Sentences with phrase «little hug and a kiss»

Sometimes they need to find a new position to lie in, sometimes they may need a little hug and a kiss.

Not exact matches

When I was little and he'd come over to our house... he'd give me a big bear - hug, then a kiss on the cheek (leaving it pink from the prickle of his whiskers)... and then... he'd head into the kitchen to make up some of his famous chili for dinner.
and it's so nice to have this little vibrant gem up my sleeve whenever she has a little bit of a sweet tooth after dinner ~ I spend 5 minutes in the kitchen and in return I get oodles and oodles of hugs and kisses and «you're - the - best - mommy - ever» endless sayings — this is Pure Love!!!
just taking in all of those little details, like the excited look in your child's eyes, the unexpected kisses hugs and «I love you «s.
It honestly makes my day when he gives me all those sweet kisses and hugs, and tells me «Momma thank you so much,» for the little things like getting him a cookie or taking him to the pumpkin patch.
As much as you want to hug and kiss your baby all day long, there comes a time when you need to set your little one down.
I also love the hugs and kisses every morning, when he's warm and vulnerable like a little puppy.
After the little people are hugged, kissed and lullabyed, I slip out (with fingers crossed) and Dan thanks me for wrapping up their day with Mama - love and some good somnambulant kid - lit.
Make the experience as enjoyable for your baby as possible — hugging, caressing, and kissing your little one, and stopping to comfort whenever he or she gets upset or frustrated.
And, with each passing day, that part of my heart that has been broken is mended... one little hug / kiss / laugh / cry at a time.
I give my daughters lots of hugs and kisses and they are very affectionate and independent, similar to your little girl.
First she cried a little more and louder, but then within about 30 seconds, she crawled into my lap, gave me a huge hug and a teary eyed kiss.
Your little one likes to be snuggled, cuddled, hugged, and kissed.
Showering their little ones with hugs and kisses comes naturally.
Your little one needs to trust that you won't disappear on her, so make a point of kissing and hugging her good - bye.
After you step on the gas extend your legs and slide that little one in for a kiss and hug.
A hug from Little Sissy and kiss on the forehead from Little Bro on my actual birthday is priceless to me.
My day started with hugs and kisses from my girls and little handmade cards.
It was a Tuesday, I woke up to hugs and kisses from my little ones, love and well wishes from family and friends, my co-workers showered me with a cake, balloons, and birthday cards.
Surround your little one with the lavish hugs and kisses of the NoJo XOXO Bedding Collection.
The day is a total hodge podge of craziness and at a moments notice, I drop everything I'm doing to spend five minutes getting hugs and kisses from the little ones.
So every night before you go to bed, hug your partner and give them a little kiss, as it will make you appreciate each other so much more.
At the end of the night, especially on your first date, give her a hug and maybe a little kiss on the lips and that's it.
Dating tip: A small little hug, and dare I say, a kiss on the cheek won't give you cooties.
«Awww, what a sweet heart!!!! Who cant fall in love with that sweet little face.I hope each and every one of yous get your forever home soon.Lots of big hugs and kisses!!!!!»
«There all so cute!!!! Such cute little faces and gorgeous eyes.I hope they all find there forever homes.Lots of big hugs and kisses!!!»
Now he has more beds than he can choose from, little sweaters to protect him from the elements, a 5 star menu, and more hugs, belly rubs, and kisses than most dogs get in a lifetime.
She loved food like she loved her walks, sniffing and doing what dogs do best, she loved us and upon arriving home from work she would be at the front door with her little tail wagging waiting for those hugs and kisses, not to forget who was going to feed her.
But to my surprise someone came along and when we are intimate whether it be hugging, kissing, holding hands, or sex... I always feel little to no pain the day of or the day after.
Sometimes when his father gets on time to eat with us things flow easier because JP is deeply conected with him, and even when I feel I am connecting better with him now, he comes to my arms to receive a hug and a kiss, he is finishing homework on time, his answering back less, he is WANTING to cooperate a little more, he is not DEAF MOM anymore, but at this time of the day I don't know what to do!!!!!!! Please help meeeee!!!
Feed hungry babies, wipe up spills, exercise patience, calm squabbles, clean, cook, organize, get the laundry washed and put away, doctor's appointments, school activities, baseball, football, soccer games, plan celebrations and holidays, decorate for parties and seasons, bake cookies for school events, buy and wrap presents, hugs, kisses, storytime, grocery shop, clothes shop, fix boo - boo's and owies, bring encouragement, pray, comfort hearts and wipe tears, make happy memories, play games together, care for them when they get sick in the middle of the night, change diapers, bathe the little ones so they're fresh, clean and smelling sweet, tuck them into bed with prayers at night, get out the door to go to church with hair combed and shoes on, tell them you love them to the moon and back, sit, listen and look into their eyes and savor their sweetness... and a million other things!
You're constantly reminded of how loved and special you are to that little person when only your kiss can heal a boo - boo or turn the bad into good just by a simple gesture like a hug or snuggle.
His little face makes you just want to Hug and kiss him to pieces.
I love little surprises - texting hugs and kisses, a note left in the tp roll (it's just the two of us, so that's safe!)
Now when I wear my «don't quit your daydream» shirt, I think of our little baby somewhere on the face of this Earth and pray that God provides her with safe arms to hold her, kisses and hugs, love until my husband and I can safely bring her home.
I want to get a lot of things done this year but I also want to be able to trust that even if I'm in the middle of a project and a certain little girl that I know comes up to me and wants me to hug her or kiss her or read her story that I'll be able to stop and know what's really important in life.
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