Sentences with phrase «little highlighter»

The phrase "little highlighter" refers to a small, brightly colored marker pen used to emphasize or mark important information. Full definition
Adding a little highlighter to your cheeks or brow bones is not a n...
If you are using other eye shadows for your eye makeup, you can pop in a little highlighter to the center of the lid to make you eye's pop and look brighter.
To make your eyes look ever brighter, apply a little highlighter to the inner corners of your eye (a little being the key word here).
This little highlighter and blush duo had been catching my eye for some time.
Since I am not a person who goes out in the sun (well not anymore) I don't have a natural glow, so I always need to add a little highlighter to my face!
As far as makeup, a little highlighter goes a long way!
Add a few dabs of concealer to your under - eye area and anywhere else that may need it, as well as a little highlighter to the high points of your cheekbones, bridge of your nose, brow bones, corners of your eyes, and Cupid's bow and you're good to go!
Once you've applied your foundation, it is highly likely that you'll want a little highlighter under the eyes to doubly make sure those dark circles are long gone.
Matte blushes can easily look a little too matte, so a little highlighter is a good idea.
Siriano said he wanted the look to be» Like the girl left the beach, but she had a cocktail party to go to, and threw on a dress, a bright lip, and a little highlighter.
For an extra bright bonus, lightly dust a little highlighter on the center of your eye lid!
Unfortunately, they're not highlighted Microsoft Word's way, so you can't just select the text, drop - down the little Highlighter tool in the Font section of the Home tab, and choose No Color to delete the highlighting.
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