Sentences with phrase «little guidance on»

«There's very little guidance on this issue right now, which makes it hard for you to decide what to do,» said Beth Wanless, senior director of government affairs at the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), during a property management forum Thursday at the REALTORS ® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, D.C.
Because the NLRB gave little guidance on what is a proper policy, you may have to work with an employment attorney in shaping the best policy for your business.
Real estate agents are being encouraged by marketing experts to start a blog, but when it comes to practical advice on writing it, there's little guidance on what to include and what form your blog should take.
But the theory offers little guidance on how to recognize and address attachment issues underlying other problems.
The need to incorporate consideration of different structural factors into programme design is gaining support, yet there is still little guidance on systematic evidence - based approaches to employ in practice.
In this article, we provide a little guidance on identifying and integrating the right keywords to score well in the digital world.
The common law and ethical rules already give the client an edge over the fiduciary lawyer in terms of control, but they provide little guidance on the mechanics of the relationship or on setting fees.
For show - goers looking to get a little guidance on the whole Twitter phenomenon, the panel «What Is Twitter and How Can I Use It?
Giacalone agrees with the outcome, but points out that the decision provides little guidance on what logos are permissible.
But the website itself offers little guidance on what this measure actually means — if it means anything at all.
Many times, Erina is given little guidance on where to go, save for a map marker that hints to some far off objective but no path to reach that goal.
Most Wanted's reliance on open world freedom ultimately proved to be its undoing — with no concrete objectives outside of taking down the ten most wanted racers and no narrative hook to reel you in, you often felt lost on a whim, with little guidance on how to progress.
While it's definitely a different approach to a stale attack list and character level progression, I found it to be a little confusing and confronting at times, having little guidance on which Words to assign to each character in my crew.
For those of you who need a little guidance on what to do and when to do it, this guide should steer you in the right direction.
I followed one of the links and it confirmed what I've long heard — that the IRS has given very little guidance on this.
While that sentiment certainly captures the essence of the issue, it provides little guidance on the practical implications of the role diversification plays in an investor's portfolio and offers no insight into how a diversified portfolio is actually created.
And even a pantser can use a little guidance on where to go next — Jami Gold on thinking in concepts rather than details.
The report found that NCLB's test - driven mandates provided little guidance on how to improve.
And while standards in social studies and science were more specific, teachers got little guidance on classroom practice.
That's why, regardless of our age, wisdom, and experience, all of us can benefit from a little guidance on how to instill the attitudes and thought patterns to help our kids get more out of life.
In contrast, external standardized tests provide teachers with little guidance on how to improve student learning when they simply receive numerical scores on secret tests months after the students have left school.
Teachers need more than to be handed laptops or tablets with little guidance on how to incorporate them in lessons, she says.
In the context of this work, it soon became apparent that the research base on content - focused instructional coaching was thin and provided little guidance on the types of activities in which coaches might engage teachers to support them in developing ambitious and equitable instructional practices.
The Singapore Math manuals were another problem: they provided very little guidance on how to teach a particular lesson — because they are written for teachers who, for the most part, have a deeper understanding of mathematics than most U.S. teachers do.
One study reported, «The NCLB law does not specify any additional actions for schools that remain in the implementation phase of restructuring for more than one year, and [the Department] has offered little guidance on what to do about persistently struggling schools.»
With little guidance on first aid provision for other educational institutions, the onus is on schools» governing bodies or leadership teams to ensure they are well equipped to handle medical and accidental emergencies.
These first date questions can give you a little guidance on how best to do that.
Most plans toss around the word «cross-training» but provide little guidance on what that is, or what you should do, or how it supports your running.
Even as current research demonstrates that hospitalized patients» exposure to opioids has contributed to the nationwide addiction epidemic, there is little guidance on the safe prescribing of these pain killers in the inpatient, non-operative setting.
«These guidelines provide recommendations for monitoring patients with chronic pain on long - term opioid therapy, such as frequent visits and urine drug screening, but provide little guidance on how to actually address concerning behaviors.»
After combing through the library and the Internet, I found little guidance on how to establish your first laboratory, and that is why I wanted to contribute to this series and share my recent experiences: The challenge of transferring a new and empty laboratory into an efficient working environment!
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio released a preliminary budget that contained few new projects and offered little guidance on how the city would deal with possible cuts from Washington.
This year's report offers little guidance on how to interpret the information in the report other than a few footnotes and a set of unidentified appendices.
But while it is easy for academics and other observers to demand that armed forces should «reach out» to insurgents, there is precious little guidance on the practicalities of initiating a meaningful conversation with the people determined to bomb the foreigners out of their homeland.
Need a little guidance on how to start feeding your baby solid foods?
Just seeking some extra information and resources and a little guidance on the process and timing of preparation;
Medical professionals for so long had little guidance on how to approach that moment when milk comes in as a mother mourns her stillborn, or the pain in continuing to pump when there's no longer a baby to feed.
Though there is a growing awareness of the need for a genuinely Catholic curriculum, there is still little guidance on how to implement such a curriculum.
They turned out to be a rehash of previously established sales intelligence and offered little guidance on how to humanize their brand, as well as content.
For B2B organizations, this is a tough transition for buried deep into the DNA of their own corporate cultures is the emphasis on pushing outwardly product and sales messaging thus they have little guidance on how to turn B2B buying into a social experience.

Not exact matches

Google sought guidance from the FEC concerning the requirements for disclaimers on certain ads in 2010, and received a response that provided little guidance in relation to whether and how to apply disclaimers to future political ads.
«But all it takes is a couple of dedicated teachers with a little support and guidance to run important research programs that can produce winners in this competition and more importantly kids who are going to go on to become scientists and change the world.»
But he apparently needed a little guidance to keep him on track and help him through what was, in all fairness, a wrenching, emotional session.
There are several ways you can handle this; I'll list them in order from most accurate to least accurate (but note that this is just my personal view and there is ongoing disagreement on this issue with little / no authoritative guidance).
Up until that point, little (and often confusing) guidance had existed for Islamic investors on whether gold could be purchased and owned as an investment, which meant that investors largely stayed away from the gold market altogether.
That said, I despair that every single one of the candidates for the most powerful position on the planet is evidently willing to seek guidance from the little voices in their heads as if they were real.
The Law society, in other words, has given «guidance» to its members as to how to draft wills in a way which circumvents English legal principles as they have always been accepted: and it envisages that this might even mean taking on the English law in court to see if their wily little legal tricks have been successful: a perfect example of an attempt to make the letter of the law prevail over its spirit: Christians will remember that, according to St Paul (2 Corinthians 3:6), «the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life».
The reason there's so little guidance in the New Testament about how to build a church (and the reason church builders today have to rely on business and sociological principles) is that God intended the church to be a one generation phenomenon.
In regard to the comment about how Herd Evans provides little guidance in this critique, I would encourage readers not to seek step - by - step guidelines for what to do next but to exegete the situation on their own by engaging the tension through ongoing dialogue with millennials (or anyone who has become jaded with church).
(In the meantime, if you need a little extra brown rice cooking guidance, here is a great blog post from Pinch My Salt for How to Make Perfect Brown Rice on the stove.)
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