Sentences with phrase «little feel at»

The steering offers good weighting, but there's little feel at the rim, even if it proves accurate on turn in.

Not exact matches

It's obviously geared towards having the chance of a romantic connection, but if it's not, then there's a great chance that it'll at least be a friend or someone that might be a good business connection or something, and so I think being geared towards just social discovery generally both makes it a more effective product and also there's still I feel like a little bit of a stigma associated with online dating, and this makes it just a much more accessible product.
Read enough of these stories — as well as the avalanche of posts and articles out there urging you to up your productivity by getting up early — and you're bound to feel a little guilty if you're not naturally up and at»em at dawn.
«In terms of output, it's great to be in a groove and good at what you do, but I feel I'm doing my best work when I'm a little outside my comfort zone.
A core tenet of employee engagement is that there are few things more motivating to most workers than being heard; it's hard to imagine even the most jaded desk jockey wouldn't feel a little bit chuffed when the person at the top of the org chart looks her in the eyes and asks her what she thinks.
«Actually shopping at Amazon Go feels a little weird,» writes Rachel Metz of MIT Technology Review.
Almost immediately, I felt at least a little bit more strong and toned.
It will feel a little weird the first few times (many people are literally addicted to looking at their phones) but within a week or two, it will feel good and perfectly normal.
And that's how you can feel a little better, especially about yourself — because improving, at anything, is a sure - fire way to feel more confident.
Staying vigilant around the workplace will help stop those little falls and keep us feeling positive at work.
I liked seeing it there, blinking optimistically on my computer screen, but it felt a little like getting an A on a school project that I hadn't really worked at.
In fact, if you see someone taking a big whiff of a newly popped cork, you might feel a little embarrassed for them - as was the case recently when a waiter at a fancy restaurant made a big show of sniffing my cork for me like it was a newly found truffle!
Running a business can force an individual to recall what feels like to have very little (if anything at all).
While the cabinet members felt at the time that they were seriously involved in the war effort, the unnamed former minister, in retrospect, said he realized how little power and influence they actually wielded.
On those days when you feel a little flat, one glance at your success board and you feel a whole lot better.
It might feel a little exposing at first, but I guarantee that you will immediately get more engagement with your customers, they will feel like they know you and they will do business with you for the real reasons, not some hyped up corporate lingo that no one believes any more.
The complete post is well worth reading in full if you're feeling a little at sea at your new school (or if you're hoping to offer some guidance to the college student in your life), but here are a few of his tips in brief in get you started.
After all product freebies or discounts on services will come at little or no cost to you but the profit from these freebies will be immeasurable with countless returning customers and heart felt, positive reviews that entice newer ones.
«As the thrust builds, you would feel the G's come on again, and then at touchdown, you would feel a little bump.»
Plus when you drink a bottle of water before you eat, when you sit down at the table you'll already feel a little more full and won't be as tempted to eat past the point of hunger.
Little Nightmares feels like it's own world, a bit charming at times but with a dark inner core (and a lot of creepy baddies).
For one thing, the boycott is so diffuse — targeted as it is at dozens of companies — that little real impact can be expected to be felt by those companies, in terms of the bottom line.
And as they slowly began regaining weight, leptin levels rose a little, but got stuck at about half of what they'd been at the start of the show — which would help explain why they felt such strong urges to eat.
Still, it does have a few things going for it: The «fast delete» button lets you quickly scrap whole words at a time; there's a one - handed mode that lets you crunch the keys over to one side of the screen; and, when your phone is in landscape mode, it splits apart like an ergonomic keyboard, making it feel a little more natural for your thumbs.
Saying hello might feel a little awkward at first, but it is actually appreciated by people more than you might think.
McDermott's achievements at SAP are undeniable, but he still feels a little like the runner up, he told «The Brave Ones».
But somewhere in the heat of battle, when there seemed little to lose, when doing whatever it took felt more heroic than sticking to your guns, for one unfortunate moment at the 11th hour, it made all the sense in the world to ask, «Is this a prime minister?»
«She came to me and said, «Come - on dude,» I was feeling a little lazy at the time,» he laughs.
I had a little trouble with the Kickr Snap at first, adjusting the tension so that it felt like I was working hard enough (but not too hard).
«I feel like there's a little bit of hair on this one,» John Martinko, co-president at Drexel Hamilton, told CNBC's «Worldwide Exchange» on Friday morning.
It's these little touches that make employees feel connected to the organization at large, and encourage employee engagement from the bottom up.
You'll be amazed at how easy it is to feel better in every way just by doing a little light walking.
thinking about that as a niche, or at least the jewelry... not sure - I am too overwhelmed right now and just hoping it gets a little easier or slightly less terrifying... been looking for online work that did not seem like a total scam for almost a year now, and so far has not felt easier or less exhausting and have had no results yet....
Space felt a little closer to home at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables as Miami students participated in a live question and answer downlink with two astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
At F8 2018, it feels like Facebook might focus a little more on the «here and now» and how they might fix some of the privacy and security issues that have been widely discussed in recent weeks.
But filing taxes would be simpler, and Bankman felt he'd done his part to make people «a little less pissed at the government.»
The newness and attention needed of opening a second studio, still finding time and energy to give love to the first, I have 5 little boys at home and a 6th baby on the way, a husband and household all needing attention — it's easy to feel pulled in every direction.
For now I feel totally comfortable buying these small dollar amounts in HCN, HCP and VTR which, at the very least gives me a little exposure to the REIT world and allows me to get my feet wet.
I can start that path by not opening the doors with my own competitive research skills in adjacent verticals, which feel «great» because they build so many links, but aren't that «great» at all because they do little besides create short term gains, which reducing and evaporating SEO profits in an entire vertical (while also eating into other vertical profits as well).
Let's take a look at the RBoptions broker a little closer to see why we feel this is a real good online binary options broker to place trades with.
If my husband and I manage to set up reliable passive income streams now, we can feel at least a little bit in control when life throws us curveballs.
What a turd, I hope god strikes him with lightning twice... shame on anyone giving this man donations... look at his picture he looks a little mentally disturbed to begin with... I feel bad for his family, especially his kids... imagine how goofy there going to be when they grow up...
So, while I agree with much of what you are saying, and appreciate your thought - provoking questions, I feel I recoil a little at what seems to me like the very arrogance you claim to despise.
ok sure we all lived perfect little lives that nothing ever went wrong... except for: (mind you this is my life) 1) witnessing mother get punched in the face at 5 by stepfather 2) being removed from mother custody at 6 while watching sisters cry and having to lie to them to make them feel better.
@Christine, I feel I recoil a little at what seems to me like the very arrogance you claim to despise.
The devil likes to get us all running around putting out little fires of offense, and hurt feelings, and negative opinions, so we don't have time or energy to deal with the strongholds at the root.
Experiencing the kindness of strangers offered relief to Mormons who had been feeling «a little under siege,» said Bennett, who first got to know Romney through church in 1978 and worked with him for five years at Bain & Company, a global consulting firm that Romney eventually led as CEO.
«I feel a little bit blessed at being exposed to so much beauty,» he told those gathered at Westminster Abbey that day before sitting down at the piano to play his updating of the «Lord's Prayer.»
The biggest thing that I had to deal with was not feeling like God was mad at me every time I made any kind of a little mistake, because in the home that I grew up in you just never knew what was going to set my dad off.
It's been more than thirty years since Jesus turned everything right - side - up for my folks and I felt the weight of that choice at the table that night, watching all this little kid crew, another generation, all perched around my kitchen table by the light of candles in the darkness, telling us grown - ups all the things we already knew about Jesus.
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