Sentences with phrase «little evidence across»

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However, Spicer then signaled that the White House sees recreational pot very differently, with the press secretary even attempting to link recreational use of the drug to the abuse of opioid drugs across the U.S. (In fact, there has been little scientific evidence linking marijuana legalization to opioid use, with some studies actually showing a decrease in opioid overdoses in states where legal marijuana is available.)
Dalton et al. (1998)(reviewing 31 studies of board leadership structure and finding «little evidence of systematic governance structure / financial performance relationships») and Rhoades et al. (2001)(meta - analysis of 22 independent samples across 5,271 companies indicates that independent leadership structure has a significant impact on performance, but this impact varies with context).
Denial on the other hand, is being skeptical of an assertion that has a lot of objective evidence, little to no conflicting objective evidence, and has been independently verified and often is consistent across multiple disciplines, but hasn't been «proved».
When you know that the outcome of any piece of careful policy analysis may be little more than a chip to be run across the back of a minister's fingers at the poker table, it does rather take the gloss off making sure all the evidence supporting it is just so.
At the same time, while there tends to be little ostensible evidence in the UK of the blatant buying off of politicians and officials, the murky networks that connect political parties with private funders, and see the frequent movement of officials across the private and public sector, raise serious questions about the integrity of the public service ethos at the highest levels of power (as even Conservative commentators recognise — e.g. Ferdinand Mount, The New Few).
Evidence shows that if a spill were to occur, little, if any oil would be recovered, leading to lasting impacts on coastal ecosystems across the Northeast.
The New York City Board of Elections» executive director testified to the City Council this morning that there is little evidence to support a Democratic election commisioner's caught - on - camera claims of extensive and systematic voter fraud in minority neighborhoods across the five boroughs.
Because there is so little scientific evidence to draw on, RAND researchers also surveyed 95 gun policy experts from across the ideological spectrum to identify where there might be consensus or opportunities for compromise.
A little farther on he comes across unequivocal evidence that something is putting the loosestrife to positive use.
There was little evidence for either significant heterogeneity across included studies (P =.31) or publication bias (P =.57 for Egger test).
«Little is known about whether (professional development) can have a positive impact on achievement when a program is delivered across a range of typical settings and when its delivery depends on multiple trainers,» conclude Wayne and co. «Despite a consensus in the literature on the features of effective (professional development), there is limited evidence on the specific features that make a difference for achievement.»
However, there is little evidence that across - the - board increases in relative pay for all teachers are necessary to staff public schools with qualified teachers.
In addition, they found little difference between scores on papers students selected as «best pieces» and scores for the rest of the writing portfolio, a finding that is inconsistent with other evidence suggesting lack of generalizability across different writing tasks (Dunbar, Koretz, Hoover, 1991).
Her entire argument can essentially be summed up in one sentence: «Taxpayers across the U.S. will soon be spending $ 1 billion a year to help families pay private school tuition — and there's little evidence that the investment yields academic gains.»
Taxpayers across the U.S. will soon be spending $ 1 billion a year to help families pay private school tuition — and there's little evidence that the investment yields academic gains.»
He found that the studies show that while there are some examples of success, particularly in large urban school districts that primarily serve students of color like those in New York City and Boston, they also show that across the nation, there is little evidence that charters do better than traditional public schools when it comes to student test scores.
The third school showed little evidence of a shift towards more effective reading instruction practices across Years 1 and 2.
We find little evidence of convergence or divergence in teacher effectiveness across teachers as they advance in their careers, but strong evidence that prior year estimates of job performance for individual teachers predict student achievement even when there is a multi-year lag between the two.
The rolling hills of southeast Oklahoma stretch from Norman across to Arkansas and show little evidence of the vast deposits of crude oil that were once beneath them.
Little evidence exists as to the importance of weighting across equity style dimensions.
In short, we find little evidence of identity - protective cognition and no evidence of belief polarization across these groups.
Robin also noted that there is little evidence in contraction of consumption in the developed world (or globally) and that «contraction and convergence» (ie less overall consumption and emissions matched with greater equality between nations across the world) will require lower numbers of people across the board.
We also find little direct evidence that tropical forests should not be able to respond to increases in [CO2] and argue that the magnitude and pattern of increases in forest dynamics across Amazonia observed over the last few decades are consistent with a [CO2]- induced stimulation of tree growth.»
We actually came across several situations in interviews where judges had taken concurrent evidence by video link («hot tubbing» — conjures up an image I always find a little off - putting!).
CoinDesk The price of bitcoin neared $ 6,000 last week, but charts suggest little evidence a big push across that threshold will be forthcoming.
«Despite sustained growth in housing values across the country, there is little evidence of an economic bubble in any of our major cities,» says Soper.
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