Sentences with phrase «little lazy»

That's why turntables — a.k.a. little lazy susans — or steps are a worthwhile investment.
They're hungrier, compared to the more experienced people that can be a little lazier
The most productive people are a little lazy.
s a risk when you become a serial entrepreneur of getting a little lazy because people — retailers as well as investors — trust you and your track record.
I think there's a risk when you become a serial entrepreneur of getting a little lazy because people — retailers as well as investors — trust you and your track record.
«She came to me and said, «Come - on dude,» I was feeling a little lazy at the time,» he laughs.
I would think everything was gravy, so I sat back and got a little lazy.
If you are pressed for time (or feeling a little lazy, we all are sometimes, let's be honest) you can use a sauce from a jar or a blended sauce.
I always keep one in the fridge for when I'm in a big hurry (or feeling a little lazy!)
I confess I was a little lazy with the chipotle ketchup.
However I must admit that I have become a little lazy, cooking my winter squashes whole and scooping out the flesh after they are soft, it is much easier.
I just want to say that if sometimes you're a little lazy like me, these taste wonderful with a batch of Krusteaz Pumpkin Spice Quick Bread pancake batter in place of making the pancake batter from scratch.
I'm also a little lazy, so if there's a way to cut a couple of corners without sacrificing the end result, I'm all about it!
We got a little lazy in past couple of days which resulted in a delay to publish this heartwarming recipe of broccoli soup.
If you are feeling a little lazy (or are just out of chocolate chips) the cookies are fantastic if you skip the dipping step.
This recipe is another potential one - pan recipe that utilizes your oven, so it's great for the colder months when you're feeling a little lazy and cold, but want some great food.
Also, since I can get a little lazy about meal planning (you'd think a food blogger wouldn't order in so much), the 2 - pound challenge forces me to plan a full day of fresh, seasonal, veggie - rich meals.
I was a little lazy and used garlic salt instead of crushed garlic and I also usedtwo eggs intead of flaxas i made dinner unle the mixture.
They are so easy to make that the kids have taken it upon themselves to start breakfast when my husband and I are feeling a little lazy or we're sitting in our reclining chairs outside, recuperating from a run (and trying our best not to fall into a late morning slumber).
I'm a little lazy in the kitchen these days so roasting is my prep of choice,
Whenever I get a little lazy to make breakfast or if I know I am going to have a hectic week ahead of me.
I've been a little lazy lately in the kitchen as well.
He could eat it seven days of the week and every time I feel a little lazy to cook something for us he says, «I'll make a Greek salad!»
Guacacmole would be nice too, but I was feeling a little lazy for that.
And a little lazy.
I got a little lazy with the homemade sprinkles?
I also oven roasted the cauliflower because, well, I'm a little lazy.
You could of course roast the vegetables before pureeing them into a soup but I was feeling a little lazy (exhausted on New Year's Day) and opted for a one saucepan affair.
Thought sanchez was a little lazier than usual today but I'm sure they are all fatigued.
«You find some women who might be a little lazy and don't want to work, and they're cute and have an opportunity to be with some of these players.
Instead, Clowney got a little lazy with his hands at the end of the rush and he drifted upfield enough that Cook was able to shake off his arm tackle attempt.
The CEO can't know even a small percentage of the people, and so someone probably saw that remote workers were much more likely to be unproductive... you can imagine how awesome that opportunity would be for someone who was just a little lazy.
I wasn't sure exactly how this fabric would work, and given that I have YARDS of it, I was a little lazy in my sewing - basically the trace of a skirt - front and back - and a simple waistband with a rolled hem at the bottom.
By reducing the movement of the baby you might make your child gradually a little lazy and dull.
It's easy to get a little lazy about how often we change babies when a single diaper will soak up 2 to 3 pees, but the healthy thing to do is change every time they go.
It's easy for them to develop a few bad habits when hanging out with their peers or they may get a little lazy from time to time.
(Mostly my nipples were the issue, and he was a little lazy) but now I'm starting to try without the shield, I feel he will benefit from feeding without it and it would be much easier to go without as well.
That's because when you're always running at the same pace, your body gets a little lazy.
It is common to feel a little lazy or lacklustre in winter, but according to clinical psychologist Dr James Courtney from the Australian Psychological Society (APS), SAD is beyond feeling a little blue.
I didn't do the spinach as I was feeling a little lazy about it and didn't have scallions so I used sweet onions and roasted them with the mushrooms.
I always keep some sugar free electrolytes nearby for times that I feeling off particularly if I've been a little lazy in my food preparation.
However I got a little lazy 20 minutes into the second class and ended up bailing.
Sometimes when I am over exhausted, and feeling a little lazy, instead of proper meals I end up just nibbling on whatever is hanging around when I am hungry.
I was a little lazy back then and never tried it, as we just kept going back to that restaurant to have the tea.
I went through a period of over-indulgence (ate too much sugar and too many grains) about 2 months ago and became a little lazy about taking my vitamins.
Everyone will eventually stall, get a little lazy and slow down at times.
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