Sentences with phrase «little fiber tend»

Both the fasting, pain meds, and little fiber tend to constipate!

Not exact matches

I tend to gravitate towards the greens after a few large meals, my tummy craves something a bit more simple, less rich, and let's just be real, a little fiber.
In that case, however, be aware that fruit juices tend to have more sugar and, because they have little - to - no fiber, a much higher glycemic index.
They tend to run the same or a little bigger than white because they tend to shrink a little less and the fiber is slightly thicker.
Trendy greenies can now dress in a variety of eco-textiles, such as «sea leather» made from the discarded skins of nonendangered fish; weedlike hemp, which requires little fertilizer; bamboo, which needs no tending and whose extensive roots can prevent soil erosion; Ingeo, a fiber fermented from corn; or hardy nettles, which can grow in various habitats, including soil that has been overfertilized.
Question regarding the diversity and health of the gut flora on such a diet: I eat lots of high fiber (any vegetable that grows above ground except for corn — 5 + servings a day), my meats are either free - range or grass - fed, dairy generally comes from the same source and tends to have natural probiotics, organic as possible, multivitamin and mineral supplements, in excess of a gallon of water a day, and a probiotic supplement once a week to give the little fellas a boost — all while staying below 50 grams of net carbs per day.
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