Sentences with phrase «little evidence about»

Although there is widespread agreement that competent parenting is related to better outcomes for children, there is little evidence about what parenting education should consist of, who should provide it, and how it should be delivered.40 Because volunteers came from varied backgrounds with different parenting experiences, they may not have agreed with the messages contained in the parenting curriculum and may have communicated this explicitly or implicitly to the teenager.
They are highly uncertain, in part because there is still very little evidence about the effects of most animal advocacy interventions.
There is little evidence about what predicts students» curricular dispersion, whether it affects later college or labor force outcomes, or, in fact, how to measure curricular dispersion.
With a colleague I carried out a review a few years ago for UNESCO of all major donors» activities related to teachers in multi-year projects with over $ 1 million funding and the biggest takeaway was that most funding that one can identify as earmarked for teachers goes to short - term in - service courses and that there is very little evidence about impact.
While there exists some quasi-experimental literature on the effects for student achievement of being new to the profession (e.g., Rockoff, 2004) or to a school (Hanushek & Rivkin, 2010), to date there is little evidence about how much within - school churn typically happens and how it affects students.
There is relatively little evidence about how subjective judges will respond to new evaluation systems, but the existing empirical evidence around dismissals suggests that changes are likely to be modest.
Unfortunately, unlike in the other briefs in the Carnegie Knowledge Network (CKN) series, there is little evidence about the efficacy of these various approaches.
We have very little evidence about whether teachers are aligning their instruction to the Common Core standards (what we know isn't very promising, especially with respect to reading), or whether it's working, or whether students are learning more as a result.
There's little evidence about the long - term effects of the ketogenic diet.
Plaquenil has been used as an «off - label» treatment — meaning it's approved for uses other than to treat osteoarthritic hand pain — but there's been little evidence about its effectiveness.
But, when we do we artificially limit the «available evidence» and this type of artificial limiting leads people to believe there is little evidence about neonatal safety with water birth.

Not exact matches

In his 1994 study on securities lawbreaking for the Justice Department, Schlegel found that while officials were talking tough about locking up insider traders, there was little evidence to suggest that the punishments imposed — either the incarceration rates or the sentences themselves — were more severe.
«My biggest concern is people who put serious weight into these rankings, make decisions about where to choose to apply, where to go to school, what tuition to pay when there's so little tangible, evidence - based information that lies below that ranking.»
For all the headlines devoted to the event, you'd think this was a really big deal — either a signal that our economy has zoomed past the lingering aftereffects of the Great Recession, or evidence of a bubble about to pop, as CNBC wondered a little while ago.
The Chinese authorities have expressed concern about overheating in some sectors of the economy, taking action to rein in credit growth and rebalance growth away from investment and towards greater household spending, but as yet there is little evidence that this is having the desired effect.
Although there's little evidence to suggest that startups are thinking about -LSB-...]
To the surprise of everyone who knew about the strong evidence for the little ice age and the medieval climate optimum, the graph showed a nearly constant temperature from the year 1000 until about 150 years ago, when the temperature began to rise abruptly like the blade of a hockey stick.
... apart from the occasional harsh word to or about his mother, there is surely too little evidence in Jesus» case to convict» (p. 47).
So Bo, how about doing the christian thing and showing this poor non-believer a little evidence.
A survey last month by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found «little evidence to suggest that concerns about the candidates» respective faiths will have a meaningful impact in the fall elections.»
If he did a little more research he might just be surprised about what evidence there is for creationism.
In 1938 the editors began constant reports on the little evidence available about pogroms and eventual threats of extermination of Jews.
You mention global myths of a great flood as supporting evidence, but even the article only states,» [a] lmost every culture has a legend about a great flood, and — with a little reading between the lines — many of them mention something like a comet on a collision course with Earth just before the disaster.»
These are the programs which appeal to many members of the mainline churches, people who go to church almost every Sunday, yet give little evidence of being uneasy about their deep involvement in secular culture and values.
Another Christ of Culture manifestation is evident in the «Be Happy» radio and TV programs that appeal to many members of the mainline churches — people who go to church regularly, yet give little evidence of being uneasy about their deep involvement in secular culture and values.
People are fed up with leaders and friends who talk learnedly and officiously about God but show little evidence of being interested in God.
The reasons are complex, but this seen is obvious to me: people are fed up with leaders and friends who talk learnedly and officiously about God but show little evidence of being interested in God.
Even after social scientists had accumulated data demonstrating that the optimistic predictions concerning the impact of divorce and single - parent families on women and children had failed to materialize, most mainline churches ignored this evidence, continuing to say little or nothing about the issues.
start using your brain Nii rather than what you have been told about a myth... you have no evidence and never will have... start looking at folks as human beings with potential rather than sinners and devils... its just a little childish.
I realize your psychological well - being is upset, and you get all flustered if you think about the «no god» idea, but it's not about evidence for logical conclusions, it's about your NEED to have it all wrapped up in a neat little box.
I agree with momoya, that it is of little use to make suppositions about such mechanisms or sequences of causation without evidence.
Investigate the evidence yourself, there is nothing at all that truly suggests that the Big Bang happened, the only thing they have used in order to come up with the theory is that in their observances, the Universe appears to be expanding from a central point, it doesn't prove that a Big bang occurred, we know so little about the universe, that we don't even know everything about our own world, and you really believe that our science has figured out the riddle to the beginning of the Universe?
Mr Taylor said while the Treasury brands had a large presence in the Australian market, there was little evidence that customers were truly passionate about most of them.
So I thought I would have a quick look at the evidence and see if there was support for what Mikel Arteta said to Arsenal Player about the Gunners seeming to be punished for every little mistake and not getting rewarded for the things we have done well.
You can't come here, call me smug with no evidence other than your own projection, say I'm «letting it slide» with, again, no evidence other than your own projection, and then say I'm in denial when you seem to have little to no clue what you're talking about.
A lengthy, well - researched, and powerful article in the Spring 2015 issue of the NCAA's Champion magazine, not only reports the belief of many top concussion experts that the media narrative about sports - related concussion trace has been dominated by media reports on the work of Dr. Ann McKee, which was the centerpiece of PBS Frontline's League of Denial, but Dr. McKee's, however belated, mea culpa that «There's no question [that her autopsies finding evidence of CTE in the brains of most of the former athletes were] a very biased study,» that they involved «a certain level of... sensationalism», that there were «times when it's overblown» and went «a little too far.»
I've been outspoken about my cute little spitter aka daughter; she never fails to leave evidence of her last meal on my shoulder.
I am clear about my basic assumptions about child development and child raising based on millions of years of evidence, unlike the people who publish articles that conclude it is all right to stress babies and deny them their evolved needs — with very little evidence.
Our bill would help stop companies that take advantage of parents and athletes» concerns about concussions and falsely market products as «safety» equipment, despite little evidence that the products protect players.»
What's more, all those claims you hear about milk being crucial for bones are a little thin on evidence.
The author, Rooja Sooben from the Centre for Learning Disability Studies at the University of Hertfordshire, says despite compelling evidence about the health benefits of breastfeeding, little is known about the experiences of mothers of infants with Down's syndrome.
Despite compelling evidence about the benefits of breastfeeding little is known about the breastfeeding experiences of mothers of infants with Down's syndrome.
There is little scientific evidence about smell sensitivity during the first trimester.
There is also little to no evidence about VBAC outcomes in women over the age of 40.
While that is certainly possible (I have a small bet on her) Labour has yet to ever pick a woman over a man in a leadership contest and there is little evidence that is about to change.
At the same time, while there tends to be little ostensible evidence in the UK of the blatant buying off of politicians and officials, the murky networks that connect political parties with private funders, and see the frequent movement of officials across the private and public sector, raise serious questions about the integrity of the public service ethos at the highest levels of power (as even Conservative commentators recognise — e.g. Ferdinand Mount, The New Few).
But just like the «swing back» to the Tories we've spent the past four years reading about, there remains little actual evidence it is about to happen.
According to Halifax, when the host Kwesi Aboagye asked the minister their achievement since taking charge, her answers boarded on talk and little evidence on the ground adding that he was scandalized that for the 2 weeks that no new movie had hit the market, the Deputy Minister was in the dark about the development till Peace FM's broadcast jolted her to the Opera Square.
He added: «Every day brings new evidence that this bill has little to do with making the NHS work better, and is all about competition, fragmentation and fat profits for private suppliers.
There must be some little tidbit of evidence somewhere that convinced everyone to start talking about it.
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