters insurance can protect you financially and ease your mind when faced with any storm damage, disaster or other unexpected event.
North Little Rock renters insurance will usually pay for the damages incurred in the event of a fire, smoke from a fire, ice, storm damage, hail, wind, theft, vandalism, landslide, earthquake, tornado, or other disaster.
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