Sentences with phrase «little fists»

The phrase "little fists" refers to small, closed hands resembling fists. Full definition
Many parents who use the baby led weaning method recommend cutting foods into «baton» shapes, which are easily held in little fists.
I felt like she earned it because she fought for it so hard and held it so tightly in those sweet little fists.
So I cut off the softer parts, sliced them up, and Joshie used his pudgy little fist to stuff jars for fermentation.
When she asked where I got the water from, I took her hand in my grubby little fist and led her to the bathroom where I happily pointed at the toilet.
One of the most wonderful moments is when your child is reaching up for you, and his fingers aren't curled anymore into tiny little fists.
But Jo was righteous in her belief that she was meant to pee standing up, and Karel was now taking plump little fists to the jaw every time she tried to seat Jo.
Lying on the beach you imagined yourself, no doubt, clutching test tubes in your tight little fist in the style of a B - movie; «Don't worry Mayor, we'll have an antidote to the dread alien toxin toobyornot 2B by morning.»
For us, it was always the first time the particular baby had been born, the first time he shook his pickled little fists in the air.
Their eyes widen, their shoulders tense up, their jaw clenches and they make little fists.
Her hands are in little fists, and her arms and legs are tucked closely to her body.
It's not worth the tears of that one tormented child who beat itself on the breast with its little fist and prayed in its stinking outhouse, with its unexpiated tears to «dear, kind God!»
You are a sad bully, shaking your little fists at someone who stood up for their rights.
hitting them with his little fists.
She would pull her hair out, get a wad in her little fist, and suck that thumb.
Anything that they can easily grasp in their little fist and chow down on.
By the time I was ready to sit down and nurse baby, he was red in the face and had his little fist was lodged in his mouth because he was so hungry.
If you haven't guessed it already, Alex is teething (duh), he has one little tooth at the bottom of his mouth but no matter how much he chomps on his little fist, no more teeth have made an appearance yet.
My daughter stopped crying immediately though so she must have felt something and her little fists magically opened after the treatment!
The zippered style is extra secure, with no velcro flaps to bust through and a fitted neckline to ensure a little fist can't squeeze through.
That's right — while nursing, baby will pump his or her little fists into your breast, pounding on it like it's a drum and kick her feet, repeatedly, into your torso.
A baby whose needs have all been met, but is still screaming that ear - piercing wail, with their little fists clenched, their knees drawn up to their chest and a terrible grimace on their little face.
And teach the caregiver when my baby does this, and show the ruding face, or show the little fist coming up the mouth or whatever your baby does to signal to you that she's hungry, that's the time when we feed her.
We may not be scaling the diplodocus, or touching Monet's Water - Lilies, but drinking and letting your hair down next to priceless artifacts still gives a little fist pump to the five year old you and makes for a great date night atmosphere.
With obvious hero worship, the child is stirred to half - conscious imitation, little fists and feet flying.
Against that, a little fist - shaking and name - calling may indeed be warranted at times.
Later Polya sobbed in her bed, pounding on the mattress with her little fists.
I felt like I was in control the whole time and taking down a big «cat lizard» gave me a little fist pump moment and left me with a big smile.

Phrases with «little fists»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z