Sentences with phrase «little frame rate issues»

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Other than a few frame rate issues I find very little fault with this game as it feels almost perfect, which is why I highly recommend Wind Waker HD to any Wii U owner and Zelda fan alike.
Another issue is with the frame - rate that does become a little choppy in certain places and unfortunately is quite noticeable.
One issue with the graphics is that at times the frame rate does drop a little but its nothing too major.
It's a shame they couldn't iron out the frame rate issues a little more on Wii U, it really does get quite bad in villages and I'm surprised the Switch version barely hiccups in those areas.
I'd say that given a massive patch update to fix little bugs and some frame rate issues Monster Energy Supercross has the making of quite a good game, it could have been so much better out of the box and for a game that is full price at the moment it seems a bit of a big ask for people, even die - hard fans, to part with their hard - earned cash.
Couple that with weapons having little impact when you hit a Bear, not being able ti climb over fences, clipping issues and frame - rate drops and it all adds up.
It's true that there are frame rate issues and the sprites can be a little jaggy around the edges.
However in my experience, I believe that the graphical engine of Devil's Third hinders the control mechanics because it does suffer from some frame rate issues, even though at times the graphics look a little dated.
But it ran so good with little to no slow downs or frame rate issues.
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