Sentences with phrase «little evidence on»

There is still little evidence on DMDD itself so far, although the announcement by the DSM has led to concerns that normative children's behaviours (tantrums) would be pathologised.
Harris discusses the controversies surrounding VAMs, as argued by both VAM proponents and critics, and he contends in the end that «[i] t is difficult to weigh these pros and cons... because we have so little evidence on the [formative] effects of using value - added measures on teaching and learning.»
Labor economists know that a year of schooling raises earnings but have little evidence on the impact of specific courses completed.
Policymakers and administrators endeavor to improve student outcomes, but often do so blind — there's little evidence on which policies or practices improve transfer outcomes.
There is very little evidence on refeeding in general.
Unlike with insulin resistance though, there's very little evidence on whether apple cider vinegar does generally improve your gut flora.
«Many people are excited by the potential of using activity trackers to monitor healthy behaviors, but there is very little evidence on who is using them and whether or not use is sustained over time,» said Mitesh Patel, MD, MBA, MS, an assistant professor of Medicine and Health Care Management, and director of Penn Medicine's Nudge Unit.
At the time there was abundant evidence that methyl mercury was toxic, but little evidence on ethyl mercury.
According to Halifax, when the host Kwesi Aboagye asked the minister their achievement since taking charge, her answers boarded on talk and little evidence on the ground adding that he was scandalized that for the 2 weeks that no new movie had hit the market, the Deputy Minister was in the dark about the development till Peace FM's broadcast jolted her to the Opera Square.
There is little evidence on the impact prenatal vitamins have on the natural capability in producing offspring.
But sheep were kept in the field between the months of April and November, and apart from this we re ~ ly have very little evidence on which to base an accurate dating.

Not exact matches

Based on this examination, we find extensive evidence that brain - training interventions improve performance on the trained tasks, less evidence that such interventions improve performance on closely related tasks, and little evidence that training enhances performance on distantly related tasks or that training improves everyday cognitive performance.
In his 1994 study on securities lawbreaking for the Justice Department, Schlegel found that while officials were talking tough about locking up insider traders, there was little evidence to suggest that the punishments imposed — either the incarceration rates or the sentences themselves — were more severe.
The rationale for the program relies on pockets of acute labour shortages, for which there is anecdotal evidence, but little in the way of analysis.
«The evidence that I have seen is that jobs are in fact increased because there is economic activity increased and because people have a little bit of spare money, which on $ 11 an hour you never have.»
There is little evidence that Affordable Care Act has put a damper on hiring or killed jobs, as Texas senator Ted Cruz also suggested.
«My assessment would be based on this evidence that the economy has a little more room to run than might have been previously thought, and that's good news.»
There's little research on the impact of the number of MBAs in the boardroom, but a growing amount of evidence suggests that a lack of diversity can hurt a company.
So far, the gauges that economists monitor show little evidence that price increases are on the verge of accelerating.
But Canadian officials expressed skepticism, noting that the war had been grinding on and that «there may be little reliable evidence to gather» and that «organizers of whatever (improvised explosive device) cell (which) supported and directed the dead bomber have been killed» by special forces.
In that sense, the Fed has the potential to make a huge structural difference in the economic lives of blacks and other minorities by heavily weighting the full employment part of the their mandate relative to the inflation part, especially since there's still considerable slack in the job market, with lower - wage, minority workers facing the brunt of it, and — importantly — little evidence of inflationary pressure (if anything, the Fed has missed their inflation target on the low side for a few years running now).
Dalton et al. (1998)(reviewing 31 studies of board leadership structure and finding «little evidence of systematic governance structure / financial performance relationships») and Rhoades et al. (2001)(meta - analysis of 22 independent samples across 5,271 companies indicates that independent leadership structure has a significant impact on performance, but this impact varies with context).
However, we put little weight on this evidence because it is based on limited and potentially non-representative information.
In short, aside from some potential for a «clearing rally» to correct the short - term oversold condition of the market, even the low advisory bullishness figures provide little evidence for a «contrary opinion» call on the market.
Parrott and Zandi concede there's little evidence that credit is tighter based on either average loan - to - value ratios and debt - to - income ratios.
Put simply, when valuation measures are steeply elevated but investors remain inclined to speculate, as evidenced by very broad uniformity of market action and the absence of internal divergences, rich valuations often have little effect on market outcomes.
Early advocates of these type of tax cuts argued that lower tax rates would increase economic activity and thereby revenues. However, thereâ $ ™ s little evidence changes in tax rates, except in more extreme cases, have a major impact on real economic activity.
However, thereâ $ ™ s little evidence changes in tax rates, except in more extreme cases, have a major impact on real economic activity.
A stable ratio of credit to GDP would require that they both grow at the same rate, but international evidence suggests that it is not unusual for credit to grow, on average, a little faster than nominal GDP.
We're going to let you in on a little secret: Investors focused on economic growth are wasting their time... If anything, the evidence suggests a negative correlation between equity returns and GDP growth... It may be that the best prices can be had in times of low economic growth, whereas we tend to overpay in a growing economy.
We can only wonder at the credulity of all those intellectuals who staked so much on so little evidence.
On face value, W. E. Hocking's remark that when Whitehead arrived at Harvard «his speculative structure... was already well advanced in its main outlines» is a bit of external evidence against my hypothesis, but it may mean nothing more than that Whitehead was little influenced by the philosophical opinions and controversies of his American colleagues during these years, which seems very much to have been the case.
@ just sayin... if those 4 little lines you typed are what you consider «evidence», then you need to really brush up on the rules of evidence.
Those of Mr. Wieseltier's mindset believe, with little benefit from logic or historical evidence, that democracy can he secured on a thoroughly secular foundation.
A survey last month by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found «little evidence to suggest that concerns about the candidates» respective faiths will have a meaningful impact in the fall elections.»
And there is, in fact, very little evidence that champions of ecclesial pluralism have bent over backwards to insure that their opponents are given a fair hearing on occasions of public debate, nor are they conspicuously tolerant or open - minded when they happen themselves to be in positions of extra-ecclesial authority — as journal editors, perhaps, or as deans of theology faculties.
There is little or no empirical evidence supporting Darwin's claim of macroevolution yet on «faith» someday we will prove it.
Prior to the time of the early church father Augustine, there is little evidence of discussion on the relationship of the synoptic gospels... and on side note of text book p. 47..
Nor could I, à la research paper, simply gather some persuasive evidence, plus a little easily - refutable counter-evidence, and solve the case on my own terms.
As has been said many times to you on here there may be a few people and places that are accurate but the majority of the bible is proven to be incorrect or without evidence, and as it is the foundational parts that are proven to be incorrect, there's very little value in the bible as a historical record.
Since there is so much evidence of the moral decay that follows a loss of theistic conviction and so little evidence of the maintenance of civilization apart from this conviction, the burden of proof is on the person who answers Meiklejohn's question in the affirmative.
I'm basing this on no more evidence than a little history, a lot of experience and an actor's knowledge of human nature.
We make progress, backing off a little on the whole exclusivity issue, and deciding to attend not only to the spectacular but to all the evidence around us.
In 1938 the editors began constant reports on the little evidence available about pogroms and eventual threats of extermination of Jews.
You mention global myths of a great flood as supporting evidence, but even the article only states,» [a] lmost every culture has a legend about a great flood, and — with a little reading between the lines — many of them mention something like a comet on a collision course with Earth just before the disaster.»
Atheists rely on scientists, which rely on this little thing called EVIDENCE, Christians find evidence to be somehow immoral, EVIDENCE, Christians find evidence to be somehow immoral, evidence to be somehow immoral, idiotic.
I've done a little research on this, and indeed the evidence is compelling.
Denial on the other hand, is being skeptical of an assertion that has a lot of objective evidence, little to no conflicting objective evidence, and has been independently verified and often is consistent across multiple disciplines, but hasn't been «proved».
One has little direct evidence to go on, mainly his discussion of the sixth constant of externality, The Community of Nature (PNK 78f).
I know places where Christians gather together and all they do is go through the routine of a set formula, they play the game; songs, sermon, money on the plate, cup coffee, small talk, with little evidence of mutual edification.
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