Sentences with phrase «little knowledge of the world»

Would you want to look like a dumb * as with little knowledge of the world?
The gospel is an ancient book initially developed by frightened bronze age tribesmen with little knowledge of the world.
«They couldn't look at a passage and understand it,» Luedke said, describing a lack of «connection to what they're reading», insufficient vocabulary, and little knowledge of the world.

Not exact matches

«Many world - class performers have little formal education, and have amassed their wealth through the acquisition and subsequent sale of specific knowledge,» Siebold writes.
So many wise sources of knowledge in the world, so little time!
History has shown that religion is not healthy for children, the planet, freedom, innocent civilians, people of other religions, little boys who trust priests, justice for the poor, education, knowledge of the world around us, social health, the arts...
Modern humanity has become expert in its knowledge of the scientific, exterior forces in the world — electricity, gravity or nuclear force — but we know little about the existential forces of the inner world — love, hate, hope, fear, doubt and faith.
How then can you believe a book that is so patently foolish and so obviously a product of bronze age folk with little or no knowledge of the world and so full of inconsistencies and laughably foolish scenarios and notably misogynistic and brutal and racist and intolerant stories?
If you are educated and living in the 21st century, how then can you believe a book that is so patently foolish and so obviously a product of bronze age folk with little or no knowledge of the world and so full of inconsistencies and laughably foolish scenarios and notably misogynistic and brutal and racist and intolerant stories?
De Bary also points out how John Erskine, one of the pioneers of the new program at Columbia, though he had little knowledge of Asian cultures, felt that a core curriculum based only on Western classics was inadequate for the global world in which we live.
As our knowledge of nuclear power, for example, increased and we built more and more nuclear power plants, we discovered how little we really knew about the new world of technology we ushered ourselves into, with risks previously unknown and unanticipated.
Basically that line of thought is hitting the truth, opinions are not FACTS and the world would be better if people with little knowledge about a subject learns to keep their opinions to themselves.
A little baby has no knowledge of the world and also no sense of time, so there's really no way a baby that small can understand that you're in the other room but are still in the world.
The model of hospital administration in this publication actually has lots of semblance with contemporary models in the US, UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia and Canada where there is a board of directors / governors with a Chairman (does not have to be a Medical Doctor), a CEO / President / Hospital administrator (does not have to be a Medical Doctor) and a CMD / MD / CMO / Executive director medical services etc (Is ALWAYS a Medical Doctor — different names but similar portfolio — In Nigeria we always look up to these countries for direction with respect to global best practices so I do not understand what the commentator code - named afam6nr means by «Obviously, this writer has not attended any Business School Training and has no knowledge of Business Administration» — My advice to afam6nr is to do a little study of the different heath system of the world (specifically regarding corporate governance, organisation and administration of tertiary hospitals) and after this little research come back and comment on his findings!
Researchers in academia, who generally have little knowledge of how the private sector works, can find themselves unprepared to handle the conflicts that naturally arise between the two worlds.
Although this is an especially rich, detailed and well researched fossil record, we currently have little knowledge of how representative these patterns are for the rest of the world.
Just like essential oils, they have their own unique benefits and with a little knowledge, you can ensure you are getting the best of both worlds.
All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little... as compared to the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capacity of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
I'm Stephanie Rondeau MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, and this blog is my little space for sharing my thoughts, knowledge and experience in the world of nutrition and strength training.
As a young guy who has just stepped into the world of cougar dating in NYC, you may have little to no knowledge about cougars and what they really want.
I suppose it was because it would show me a world I had little knowledge of and therefore would be able to offer a fresh, objective perspective on.
Yet even with all our knowledge about global changes, many U.S. schools have changed little while the world participates in the rising Age of Smart Machines.
Education World asked members of its Tech Team, many of whom are high school teachers themselves, what's really happening in high school technology — and what could be happening with a little knowledge and planning.
They came back with all parts of the plant, showing me how little knowledge they had of the parts of a plant when exposed to the choice of the outside world.
I worked with several recent graduates of ID degree programs and usually found that they learned a lot of theory but had little knowledge of business needs and no experience applying the theory to real - world business situations.
Popović had made headlines around the world in 2011, after he and a colleague helped two graduate students design Foldit, an online, crowd - sourced game that challenged players, most of whom had little to no biomedical knowledge and most of whom played the online game across great distances, to learn about the shapes of proteins and compete to fold them into the most efficient shapes.
But the education reformers, who have a lot of money but little knowledge of the real world of education, don't want to provide that funding.
Whatever the reason, the world was about to become seriously out of sync for a little while and that knowledge, shared among the two and a half million or more individuals who lived within the boundaries of the Comune di Roma, was both scary and tantalizing.
The author Michael Luftman has just recently published his first book and has little knowledge of how to go about promoting it in this digital world.
As Lindsey learned more and more about training little dogs, she wanted to share her knowledge and tips with the world... her blog was born and now readers can benefit from all of the great information that is available.
With little knowledge in the world of Vodka, the hostess / bartender that escorted us in suggested a few bottles to try, including my favorite, the award - winning Crystal Head Vodka, partially owned by Canada's own Dan Akyroyd.
Lucky stop it... there's little value in paying $ 150 for those jal miles, and most people don't have good knowledge of the miles world to even be able to take advantage of the jal transfer....
Little behind the scenes knowledge of how something came to be in that world.
If you are a fan of the series it will definitely be more enjoyable just due to knowledge of the setting but for a newcomer just wanting to play the game it's likely to be a little obtuse as so little of the game and its world is explained to you.
Although another entry in the Monster Hunter series, World is easily accessible to new players, who have little to no knowledge of the previous games in the series.
Since the early 20th - century, the terms Outsider Art and Art Brut have encouraged a problematic distinction between mainstream art and that created by artists with little or no knowledge of the wider art world.
Given the collective paleoclimatological evidence from the Paleogene, and a little knowledge of nonlinear dynamical systems, it seems strange to think that anyone who understands these matters would think their heuristics and experience would continue to apply in a world which is no longer as stable as it once was.
This little bit of wisdom may still apply today since you can search the world's knowledge whenever you want to and you don't really have to understand it.
I'm Stephanie Rondeau MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, and this blog is my little space for sharing my thoughts, knowledge and experience in the world of nutrition and strength training.
Writing about student & graduate job search, a little bit on entrepreneurship and sharing a world of knowledge that helps increase the value of YOU at work.
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