Sentences with phrase «little effect»

Other people can increase their external fat with very little effect on their internal fat.
However, except for quantum theory itself, this fact has had very little effect on how the sciences operate.
However, attempts at mutual adjustments result in increases in some years and decreases in others, with little effect on overall trends.
In fact, small changes in percentages will have little effect in total portfolio performance.
It's no surprise that, 28 years after the publication of A Nation at Risk, school - reform efforts have generated so little effect.
The study showed very little effect of these incentives on student performance.
Others, like sugary soda, have a moderate glycemic index because they contain a fair amount of fructose, which has relatively little effect on blood sugar.
This results showed little effect on weight gain and food intake but did find that brain development and food preference were affected.
«I was expecting there to be very little effect at all,» he said.
No white cast, no crunchy feel, but very little effect as well, at least on my hair.
It's such an insignificant law with such little effect on anything... and its a front page / primary opinion.
The more participation the better as self - regulation can have little effect if companies are not involved.
Now this had little effect for most of his term, but at the end he was worried.
This suggests that even the most clinically effective therapies are likely to have little effect unless greater efforts are made to keep patients engaged in the treatment process.
I have been paying those diligently for over 2 years and have seen little effect on my credit score.
A few years ago, I was dreaming about making money from stock markets, especially with little effect from my end.
The exceptions usually (but not always) cause little effect on vision.
I read somewhere that the idea this would save energy was based on 20 year old data, and that it would have little effect today.
Moreover, these measures tend to have little effect anyway, according to mainstream economists.
Sadly, this has little effect within the discipline.
Just add some nice little effects, and give the game plenty of color and you have a good - looking music game.
Results demonstrated little effect of the influence of race of the partner with whom the infidelity occurred on reactions to imagined infidelity.
The stress that occurs during this time is so high and there is little effect in calming these infants that families need to get the support and guidance to get through these periods.
Recent demographic changes are creating more diverse cities and suburbs, but these changes so far have had relatively little effect on schools.
As I see it there has been an inverse chicken - little effect at work.
We find very little effect overall, positive or negative.
The authors suggested that this could be done at times of greatest likelihood of bat deaths with little effect on power generation.
Our present study, like our previous one, shows little effect of the intervention on anxiety and depression.
There are a handful of opportunities to make narrative choices throughout the game, but these have relatively little effect on the overall story and there is only one ending.
But even this will have little effect unless it goes hand in hand with a serious attempt to reform the military and the police.
For two of these mutations, they saw little effect.
To be clear, did you just imply; if you can find little correlation (in temperature), then there is little effect from the sun?
There can be little effect of remedial measures as long as the infant was allowed the breast milk.
To assume that this is a little ball with little effect over time seems to be more neurotic than realistic in consideration of the preponderance of the evidence as understood in the aggregate earth system, and known influencing factors.
In June, however, the president of the British Pakistani Christian Association, Wilson Chowdhry, said any changes to the blasphemy law would, in reality, have little effect because of «local police authorities cowing under pressure from mobs led by local imams.»
The RAND authors, with the benefit of student - level data, follow students who move from traditional public schools into charter schools and conclude that these transfers have «surprisingly little effect on racial distributions across the sites.»
Over the past 20 years, many school systems around the globe have undergone some form of education reform and yet the trillions of dollars being spent in school systems, ongoing debates over the value of teacher pay incentives, and standardized test movements have yielded little effect in many countries.
Little effects like dust swirling around the environment and the return of Fall of Man's brilliant snow effect can sometimes make you stop just to look around.
As a result, the swells of the Pacific have little effect here meaning the seas are often flat calm.
Interestingly, even though Cooper (1989a) found little effect for homework at the elementary level, he still recommends homework for elementary students:
The news produced little effect on Litecoin price as its dynamic is dominated by general bearish sentiments on the crypto markets.
Some slight «wow» factor is provided by a neat little effect which flips the screen end over end at the start of each level - call me a spud, but it still impresses me today, especially given the limitations of the system.
It's probably the sum of a lot of little effects learned over years of practice, Heglund says.
The rise of the franc has seen the Swiss National Bankintervene in the foreign exchange marketto little effect.

Phrases with «little effect»

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