Sentences with phrase «little fresher»

I have that, but use so little fresh that it's not worth buying a root.
There has also been some speculation that the chemical cocktails used in conventional mattresses are a possible cause of SIDS because when babies lay on their bellies, they're breathing them in with very little fresh air.
Serve with little fresh, crisp, crostini paddles as dippers, open - face, smeared with a little roasted garlic puree, or rub with raw garlic, broiled with fresh Parmesan cheese grated over top.
We have to send 2 veg / fruit with every lunch, and as we eat a LOT of local food, there's often very little fresh fruit, and we don't buy canned or dole plastic bottles filled with fruit from China, so that leaves frozen / rethawed or a smoothie as the 2nd fruit / veg component.
So, we have a comparatively high, older population of managing brokers, aging in place and like the Dead Sea, with relatively little fresh water being added.
Tachyon Project's familiar twin - stick shooting action incorporates a few new tricks to make the genre feel little fresher, but a few missteps take its toll to make the fun dwindle quickly.
Many homeowners from the area of Little Fresh Ponds showed up to express opposition to the camp at several town board hearings and meetings, saying it could disrupt the fragile pond environment.
It's the latest chapter in a heated battle over a summer camp that Jacobs has proposed to build at Little Fresh Pond.
There will be massive nutritional differences between a probitoic popping raw foodist and a «pasta - tarian» who eats little fresh produce.
Payne and cinematographer Phedon Papamichael dress it up in black and white photography, but there's little fresh about another road movie that allows son to get to know father and maybe a little of the reverse.
The most saline open sea is the Red Sea, where high temperatures and confined circulation result in high rates of surface evaporation and there is little fresh inflow from rivers.
God Knows Where I Am probes with curiosity and concern, but it results in very little fresh insight that might allow us to feel that Linda Bishop didn't die in vain.
Chang Chen would always be «little fresh meat» in the heart of director Wong Kar Wai, with «the always boiling like water cooked fish» Zhang Jin and the «as masculine as Lao Bai Gan» Wang Qingxiang, «The Grandmaster 3D» was the ultimate feast of 3D sights and sounds.
Yet little fresh thinking about the fundamentals of special ed has taken place in the past decade, save for the indefatigable Miriam Kurtzig Freedman, whose forthcoming book, Special Education 2.0: Breaking Taboos to Build a New Education Law, will outline a new way forward.
[INSERT, 4:30 pm: Dr. Flessa said the critically endangered vaquita, the world's smallest porpoise, is suffering from both too little fresh water and too much fishing.
Fried + Fat + Food Processed and very little Fresh.
You'd be surprised how a little fresh air and circulation — and the absence of a computer — can spawn creative solutions to the day's problems.»
You just need to find a little fresh perspective.
If you're lucky enough to live in a place with gorgeous outdoor spaces, take advantage of the scenery and invite your date for a little fresh air and exercise.
I created my own «pumpkin pie» porridge last autumn which was pretty similar to this one (though mine had ground cloves and no ginger) but always found that the hearty porridge base was lacking something a little fresh and juicy.
It's extracted from birch trees and has a very low glycemic index, much lower than even agave or coconut palm sugar, and it tastes similar (if a little fresher) than sugar.
I also add matcha and cinnamon, and a little fresh ginger and turmeric if I have it.
I also like to sprinkle with a little fresh parsley for freshness and to add a pop of color, but that's optional.
Season with a little fresh black pepper.
Add a little fresh ginger if you are a little under the weather.
Bring a little fresh into your winter with this gorgeous and zingy salad from our Great Barrington store Dinner Specialist Rachel Oberg.
I love my roasted roots too but even in the winter sometimes I feel like something a little fresher and don't want to turn on the oven.
I topped it with some fresh - grated parmesan cheese and a little fresh - ground pepper.
Next, add a little fresh fruit and a hefty sprinkle of your paleo granola to finish them off and they're as beautiful as they are delicious.
Oh and let's not forget a little fresh basil!
My cheesy chili mac is based on the recipe from the book, but I took some liberties to make it little fresher and more colorful.
That glaze is still a little fresh, but once it sets it pretty much turns into a ganache.
Everyone has highs and lows in healthy living; sometimes you just need a little fresh fuel for the flame.
If too salty, add a little fresh lime or lemon juice.
Top with the third polenta circle, and shave a little fresh truffle over the top.
Made it pretty much as written, and added in a little fresh basil as I had some leftover from another dish.
To to make this dish even more intresting I added a little fresh mint to the cottage cheese.
If desired, squeeze a little fresh lime juice over the top and sprinkle with scallions or cilantro.
Added some blue cheese, lemon juice, vinegar and a little fresh garlic.
Juice up some sprouts and mix with a little fresh fruit juice and you've made a healthy and delicious drink to sip each morning instead of the usual sweet stimulant.
If you're craving cheese, a little fresh goat cheese or grated Fontina is a nice companion.
Season with salt and pepper, and a little fresh parmesan cheese.
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