Sentences with phrase «little hiccups»

We were hoping to be finished with the rehab by today, but — of course — there are always the little hiccups at the end of the project.
Parenting is for the long haul and it's good to remember and recognize that little hiccups along the way are normal for any family.
The experience can vary a bit, though, as even games like Asphalt 8 ran with little hiccups.
And these little hiccups don't come anywhere close to affecting it.
That the order called for M - 16s is only the first of the little hiccups that turn the whole deal into a shitshow.
The Switch version of Battle Chasers Nightwar is a 1:1 port of the other console versions updated to the last patch available, with slightly longer load times and little hiccups on the frame - rate.
Fluctuating hormones can cause vaginal dryness and trouble maintaining an erection, but with Viagra and new lubricants on the market today, we can deal with these little hiccups and have fun in the process.
-LCB- maternity style — outfit details -RCB- UO Dress / / Sandals via Marshalls — old (similar here) / / Wrenn Jewelry Bangles I distinctly remember those little hiccups...
Shop update: for those of you asking, yes new arrivals are on their way to sieboutique I've had a few little hiccups with the shop so I've been working trying to get everything under control which is why I haven't been promoting the site as much as I would like to be.
Their little hiccups in the womb might radiate through your tummy, meaning you feel all their little burbs and shudders!
Parenting is for the long haul and it's good to remember and recognize that little hiccups along the way are normal for any family.
It took Mattie a few minutes to to wind down, after all, her diaper was still bothering her bottom and she was still hungry and tired, but Daddy just cuddled her close and rocked and rocked, singing Mattie's favorite song softly, so softly, until her body relaxed and her sobs turned into funny little hiccups that made her giggle.
Awww I loved your video, especially Sebby's little hiccups, so cute!
If there's a little sickness or a little hiccup, I've been through it once already, so I know it's going to be OK.
Everytime there's been a little hiccup and he awakes too early, very calmly we've sat with him, held his hands, and let him drift off naturally.
One little hiccup can cause huge damage.
Lisa truly made me feel safe, even though we had a little hiccup during birth, she handled it wonderfully and did what she had to do to bring my son earth side safely.
I don't know about you, but my feeling is that Charlie isn't just our family dog, he is truly a member of our family and to go through this little hiccup during the holiday season has been stressful on all of us.
If not, perhaps there's been a little hiccup.
There might have been one little hiccup when we were draining the potatoes and half of them ended up down the drain.
Gilliam tells Rolling Stone he's planning on returning to Don Quixote, «but plans have nothing to do with reality... I really can't say anything at the moment, because there's been a little hiccup — once again.
A little hiccup at first, but they went out of their way to make it right.
With just a little hiccup to the right we were instantly back on course.
This is patently absurd — sure, a decline in the gold price might cause a little hiccup, but what's the impact on the medium / long - term outlook?
Even though Little Hiccup hasn't quite made their millions and retired in their 20s, the devs still have plans to expand the market.
Controller lag was pretty much non-existent and the only thing I noticed was a little hiccup here and there when action got super thick on screen but it didn't impact gameplay.

Not exact matches

By using the support of those who care about you most, you can put all the little entrepreneurial hiccups in perspective and more easily stay grounded.
Because of this «bit of a hiccup» in cash flow, «we needed a little shot in the arm.»
We have learned from our hiccups and we have matured a little bit.
There are some more severe cases of hiccups like chronic hiccups, persistent hiccups, and intractable hiccups which are likely not the case for your little one, as they are very rare.
Having a bottle that can tell you if you are holding it at the right angle is beneficial if you just can't quite get it right and want a little insurance that baby's hiccups will peter out.
They dream of the loving partner giving nightly back rubs, the beaming little old ladies passing by on the street, and uninterrupted minutes of enjoying every kick and hiccup.
Little Remedies ® Gripe Water is an herbal supplement containing ginger and fennel seed extract both of which may help calm your baby's tummy as well as helping relieve hiccups.
You may add Little Remedies ® Gripe Water to the mix as well if they have hiccups and / or seem to be irritable at times.
Your little one can now make faces, swallow, suck her thumb, hiccup, and pedal her hands and feet inside your womb.
Although you can not feel the movements yet, you will in time be able to recognize each time your little one rolls over, kicks or even hiccups.
They were definately not hiccups they are just jerky movements that he does now that he is born and it is just his muscles having a little spasm getting used to moving, totally normal considering the amount of posts on this page so really no need to worry like me!
I am a second time Mom who thought that a little water is fine, a little sugar water to encourage eating or to cure hiccups (I did that with my first).
Just remember that it's just a hiccup and your little one will be back to sleeping like a pro soon enough.
Often, your little one can start to hiccup almost after every feed.
Also, a pair of sips of warm water or a weak chamomile infusion can quickly help to stop hiccups in your little one.
There's nothing expensive or much to buy if your little peanut is acting up with those hiccups of his.
We had the occasional hiccup due to growth spurts, teething, etc., but he always got back on an all night schedule with little intervention from us.
Mom may feel a sudden kick from baby, or she may feel something that is a little different — a hiccup.
Most hiccups are caused by overfeeding, reflux, or belly distention, so most of the solutions are related to slightly changing how you feed your little one.
Every little kick and hiccup I felt as she got bigger in my belly let me know I was getting closer to meeting the little person I grew to love and no matter what I «wasn't» prepared for I am prepared to love her for the rest of her life.
In fact, hiccup fits can happen before your little one is even born.
Baby hiccups in the womb feel like little rhythmic movements, and in the beginning they may be hard to distinguish from your baby's kicks.
JEN GRAHAM: Yeah, I mean, because you know, when we have hiccups, we feel uncomfortable but baby just really, their little systems are just not completely developed yet, so they turn to get hiccups a lot, and it doesn't really affect them at all.
I chose Gripe Water because it was a natural product that is safe and effective for little ones while helping manage the symptoms of stomach discomfort associated with gas, colic, hiccups and teething.
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