Sentences with phrase «little incoming revenue»

2003 — This was an extremely difficult year with major outgoing in expenses and very little incoming revenue.

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They can add a tidy sum of revenue for little investment for the company, which generates the bulk of income from selling telecoms network equipment to operators like Vodafone and T - Mobile.
In a little noticed comment, Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently was reported to say: â $ œDropping our tax rate has not caused the governmentâ $ ™ s corporate income tax revenues to fall, which indicates that it does in fact attract business.â $ No one seems to have questioned his statement, even though it was made on the same day -LSB-...]
However, it is believed by having little involvement with these revenue streams, you are sacrificing the potential to earn a much higher income.
And I do find it hard to take budget cutters seriously when they refuse to consider raising revenues, since when my household budget comes under strain I always try both to cut back on spending and to find a little more income.
Similar legislation in other states has led to job and income losses, and little, if any, new tax revenue.
In poor communities or communities which have many voters living on fixed incomes, there is precious little room to respond to budget requests within the framework of projected tax revenue.
Colorado received a little national attention for last night's monumental rejection of Proposition 103, a statewide sales and income tax increase sold as a revenue generator for K - 12, preschool and higher education.
You don't have to try to replace your primary income with side income, but it doesn't hurt to build a little extra revenue each month.
Passive income can be thought of as money you earn passively, meaning that it only requires a little bit of effort on your part to earn that revenue.
But it seemed possible that the party's stated goal of bringing the U.S. corporate income tax in line with other countries» revenue schemes could have pushed them to adopt a carbon tax had things gone a little differently.
Shai Agassi's Better Place was at one time considered to be a promising electric car company, because instead of building a better electric vehicle, it focused on delivering a cheaper EV, with little to no profits on the car itself but an income model that depended on recurring revenue from charging stations and battery swapping infrastructure.
«The government is trailing people a little bit in the sense that... in order to provide public goods like sanitation, like water... what you need is for the state to be organized, to be able to transform this increase in incomes into an increase in state revenues, which can then be used to provide these kinds of public goods.»
They could be left with little or no income in retirement, and significant liabilities to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs («HMRC») which may not be readily available.
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