Sentences with phrase «little future»

A pleasing talent to be sure, but a marginal one, with little future in it.
Stock prices would shoot up, and would offer little future returns to holders.
Stock prices would shoot up, and would offer little future returns to holders.
Many of the stocks found in this trading arena are legitimate investments but some are the failing stocks of companies with little future.
Galvin can expect to settle out of court and pocket a third of the settlement - enough to drink on for what little future he is likely to enjoy.
I am convinced that liberal Christianity has little future unless it can articulate its stance to itself in such a way as to differentiate itself from the activist, mystical.
With so little future development necessary, adoption is the biggest factor that will determine Nano's future value.
Projections of relative rather than absolute sea surface temperature changes suggest little future change in hurricane destructiveness.
One can almost sense on the screen the influence of childhood classrooms in a Roman Catholic school (where Scorsese was educated) or in a Dutch Calvinist Sunday school (Schrader's Reformed tradition) in which well - intentioned teachers instilled in two little future filmmakers the idea that Jesus resisted temptation because he was God — so if you don't want to spend eternity in hell, you had better follow Jesus.
The long - term deal for Arrieta makes sense for Philadelphia since they have so little future payroll otherwise committed.
I have been busy little future bride, less than 5 months now AHHH can not believe it.
No longer isolated «shop» classes for students showing little future promise, CTE coursework is now strategic and sequenced.
Look at all those cute little future veterinarians!
I'm drawing down in the programs I see little future value in, selling those I can, and starting to collect those which I think will have the most value for me in the future.
So, unless the medium range forecasting ability improves dramatically in the next few years, I foresee little future for publicly - funded climate services.
Once the lawyer retires, there likely will be little future business.
So if convicting these young people will not only blight what little future they have with a criminal record — especially at a time of growing unemployment - it will also increase the chances of their younger brothers and sisters going into crime.
I am convinced that liberal Christianity has little future unless it can articulate its stance to itself in such a way as to differentiate itself from the activist, mystical, and psychological movements toward which it gravitates from time to time.»
One school of prophets continually warns us that the small church has little future.
To list all the besetting circumstances around the denominations is to describe institutions that seem to have little future.
You deserve it and thanks for raising a little future voter who will care about politics and her country and who will grow up knowing that she can make a difference.
If you didn't enroll your little future president by the time she was 2, you'd most likely not get in.
For all the little future fishers in the world, Best Bottom has created Here Fishy, Fishy, a limited edition print for Best Bottom Cotton and BIGGER Best Bottom Cotton.
Breast tenderness, or rather extra breast tenderness can indicate another little future cutie patootie growing inside of her!
My little future architect enjoys building with the All - in - One House, a stacking toy.
Their little future actor, actress, Broadway star, or just a personality with lots of sass and class deserves to have a...
You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.
My little future nephew (due Feb 1st) is going to look so stinking cute in one of these.
Melody also permits herself affairs with a few of the deliverymen who have become regular visitors to her loft, but she spends most her days alone, enjoying the trappings of wealth as she ponders what little future she has left.
You are fascinated by the study of early childhood development, and you are interested in supporting even the littlest future leaders in their personal and academic journeys.
Little by little her future is changing as she weighs the new possibilities.
And DOCSIS 3.0 is the bare minimum you should buy at this point — DOCSIS 3.1 would be even better and give you a little future proofing.)
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